>BB gets new character and version confirmed
>GG gets nothing
So Arcsys is just letting their main franchise die?
BB gets new character and version confirmed
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Rev 2 just came out a few months ago. Calm your bait.
Its like you haven't even read the multiple Ishiwatari interviews where he makes it clear he's not finished, and essentially confirms roboky is coming in the future.
I'm sure at this point Blazblue is the main one even if it's a spiritual successor to GG
>Few months ago
>Baiken is shit
too old already
Rev 2 just came out you sperg.
He already confirmed the next one is robo ky.
I also wish they would update the gane again with new nerfs to johnny and sin to make then tolerable.
We need Kliff. I don't care that he's dead, there's no one like him in the game.
Game couldn't even get main stage at EVO despite being newer than BB, get fucked Goobers
Is there really going to be another version of BB? I was thinking about picking up CF but I'll wait if that's the case.
Gee, I wonder why
No, it's a literal version update, not an expansion. It's a rebalance.
According to Mori, the BB system is complete with CF. If they make more BB they are starting over.
baiken is pretty great though
Popularity has nothing to do with how good or new a game is. Function vs Function will probably get main stage even though it's shite and everyone hates it, the same way everyone hates SFV. The community is a joke that cares more about hype than actual good gameplay, otherwise games like GG would be way more popular.
Then there isn't any point in playing the earlier games? I bought CP to try the series, but I was thinking of refunding it and waiting until CF gets an expansion or at least gets a bit cheaper.
Thanks for the clarification user.
>one of the worst characters in the game
did any even make top 32
Daisuke flat out said Robo-Ky is next. There's heavy evidence Ariels is in the works as well due to datamining and the fact you can randomly fish a spray for her in figure mode that cannot be actually used.
Daisuke said he plans to bring everyone back eventually so I wouldn't worry.
EVO placement doesn't fully determine tiers. Baiken isn't at the top, but she's not suffering nearly as badly as Pot and Ramlethal or even Answer.
>evo rankings matter
If you want the story you can get the earlier versions, or watch on YouTube. If you want to play online or competitively get CF.
Notw: the story is a cluster fuck of time travel and clones.
Hopefully Ariels isn't a gimmicky fuck fest. The Xrd new characters mostly went ona direction that I disliked compared to the pre-2 games.
I wish Ramlethal was good, design wise she's my favorite character, but she just sucks and handles awfully.
she was purposely made shit because they don't know how to balance her
Sorry for the stupid question, but why is Ram considered low tier?
Every time I play a Ram online, they carry me to the corner from midscreen, and tear me a new asshole.
I know tier lists are mainly done for the high-level play, but I don't get why she's considered low tier. With Pot I can totally understand it, even if most of the Pots online destroy me. What does Ram lack?
she's a trap for newcomers. enjoy the lewds and play a better character
Is Dizzy good? I'm relatively new and enjoy playing her but I can't tell if she's good or not
>relatively new
>enjoy playing her
Then play her
>can't tell if she's good
You aren't at a level where that matters. When you place in a tournament you can worry about it, but don't let that shit bog you down. Enjoying a character is much more important as a beginner.
She's not amazing, but I don't think she's as bad as some people say. If you enjoy zoning and all that fun stuff, I'd say go for it.
bad normals that are risky with little reward, poor damage (have to trap the enemy in the corner forever to get any damage done), awful meter gain (only gained from sword attacks), tough to concentrate with raging erections
What is it with Anime players and crying about characters being mid tier?
Whi the fuck is Ariels
That's not an anime players thing, it's a scrubs in general thing. It happens to anyone who isn't willing to own their losses.
The biggest antagonist in the franchise and the one behind Justice happening, the PWAB, the Conclave, and literally everything bad that ever happened in the world.
>Blaz Tag Blue Battle
This lady and her big hat
You can hit the swords she places on the screen now which pretty much demolished her neutral game. It was really strong and was something that needed to be addressed but that and some other small changes put her from #1/2 from Sign to bottom 6/5ish in Revelator. The character is still pretty retarded in her own way though.
