Vocal Cord Parasites

>Vocal Cord Parasites


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user, you've skipped forward ahead in time, by an entire year. All those games shown at E3...are still in development, but there have been several good games that are now being discounted.

this is the bigest disaster in gaming history and nobody talks about it because-newfags. And also muh open world. FUCK U KOJAMA

How ashamed of you words and deeds are you?

That scene where the plot of the game is explained to u in the backseat of a jeep driving around for 15 minutes.

>most of the game's dialogue is in tapes
>vocal cord parasites tape #2937239167

No exteme dificulty ?

This wasn't even the worst part honestly

>Quiet can't speak to snake english or BTFO
>Apparently this stupid bitch can't write or try another language
>She is the least essential thing to the story

Stupid bitch

>Vocal cord parasites that activate at the slight change of your vocal cord vibration.

U cant make this shit up

>she speaks english literally 2 feet away from snake anyway during her final mission
>nothing happens

I hate this game so much

The theory of Chico being Quiet made more sense. The justification of him changing genders because of forced rape fits better.

I think this was the last game I bought that was legit awful

Remember that one time u had to play an entire game as raiden?
He was even naked at times. I must admit he was very handaome to me playing this as a child i got my first erektio s. Tjank u kojama for my first gay experince.

I could forgive most of the game's shortcomings until this. This was unforgivable.

Cqc was beter in mgs3

The whole parasites thing was a complete fuck up and a misnomer, Kojima is fucking retarded.

It wasn't so much the exposition for me, but Venom's complete lack of a reaction, then that very awkward silent ride for the rest of the journey.

Also, why the fuck did they choose THAT particular time to play Sins of the Father? Why not somewhere more appropriate like the Sahelanthropus fight?



Wtf was wrong with ocelot in this game? He had no charakter?

We couldn't he have given them a name besides "vocal cord parasites"? Like some kind of shorthand way of referring to them? So that the old dude wouldn't have had to say the words "vocal cord parasites" over and over again with the exact same inflection at least 20 times in each audio tape?

Deepest. Fucking. Lore.

Words that kill...

You can watch a youtube video that compares the two.
You will clearly c that there are far more things you can do in 3 when it comes to cqc


Fuck that whole scene.

>Snake's throat was swelled shut

He hypnotized himself into thinking he was the Encyclopædia Britannica.


I don't understand why he someone like kiefer sutherland and have him not talk that much in the game even in the tapes he still doesn't say much


U guys think kojama is ashamed over this one?

Thanks, Boss!

Thanks, Boss!


I'm not repeating myself


Feels like he was just there to counter Kaz
>O: Lol do it

>O: Lol take her

>K: Any soldier we recruited here could be a spy
>O: We could also be spies

Because Snake listens to Ocelot.

Didn't every MGS games up to Phantom Pain have a/several strong female characters in them, and then Phantom Pain only has Naked McMutie in it? Her character is she's naked and she shuts her fucking mouth while serving you.

Kaz and snake had a fight in the shower naked. For real that is canon mgs lore.

Pretty sad that the best part of The Phantom Pain was memeing on Sup Forums about how Kaz is a hardcore white supremacist who wants to genocide all inferior races.

>Dude let's put all of the cutscenes in audio logs lmao. By the way, Kojima, you're fired.

t. someone who hasn't played this or any other MGS game


Thinking about how poorly received it was, I redirected the jeep scene without changing it too much to show just how badly the direction in the game was altogether. Lemme know what you think:

- Immediately go into first person person view as they get into the jeep
- Skull Face's entire conversation is motion capped, with expressive movements
- Snake quips back during the conversations with comments like in the first couple of tapes, giving the conversation a James Bond talking to villain feel
- Sins of the Father is playing quietly in the background the entire ride
- At the point that it gets to the part where Skull Face pauses, camera goes back to 3rd person
- 3rd person reveals massive amounts of Tanks, Helicopters, walker gears, and soldiers to show the scope of Skullfaces army. Possibly nukes being hauled too.
- Sahelanthropus shows up near the last part of the song right before Skull Faces talks again

Is it fixed now?

You mean parasites, son

Thanks, Boss!

