What are some games that deconstruct their genre?
What are some games that deconstruct their genre?
don't let the memes spoil you on it,
its a great game
The kill yourself you pretentious faggot game.
Skyrim does this, but people are too ignorant to realize it.
It's a mediocre platformer, what does it have to do with this thread?
which one is that
The elder scrolls and fallout games have never made a "deconstruct the genre" game, they just add to or modify their previous games.
Reexamine your taste, OP
Pretty much, though I'd say the fanbase pushes that agenda more than the games themselves unless they're genuinely being pretentious about it.
The Stanley Parable is a pretty fun game that's very self aware.
It eschews world building and turns the entire map into a speed runners' paradise
Super meat boy is a platformer. Guacamelee is a metroidvania
Axiom verge would be an even better example of deconstructing metroidvanias, but thats almost more of a spiritual successor to metroid.
Ultima IV
The previous game got some criticism because the player is able to repeatedly kill clerics to grind exp like most RPGs.
The developer thought this was an interesting observation, so the sequels main quest was about the protagonist's quest to answer "What is virtue?" and the gameplay involves raising 8 his 8 different karma meters by being honest, humble, and etc.
>Super meat boy is a platformer.
> Guacamelee is a metroidvania
And Guacamelee is a platformer, what is your point?
The Line
Final Fantasy 8
>what if we took eva and then put in magical girls?
yeah dude, a deconstruction of the mahou shoujo genre, truly a revolutionary
urobutcher is a fucking hack
Did you mean to contradict yourself in your own post or do you actually believe that platformers and metroidvanias are the exact same genre
>it's MEANT to be shit!
Brilliant deconstruction, 10/10 best game ever made.
>tfw ultima died while fantasyfaggot still thriving
Mobius Final Fantasy
Why on earth would you think that?
What is your point in trying to correct me that Guac is a metroidvania? What are you trying to show other than dick-measuring that you named the more specific sub-genre than I did? If I said "Pokemon is a video game" would you feel the irresistable urge to say "Uhhh ASCHUALLY it's a ROLE PLAYING GAME?"
I would if you were trying to compare pokemon to sonic
2D and jumping does not make a platformer.
Mario and Metroid are not comparable games, their genres are distinctly different
So just dick-measuring then, gotcha.
>I've run out of arguments
Yes it does. Metroidvanias are a sub-genre of platformers.
Every SaGa game.
Most AAA games are deconstructed and sold to you in pieces.
undertale is truly the madoka of rpgs
Contra is 2D and has jumping, would you call that a platformer?
Deconstruction of the penguin genre. Being Prinny is suffering, dood.
Yeah, cause I'm not trying to argue against you. If you really think this is a debate, than congratulations, you have won this one. I concede that I did not refer to the specific genre Guac belongs to when invoking it's name.
I don't know user, but I bet they'd let you choose the best love interest.
it was a terrible show anyways
Shove it up your ass
Amen nigga. I've rarely felt like an anime has blatantly wasted my time as much as that show did.
Putting "game" in your post doesn't make your thread about video games you fucking faggot.
Goddamn, there is nothing sadder than people being contrarian about genres
>Zelda is a ROLE PLAYING GAME because you PLAY a ROLE
>Just because it has PLATFORMS doesn't make it a PLATFORMER
>Not all games with shooting in the first person is an FPS!
Rock and Roll music doesn't literally have rocks in it, but you know exactly what I mean when I say "Rock and Roll music," so the name of the genre has a function, you might understand this if you weren't autistic.
If you're implying what I think you're implying with that image then you have the wrong idea.
that OP made a bait thread using classic bait from another board?
explain further
T-thanks EA
>there will never be a good meguca game
>movie 4 never
They don't exist
Death metal uses the same instruments as a rock and roll band but you wouldnt recommend a death metal band to someone who wanted something similar to a rock band
I'm not saying people don't get too overzealous in defining genres, but there's a clear line between video games that focus on the platforming (platforming games like mario or super meat boy), games that focus on exploration and powerups (metroidvanias like axiom verge and guacamelee) and linear games that focus on shooting a bunch of enemies (shmups like contra and metal slug). All are 2D games where you can jump, but are incredibly different
>deconstruct their genre
Translation: criticizing the efforts of others without doing anything original yourself.
Why don't we discuss games that re-invent their genre? That reinvigorate it, bring new life to it?
But no, not "meta" enough for you fucking millennials.
>Death metal uses the same instruments as a rock and roll band but you wouldnt recommend a death metal band to someone who wanted something similar to a rock band
depends on which rock bands they like and what they like about them
>but there's a clear line between video games that focus on [...]
yes, this is why genres/sub-genres exist. but the parent genre is platformer
>criticizing the efforts of others without doing anything original yourself.
that's post modernism for you
Call of Duty Black Ops 3
No More Heroes
here is a tip for le fellow gen-z shitposter: "deconstruction" was coined in the 60s and entered pop culture in the 80s, while millennials were in diapers
>my face when Black Ops III's story was literally too deep for me
I don't think it benefited from having COD's lightning fast pacing either but dammit they actually did try to go full GitS.