Ok thanks, maybe I'm just a scrub, only one I ever noticed was the last one.
It really pissed me off to see the best King kneel like that.
There's only one woman he should kneel to.
>C Blazrtag O Bluesbattle S
Yeah, it's probably that I just don't know how to fight against her, but yeah I can see how she could be a bit shit in high-level play.
Anyone got a video of the Story mode of Sign and Rev 1, I'm downloading Rev 2 and know the story will be nonsense otherwise.
If you're fighting a Ram, just block low. Her main high attack is the last hit of 2KPP and there's a pause before the last hit, which you can punish with a fast normal. Other than that, block high when she jumps in. There you go, now Ram can't hit you.
The ICPope is the one character I want. Too bad even Kliff has a higher chance of getting than her.
>front page sale of guilty gear franchise on steam!
>Wow! i guess ill buy Rev 2
>only Revelator is on sale
>if you buy Revelator on sale it actually costs you even more to get Rev 2
nice "sale" arcsys
this is probably why theyre not selling as much as they should. they've done this twice now.
Rev 2 has the same story as Rev 1 + some extra stuff at the end. Sign has a different story though.
Rev 2 includes the story from Rev 1
>Too bad even Kliff has a higher chance of getting than her.
Nigga NOBODY has a lower chance of getting in than Kliff. Ragna has a higher chance being in Guilty Gear than Kliff. God damn do I feel bad for the 2 Kliff mains in existence though.
They're not smart businessmen
They're learning though. Maybe in REV3 or whatever we'll have a decent pricing scheme
Don't worry, I do. Chipp's my man.
Thanks, somehow never thought about stopping the overhead before it comes out. To be fair there aren't a lot of Rams online, so I haven't fought her that many times.
Just bought Rev2 after watching the top 8 and it's got 53 minutes left to download complete. I know literally nothing about Guilty Gear, is the plot important at all or can I just jump straight into training and online?
>Guilty Gear
pick none
>concerned if the is plot important for any fighting game before going into training mode and playing online
Oh you poor naive soul who does not see the hell you're about to walk into. Best of luck regardless and try not to get discouraged.
I think that his lack of popularity would do him good. He could get a big rework because it wouldn't anger that many people. Maybe his young form? I'd prefer they keep him mostly the same, Kliff while straightforward is very unique.
bbcf was dead for awhile.
no xrdr2 character announcement was a downer but simply adding jubei to bbcf and flipping the balance will get some sales again.
i hope arcsys notices how poorly baiken's gameplay turned out. answer was pretty low key for a new character too.
in all xrdr2 was a minor update.
Alright thanks, I guess I'll try Raven first
Leo is considered bad and got second. Dizzy is mega buffed and might be high tier now yet barely had any showing. A jam showed up top 8, another "low tier". No Sin in top 8, and he's always everyone's number 1 pick for best character. I-no and Chipp, two other high tiers weren't in top 8 either. Answer, widely considered the worst character in the game made top 32.
Baiken didn't show up because no japanese players showed up
I wonder why they even made BlazBlue when they already had GuiltyGear
Story's kind of all over the place, but I'd say watch it. You'll be confused as fuck though. Probably a better idea to try and find a character you like first, do some combo trials and the mission mode.
plot isn't important. the game comes with a few hours of anime to watch, and it's pretty enjoyable, but not necessary
Yeah, besides Baiken hype Rev2 was kind of a waste as a "big" upgrade. I wish they wouldn't limit their character choices with the story.
I could watch this gif all day
yea but whens zappa?
WHERE (where) Where where Where the fuck is Anji!
>So Arcsys is just letting their main franchise die?
But you just said that BB is getting more stuff.
I got into GG with Xrd. What's the deal with this guy, how does he play? On a scale of Sol to Bedman, how weird is his playstyle.
>being this delusional
CF isn't getting an expansion. It's getting Jubei and a rebalance, and MAYBE another balance patch after that in case something is super fucky, but the Blazblue team has moved on to that batshit crossover.