>Begin pilfering random shit for missions.
>"OK Boss this puts us one step closer to taking out Cipher!"
>Forty hours later.
>Still pilfering random shit.
>"OK Boss this puts us one step closer to taking out Cipher!"

And that was just one story arc that just disappeared. Apparently we're not supposed to notice that the anti-Metal Gear thing Huey built gets used for fuck-all, or that Eli takes off with enough shit that at the very least could be used for a nuclear weapon.

An antifreezing peptide?

The opening sequence was menacing as all fuck. Like is killing me that important? Then she just immediately sucks your dick as soon as you spare her and never again lets her hair down.

First 15 minutes of the game had an actual mgs feel to them.

>Army of quiets

Sniper Wolf
The Boss
Meryl again
BB Unit
>Peace Walker
>Phantom Pain
Naked chick who isn't allowed to talk

>drowning Huey

What was Kojimbo thinking? Did he really believe that the players would need that much time to process and contemplate Skull faces information dump? Or did he just want to shoehorn in the "WOOOAAAHHHH OOHHHHHHHHHH" song that badly?

Strangelove's 11 minutes in the TPP puts it above MGS4 tbqh.

So fuck the ladder scene too? You're a moron.

I didn't even finish this game. it was so boring compared to the other MGS games. once the repeat missions started appeared I dropped it like a rock

His design always reminded me of Gouda

Is it just me or did the beginning part at the hospital look better than the rest of the game?

The worst fucking part is that Code Talker is the only interesting character in this trainwreck. The tapes between him and Kaz talking about food and burgers are pretty much the only fucking inkling of "fun character interaction" this series was once known for.

I just don't understand how it turned out like this. People complain that it's because Kojima got pushed off early, but it's blatantly fucking obvious that he had no clue what he was doing to begin with. Here's how to make MGSV 10x better.
>Traditional boss fight scheme. Fight a zombie skull commander, then an armored skull commander, then a sniper skull commander. The fucking framework is there and everything, they were just too lazy to put something there other than "boring mook battle."
>Mist Skull Commander is fought after the first encounter with Sahelanthropus, in the cave system
>Armor Skull Commander is fought in the military base after the helicopter gets eaten by fucking bullshit plot chemicals
>Actual fight with Sahelanthropus, dipshit skull daddy gets away
>Fight with Camo skull commander is a traditional sniper battle like The End or Crying Wolf
>Eventually have a "duel" battle with Skullface in that mansion you rescue Code Talker from. He's stealthy, sets traps, spouts dumb battle quotes like any other MGS boss
>That's the end of it. No fucking retarded, stupid ass Liquid bullshit, no Volgin bullshit that makes no fucking sense, Psycho Mantis's backstory actually makes fucking sense now and he's raised to become one of the first members of Foxhound when he gets shipped out to the real big boss or whatever the fuck, fuck this game, waste of fucking time, hack fraud Kojima.

That's the only part they actually worked on. Note how every fucking event in the game is just what you see in the trailer. They literally made the trailer first, and then spun a game off of it.

Better than the original


Kojima had 7 years to make MGSV, that's more than any other MGS game before.

He also had the biggest budget yet. He just didn't give a shit.

Because vocal diseases/parasites are a new idea... Pic related is a movie that plays with the idea. Not a bad watch either.

Thanks, Boss!

Wrong. Killing Skull Visage midway was the correct decision. The only thing that matters are character interactions, not doomsday plots. Chapter 2 > Chapter 1. Too bad they already blew their load gameplay-wise (with Ground Zeroes).

That's not Big Boss.

The jeep ride is 13 minutes of having the boring villains boring motivations explained after which you stare at each other autistically with overly dramatic music in the background.

The ladder is 2 minutes long.

>Ground zeroes
>eliminate 2 specific enemies that you need to do detective work to find out which is which
>rail shooter segment about saving an undercover agent whos cover is blown
>mission where you have to make contact with an agent with intel
>actually has a red herring and is a bit more involved
>timed mission to destory anti air emplacements for helicopters to assault the base
>bonus all the way where you find paz to get an extra prisoner
>Callback missions for older kojima games

>basically none of these missions types exist at all in PP
I will never not be mad, fultoning was a mistake

I'm 165 hours into the game and it doesn't feel like I'm even close to stopping Cipher.


