I don't see why this shouldn't be your Game of the Year


Sick shill.

Unironically better than DS2/3

Can't play as a girl

Shut the fuck up. Static protagonists are always better.

>But muhhh waifu.

Not an argument.

That isn't much of an accomplishment.

this is the #1 reason i didn't even pirate it

Because Nioh is mine

I thought it was shit.

What a fucking beta male.



Because it was boring and forgettable. This is the game that finally made me realise that 'souls-like' is better on paper than in practice. Mainly because other developers can't seem to capture that entertainment which Dark Souls delivers.

What the fuck did you mean by this?

The exploration is so good, though. How the fuck did you get bored?

It was a fine game but nowhere near game of the year. This axe was OP as fuck though.

Oh fuck. I want it. This one's been my weaponfu so far.

The level design was great but the setting was boring as fuck. Just generic future factories and offices.

I don't see the problem.

>Boring levels
>Non existent story
>Ugly art style
>Disappointing boss fights
>Clunky combat
I wish I had no standards so that I could enjoy this turd

>Ugly art design.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.