He's beyond Bedman. His moveset depends on chance, having four possible spirits possesing him.
The weirdest. He gets possessed by random spirits, which all have different playstyles. If he gets possessed enough times, he can summon some giant spirit to fuck everything up
im not that familiar with modern GG but back before they went cellshaded he was one of the more bizarre characters
he uses summons which are random and collects orbs and he needs 8 orbs to get his best summon and when he gets hit he has a chance to summon, kinda confusing at first
>not knowing BB pulls way bigger sales numbers than GG
Look man I don't like it either, but Blazblue is their main franchise now. That's like trying to say Shin Megami Tensei is still Atlus' main franchise instead of Persona.
Zappa is cool! Check this out
I wonder if its the full team blue or just a skeleton crew while they start pre-production on a new IP fighter.
a certain special move changes his moveset, but the change is random. (1 of 3)
you also get a random moveset after getting knocked down.
landing certain moves will grant you orbs. once you have 8 orbs and try the special move that summons, you instead get a crazy swole summon
fun character to play because its like 5 mini characters in one
user Samitto's Chipp was 3rd place and 2 I-no's got 9th iirc
I knew he was going to be weird based on his appearance, but jesus.
He does seem sort of fun though, I hope he gets in soon.
He already has a 3D model in the game which is the #1 tell that a character will be coming soon
Honestly, I feel like there's other characters that should be in before him. Justice, Tesament and Kliff are still missing and they were introduced on the first game, even if they aren't that popular. As for popularity, Bridget and Anji are very popular and are still not in. Zappa isn't that popular beyond his quirks.
in his ex version you had more control over which summons you got and could unsummon as well,
never got into it but seemed interesting
yea but how the fuck do you use the dog and attack at the same time without accidentally bursting?
>no Japanese players showed up
Nigga, the top 8 was all Japs.
Wasn't BB got the sunday spot because it's supposed to be CF's last hurrah?
It was to announce Jubei (which literally everyone guessed the moment it got that spot) and BBTB (which was only hinted at by RT saying to look at Evo for an announcement for RWBY)
big fuck robot thing
yeah testament eventually
the most dead fighting game character to ever exist
Zappa isn't possessed anymore in the story but that can change quick, already has a model blah blah. Daisuke literally just said the next character will be Robo-Ky in an interview at EVO though so yeah
No, he literally did not. He says he wanted to add Robo-Ky next, which isn't the same thing.
Its likely, but it isn't absolute. He may have said it because it's what he wants, but they need to add someone else first instead.
I'm not saying I don't think it will happen, I'm saying temper your expectations.
>the most dead fighting game character to ever exist
[Muffled Jun-fag screams in the distance]
someone play with me.
I'm new though
the new dragon ball game is being market by the creators of GUILTY GEAR, not the creators of BLAZBLUE
calm your horses
Robo Ky makes a lot of sense as the next returning character given his role in the plot of Rev. Though if they're going by the poll, Order Sol might be next.
>>the most dead fighting game character to ever exist
Even kings should pay respect to their pope. That is before you realize she's an entity bent on humanities destruction given form.
BBCF got a new version announced literally right after EVO and will be in arcades August 3rd. As for why the decision it could be a large number of things that make sense like them wanting to announce a new Team Blue game, BBCTB, they want equal representation of their games since y'know just because BB isn't popular here it's extremely popular in Japan. A lot of the absolute best players of the game came out this year. It's just as much an event for America as it is Japan, remember EVO is called the World Finals for a reason. Pandering only to the american scene is just not right.
Next two are probably Robo-Ky and Ariels.
BBCF doesn't have a new version. The crossover game is something completely different
There is no BBCF Extend
>Next characters will probably be Robo-Ky and Ariels.
But muh ABA and Zappa.
Also did anyone watch the +R finals? Had an amazing Kliff player and ABA player.
BBCF is getting an update for arcades like I said. They've already released change logs and a release date.
And don't tell he he his dead, he has been dead before and that didn't stoped him.
a patch is not a new version.