Run low on ammo

>Run low on ammo
>The game literally stops you from progressing

>Return to its roots
>Survival Horror is back
What the fuck is wrong with people? How can anyone like this poorly designed trash?

>play RE6 co-op with girlfriend
>ammo means absolutely nothing because 2-3 melee hits kills any enemy
Sounds like an improvement

Your fault for running out of ammo

>The game literally stops you from progressing

I've never played this. Explain what you mean here.

If you actually played the game right you'd never run out of ammo. It's all over hidden nooks and crannies it doesn't drop on every enemy like RE4

but that's the problem, newfaggots

survival-horror = running out of ammo

Last time I checked, survival horror is about managing your ammo, not necessarily being in the empty state because that is what you call the consequence.

>He knows resources are limited
>Spams his items without thought
>Runs to Sup Forums to tell everyone how retarded he is

you can't beat the game if you're really bad it it.

You're retarded

Learn how to conserve ammo. This is exactly what the older RE games were about too.

>what is melee
>what is crafting ammo
>what is aiming
>what is not being retarded

It's not poorly designed trash because you're lazy and treating it like a normal FPS. I even killed most of the molded I came across and managed to reserve some ammo.. You're supposed to save the crafting materials to make more for those emergencies.

You don't have to run out of ammo in any RE game. You're not supposed to engage every enemy you come across.

learn to aim and pick your fights. I had >60 shots for each weapon by the end, except the machine gun, easily over 400.

fuck off

Even if this is bait (because it is) you can clear RE7 with melee as any other older RE game.

I beat this game with melee only on my 2nd run to get some bonus to play it on the highest difficulty.

>run low on ammo
let me guess, you fought everything you saw didn't you? If you wanted to play an action game you should have went with RE4-6 and the Revelations ones, this is a horror game.

Don't you get a knife at least?

go fuck yourself you fucking cuckold you suck at videogames

yeah, but I think anyone who would run out of ammo is probably not going to be able to beat it with a knife.

What about that boss fight in the plane in code Veronica?

Yes you do and you even get a block feature to block any uncoming damage you may take.

The chainsaw fight is stupidly easy to do with a knife, the garage fight is the same and i pretty much took out the Jack everytime i encounter him by pure melee and blocking his ass while doing 360 around him, of course 1 fuck up and you end up dead but its more a case of git gud then unfair gameplay

>Scenario 1
>Kill things that will definitely kill you
>Spend resources doing so
>Game spikes in difficulty abruptly
>You used all your resources so you can't continue. Whoops! Better luck next time!

>Scenario 2
>Attempt to skip most things
>You will die a lot
>You won't have fun
>The game becomes a chore to get through

You've really posed a difficult conundrum for me my fellow Sup Forumstards


>OP is a literal casual faggot

They aren't a joyless loser like you?

>>Game spikes in difficulty abruptly
fucking when?

What the fuck are you going on about

>Scenario 2
>Attempt to skip most things
>You will die a lot

There is where you are wrong kiddo.

You can block damage, almost 80% damage in normal difficulty and Mad House is around 60% of any incoming damage, without blocking in Mad house a enemy can take you down in 1 to 2 hits while blocking lets you tank around 8 hits.

Then you have the upperhand when it comes down to speed and reflexes apart from the really easy to tell attacks animations to block them.

You can easily skip most enemies, save ammo and use it when you really REALLY need it.

Kids really do say the darndest things.

>play RE3 on hard
>end up with 100+ shotgun shells, enhanced pistol ammo and regular pistol ammo

You are such a casual holy shit.Do you want a game to babysit you and give you freebies?
Grow the fuck up and start getting good.

Unless your trigger happy, which is a retarded thing to do in this game, you should never run out of ammo.

RE1 and REmake to an extend were the ONLY resident evil games that had a very "limited" amount of ammo.

RE2 gave you buckets of bullets and RE3 lets you fucking craft ammo and you will have rifle bullets sticking out of Jill's vagina by the end of the game.

Consider this: No one else is having this problem.
It's not the game, you're just shit.

Is it possible to run out of ammo? I know games like Silent Hill 3 would adjust drop rate so you never had too much or too little. It seemed like when playing Resident Evil 7 I cut it close a few times but there would always be an assload of bullets around the next corner.

So then OP is literally just an underaged piece of shit that posting this thread for bait?

>play survival horror
>can't survive the horror
>complain like a retard