I love when a new gen arrives because it's really fun to see sequels for old games do things that the previous entry simply couldn't on the old system, on top of also looking much better. Splatoon 2, for instance, can... hmm... it has this... uhhhh... oh, well...
I love when a new gen arrives because it's really fun to see sequels for old games do things that the previous entry...
And yet the top image looks far better than the bottom
Nice try at least OP.
Splatoon 2 is portable.
Yeah, Splatoon 2 looks like a N64 game and Splatoon 2 looks like a N64 game with an expansion pack attached to the system. Fantastic.
what is it with nintendo games that provokes this amount of asspain among autists
it is a mystery
still did better
It doesn't though.
the difference is negligible at best
Splatoon 1 is as well, played on the Gamepad all the time.
How is it being so mad that you called both games splatoon 2?
>only company not catering to SJWs
>only company making real games
You tell me.
Don't fix what ain't broke
I hate how kids say shit like this all the time as if they've ever played any N64 games.
That looks less washed out than the Splatoon for the Nintendo Switch pic.
To be fair, they look so similar the name might as well be interchangeable.
I'm impressed at how you managed to not only managed to extend the range of the gamepad to allow you to play outside the house, but also how you were able to play the game using only a vague minimap.
no it just has the map there
They basically just ported it and added tiny differences.
And took out a ton of weapons.
Absolutely epic. Put me in this epic screenshot of this epic moment please.
>company that is stuck in time and still censors games in 2017
>"not catering to SJWs"
What did he mean by this?
There's a Mario Kart DS joke here with the squids inking the screen but I can't think of it.
Enjoy that map screen user?
It's sad.
Neotendo can't seem to make a good or original game anymore. As someone who lived and breathed the N64, this company has objectively gone to shit over the years, let's be honest.
>>only company not catering to SJWs
>what is FE Echoes
>what is Pokemon Gen 5+
>what is NoA censorship
Fucking this. It's literally a downgraded port of S1. How the fuck did they get away with this?
This as well.
Why are you so mad about splatoon? Why not just let us enjoy the game?
Splat1 has a worse score than splat2 and that game is still active.
Just let us enjoy our game. Who cares about your other systems?
Why not just buy all three and have a pc?
Why not just enjoy what you enjoy?
I don't give a fuck about you play dragon dogma or whatever the newest ps4 game is.
Shut up.
>hmm... it has this... uhhhh... oh, well...
jesus fucking christ
>>company that is stuck in time and still censors games in 2017
You realise that's evidence of them not catering to them right?
After all there's actually something that SJWs get mad over if it isn't censored as opposed to the other games that are SJW approved to begin with or don't even make it to the west because of that.
Remember, sequels are NOT okay when Nintendo does it.
>Neotendo can't seem to make a good or original game anymore
>He said in a thread discussing the sequel to a successful new IP that came out 2-3 years ago
Except S2 isn't a sequel, it's a downgraded port. Fact.
>took out a ton of weapons
I can't tell if you two or dumb or baiting. All weapons are returning, it was confirmed. All they've done is change around the specials and subs you mongs.
>Neotendo can't make a good or original game anymore
>he says in a thread about a new IP they made 3 years ago
Also care to explain how Pokemon Gen 5 and up is "SJW pandering"?
Apparently all of Sup Forums is poor to you fuckers or something.
If you don't have a source of income you are likely underage.
Get a job, do fanart, have a hobby you can sell stuff with or something.
God damn my enjoyment of a game really fucks your mind up huh?
I know some user has been using this image as a counter argument against those saying the games look the same, but what exactly does this image show?
It was hard for me to tell which game was which until I saw the console tag in the corner. Maybe the trees are better in the top one?
Why does nobody grasp the concept that you literally have a portable Splatoon game with console level quality? Is that not enough to make it different from the original? Not saying that's the only thing, but it's something that you could never do with the first game.
Imagine how salty OP had to be to make this thread.
So what, Persona 5 is just a downgraded port of Persona 4 which was a downgraded port of Persona 3 now?
He wanted to point out the trees, but it backfired cause the rest looks so similar
Seriously Nintendo? They're the same game.
Imagine how new someone would have to be to get salty posting a bait thread.
>OP is legitimately mad about/offended by a children's squid paint ball game that runs on a toy tablet
Can it get any sadder?
Try again, you failed to pick a franchise that could work in that post of yours.
Exactly what CPU or GPU-intensive thing were you expecting Spla2n to do that wouldn't fuck up the core game balance?
This generation hasn't had a whole lot in the way of gameplay improvements made possible by new hardware. 95% of the games this gen, and 99% of the GOOD ones, could've been done on a 360 or lower.