Liquid being in the game makes absolutely no sense. It's like Kojima absolutely wanted to have him in, but couldn't think of any way to justify it so he just threw it on the dev board with the intention of coming back to it later, and then got too busy fucking Joosten.

Why was the layout of camp omega so good

I'l argue that camp omega could have been as shitty as any other base in PP
the only difference between CO and PP bases is that they had alot of time and had to justify it to customers by polishing a turd into a diamond. It fucking worked but i'm still mad there really wasn't a single base in PP that came close to camp omega

I'd take either over the 9.5 hours of cutscenes in 4, tbqh lad.

Is it bad that I love this game? Don't get me wrong, the story is complete ass and every aspect of it pisses me off; but the gameplay is just so fucking good. I've already spent another 30 hours playing it in the last 3 weeks.

The jeep ride wasn't even needed, since you can infer everything from the tapes. Legit pissed me off. The scene is entirely out of place. It's like Kojima just couldn't hold it in, regressing back into farting out exposition and mech porn.

Sutherland had a shit ton of unused lines but Kojima decided to make Venom say a lot of nothing the whole time because silent stoic protag.

That's what everyone said, me included, until the second half of the game where you're just doing the same shit you already did, in the same places, over and over. The open world meme was a mistake.

You're free to enjoy whatever you want, we're just lamenting that this game's an unfinished piece of shit because there's so much lost potential.

Never played a single Metal Gear game in my life for no particular reason. Decide to pick this up when I see it on offer for 10$. I basically have no idea what the fuck is going on other than there being some dude who is the head of an organization who is trying to "out-PMC" your PMC. Skull dude is implied to be subcontracted by this dude, but from where I am sitting mr skelly IS cipher i.e. CEO of the hostile PMC. Some sort of bipedal nuke carrying device is used or has been used as a deterrent by one or both parties. There were also 2 kids on your base for "reasons", presumably rescued from warzones, 1 gets tortured and you never hear from him again, the other blows up but then not really and survives being dumped in the middle of some ocean or so. Then all your bases get fucked up the arse because you agreed to let some totally legit UN sanctioned inspection to enter who then surprise surprise aren't actually inspectors (why the fuck weren't the inspectors picked up by a team of yours?).

I mean, honestly, it all sounds like a massive mess of a story so I am glad I am not really able to follow much of it and can instead just focus on the gameplay which is really quite good, but then I am playing it more as an RPG where one time I am Stallone with an M60 and the next I am James Bond in a tux, rather than as a game with a story to get invested in.

Did any of that get released? I lust for more Sutherland and those brief moments when Baker is allowed to be sassy Ocelot.

Is that seriously the fucking reason why Snake doesn't get wolla wolla-d?

Because that's fucking stupid too.

It's explained almost ad-nauseam. They're not guns. It builds up. Quiet took a risk speaking English. She may later become symptomatic and Snake may be infected. The second outbreak is also why wolbachia isn't put forward as a panacea.

mfw all of this was planned. Kojima never gave a shit about the story elements or characters in MGSV knowing it wouldn't draw in new people. Instead he opts for heavy focus on gameplay that can be enjoyed without knowing shit all about the previous games. New players flood in and hear about Kojima and his works, some might even but the previous titles. He then pisses of Konami so much they fire him and turn the franchise in pachinko to spite him, all so he can turn to the die hard fans and claim "I dindu nuffin, was all evil konami's doing". The end result now being that everyone and their mother is waiting for Kojima's next project, both new people introduced via MGSV as old people who sorta don't blame Kojima for the mess MGSV is because Konami.

Mastermind at work, the really story is being told outside of the games.


Nobody did really. You don't even get a colourful cast of interesting boss fights complete with backstory for them all like the other MGS games.
>Snake is a non-character in his own game
What the h*ck man

The hospital is the highlight of the game. It's so sad.

>Google automates breeding of millions of wolbachia infected mosquitoes
What does it mean

Nice strawman faggot but those scenes are nothing alike

>we need stronk females hurr durr
This game sucks but you're a retard if you think this is anywhere near why.

Why is everything about sex or race with you idiots?

MGSV doesn't have any deep or well written male characters either. Must be the patriarchy.

I always thought the parasites started to multiply in her vocal cords but she ran away and died in the desert before they could spread