>All weapons are returning
Must be in a future update as there is already a list of weapons in the game, and there is a lot missing.
Neogaf I guess.
Hey they have the same mechanics and the same look and even the same shitty animations.
All they did was make a few UI changes and bam "new" game.
Isn't the switch one from when the game was first shown?
Because it's easy to make a game that looks like a N64 title become portable. It would only get a pass if it looked at least like a X360 title.
How's the single player? How long?
Gravity Rush 2 confirmed for port.
>it's okay when Gears of War and Halo does it
>it's okay when Counter Strike and Battlefield do it
>just not here
it's a sequel to an online shooter, god damn
Quakefags are (rightfully) pining for a game with LESS features than Champions.
Where's your source?
>This delusional nintendildo
This reminds me of that guy who shopped a screenshot from Spaltoon on the tv screen onto a gamepad.
the pdf that has already circulated all splatoon forums, generals and discords
you came into a thread complaining about splatoon 2, what did you expect?
What do you get out of shitposting? Is your life so empty?
Me telling the guy complaining about it that he is pretty stupid for being mad about others enjoying a game.
Also, it's constanthe shilling for splatoon as well.
He's giVing free publicity which is pretty dumb when it's against his argument.
>"provide proofs"
>"it's in these places you don't browse"
enjoy this generious act of spoonfeeding you fucking baby!
Which one cause I thought they didn't show all the weapons for example one of the images doesn't show this one.
People have been posting it in splatoon threads for days user.
>stop telling me to not be mad about a fun game for people
Get help.
"But you came into my dumbest thread"
Stop spamming splatoon threads. It's like how you guys were mad about botw being fun and having a good score too.
Just stop. Play your fucking assassins creed.
>have the burden of proof on yourself
>start spouting antiquated Sup Forums meme that has devolved into nonsense
Also, all the weapons are returning, at least eventually, so what's the problem?
Are you dense?
>Thought this was a genuine thread
>Keep reading OP
>Nothing more than an underageb& shitpost
>the existence of a nintendo game triggering Sup Forums into oblivion
Every time. What went wrong bros?
>no Dual Squelcher
>no Echolocator
Noooooooooooooo that gun was the best :(
Splatoon 2 has actual shadows, wich I think he was also trying to convey
>What went wrong bros?
console wars existing outside of the ninties
its true though.
What does the Squid button do?
You only know what an expansion pack is because you overheard me and your mom last night
>Entire game is brighter
>foliage texture has a higher resolution and greater amount of detail
>paint looks thicker in how it connects and has an added lighting map
>shadows are projected instead of baked
it squids
I come you didn't post a video instead op for whatever point your trying to prove.
I don't think that's what she meant when she said your pack needed an expansion. Badly.
Fuck OP and the newfaggotry. QUICK POST YOUR SQUID BUILD
>Goo Tuber
Please explain how FE Echoes at all catered to "SJWs", I'm really quite curious to see your explanation for this bizarre statement. Because as someone who actively watched Echoes development, and heavily dislikes censorship and such i see no SJW elements at all.
No, you don't understand. Censorship itself is SJW. Its what they do. Its what they're associated with right now. The fact that there is any censorship is SJW.
What was censored in Echoes?
Unless I'm mistaken I don't believe anything was censored in Echoes. Feel free to try and prove me wrong, I would be glad to know.
have you seen at least the graphics of a N64 game?
Just got a bunch of cash and have been considering getting Splat 2 along with a Switch(I never played 1). Is there any other titles I can pick up to have some variety?
I'm And not the first guy you were talking to. I actually have no idea. I was just bored and trying to get people riled up.
Is the "music" in Splatoon 2 still garbled nonsense like it was in Splatoon 1?
>hmm... it has this... uhhhh... oh, well.....
Go back to your shithole faggot
>not catering to SJWS
>made one of the idols a nigger
>opinions that are different from mine offend me!
You need to go back
It's American garble now. Before it was Japan garble.
>making the gross undesirable race who you went to kill in the first game and now live as second class citizens is pandering to sjws.
I want that.
>company that is stuck in time and still censors games in 2017
So every single game company ever? Name one company that doesn't censor games.
>2's "Lobby" looks messy, poor, and has construction shit around
Who thought that was a good idea?
>making black characters is SJW pandering
Last time I checked Marina didn't have a tentacle afro and didn't respond to everything pearl said with "NUH UH HONEY, MOVE OVER WHITESQUID, IS TIME FOR THE KANGZ AND QUEENZ TO TAKE OVAH!"
God FUCKING damn it.
Thank you.
I want that pretty bad.