Beloved RPG games In Japan

1.Persona 5
2.Dragon Quest III
3.Chrono Trigger
4.NieR Automata
5.Final Fantasy VII
6.Dragon Quest V
7.Suikoden II
9.Persona 3
10.Final Fantasy XV

11.Xenoblade Chronicles
12.Final Fantasy X
14.Persona 4 Golden
15.Dragon Quest IV
16.Final Fantasy VI
17.EarthBound(Mother 2)
18.Final Fantasy IX
19.Final Fantasy VIII
20.The Witcher3: Wild Hunt

source:Weekly Famitsu

Sasuga Jokaa


>P3 more popular than P4

could have fucking fooled me, Atlus.

Only games on there that deserve a spot
>Dragon Quest III
>Chrono Trigge
>Final Fantasy VII
>Suikoden II
>Dragon Quest IV
>Final Fantasy VI
>EarthBound(Mother 2)
The rest do not deserve a position. Shit like nier automata wouldn't even make a list six months from now, it'll be forgotten by the normalfags.

SMT fans are literally on suicide watch

It's not my fault your taste aren't worth a dime.

>2 SMT games in the top 10
>SMT fans are literally on suicide watch

>Final Fantasy XV
>Final Fantasy VIII

I guess he meant SMT: IV and Nocturne fags.

>no DQ5
That deserves to go on that list more than 4.

>5.Final Fantasy VII
>16.Final Fantasy VI

VI fags absolutely BTFO

>Not a single Wild Arms entry

Just when I need more proof that the series will never come back.

Persona is not SMT. Persona 3 and 4 using that branding was a western thing which was dropped in later P4 spinoffs and never used for P5.

>10.Final Fantasy XV

What do you have against DQ5, user?

>shitdom heart doesn't even make it to the list

XV>>>>>YOUR MOM ASS>>>>>> SHIT>>>>>YOU>>>>>>KH


are you ok

none of these are RPGS

Yeah, Kingdom Hearts is pretty shit as well.

what is rpg?

Riding Penises is Gay

>FFXV is a beloved RPG game in Japan
Why do we care what these shit taste gooks think?

Sorry, I didn't see DQV, it definitely deserves a spot and is a phenomenal game.

>suddenly The Witcher

What makes it so special than other DQ aside from your nostalgia?

How come Japan doesn't appreciate good games like Nocturne?

Nice to see FFXV so high up.

Japanese people are weird, they can make some of the best games ever made, yet they have abysmal fucking taste
>20.The Witcher3: Wild Hunt

Where the fuck is Soulsborne?

P5 isn't that good and no way deserves the top spot.

Japan has good taste afterall.

Is Soulsborne not considered an RPG from them or is it not popular there?

>even Japan knows that P3 > P4


>FFXV is the most beloved FF in Japan after FF7
Nice, well deserved. Eat shit all those faggots that tried to memepost Japan somehow didn't like it.

P3 was an overall more emotional experience for everyone who played it. I'm not surprised it ranked higher than P4 on a "most beloved" list.

stay triggered fag

>Persona 5 over Chrono Trigger
Fucking heretics! Heretics, I tell ya!

I see XV-kun is at full force today

>Suikoden II on the list
>No Suikoden I

What the fuck.

>Dragon Quest 3
>No Dragon Quest 7

I see you're triggered Japan loves XV

Persona 5 and Nier: Automata

eh, ok.

>it's a lets call anyone who likes xv xv-kun episode.

>no SaGa
>no Metal max
>meme entries
As if I needed more proof famitsu and its readers are shit.
Japs are disgusting nostalgiafags. It's why they prefer the original DQ3 over its enhanced ports.

>NieR 1


FFIX deserves to be much higher up but I am thankful to see Suikoden II at 7th.

Witcher 3's winning knows no bounds, even the Nips love it.

XV is the most beloved FF after VII

unreal recency bias

>nips have bad taste
Woah...who knew?

it's the most recent thing same as nier so of course it is freshest in their minds. Also it was a commentary on their culture so not surprised it had a greater impact on Japan. The director thought nobody in the west would care at all because it discussed Japanese politics, and makes a lot of hard allegories about the oppressiveness of their culture, the arrogance of elders to the younger generation, etc

as opposed to nostalgia bias

I see nips actually had a great taste after all.

it's easier to shift through shit that's been out for decades

I really need to play p5

Yeah I think it might be time to hang up the cowboy hat on that one. I loved Wild ARMs 3, I'd buy an HD or even standard rerelease on PS4.

And all of them are utter trash, even the only Western RPG on that list. It's literally impossible to have worse taste.

Also, the fact that Automata is on that list shows how much the cunt-eyed subhumans know about the genre.

>No soulsborne anywhere
Ahh so Nips are afraid of challenge then, considering every game here is piss easy.



I don't know how to interpret this

These people were definitely not nostalgia-fags, but some of the games that appear there seem like they're just on the list because they are new (like XV, or automata)

S2 did everything S1 did but better

WA3 was rereleased for digital download on PS4. I snagged that when it was uploaded

Are you absolutely assblasted knowing most people like games that you hated?

The first 5 hours are going to feel slow, but once you're further into the starter dungeon and they have less shit to stop and explain every ten feet the game really picks up, and it doesn't slow down until like five dungeons in, after which it picks up after that one.


I hope they keep the VN at the end if they remake it.

Hah there entry level pleb taste is just as bad as Sup Forums.

>just as bad as Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums hated the list
Are you in a denial?

>Gears and Suikoden on the list

I did not expect this

>most people
Most people don't play weeb trash, they play superior Western games. Western RPGs BTFO weeb trash even on the weeb machine itself, not to mention on any other platform.


good taste p4 niggers need to fuck off


It wasn't released officially outside Japan until a couple years ago. I played the SFC version a year ago and loved it. Gameplay is fun with monster taming and fun dungeons and the story is lighthearted and charming. Not everything is nostalgis you fucking idiot.
Because Japs are fucking nostalgiafags and normalfags. Most are miserable and yearn for "the good ol days". Mobile gaming is huge there, I imagine most of the people who voted were normalfags who occasionally play videogames and voted using names alone.
See above. People get scared when seeing the length since it requires actual dedication.

You can hate another one's pleb taste yet be unaware that you too have pleb taste, despite both ones having different favourite and unfavourites.

Would you please kindly delete this piece of fake news?

Apparently, not in Japan.

>10.Final Fantasy XV
>11.Xenoblade Chronicles

>4.NieR Automata

Is that hack Taro going to kill himself now that he's mainstream?

>nip list
>good taste

think that's a first

>People get scared when seeing the length since it requires actual dedication.
That contradict with the list.
Which contradict all of your post.

>Apparently, not in Japan.
I'm not arguing that subhumans with shit taste don't play superior Western games, I'm arguing that actual people outnumber the subhumans by a great margin and they play actually good games.

ffxv sold more than w3 did on PS4

Who the fuck cares about this garbage?

What game on there is over a hundred hours? Persona 5? It won due to how new it is, I imagine a year from now it will only be in the top 5, or even 10.

Yet you're got so assblasted mad that the "subhumans" having a "shit taste".
That's saying something.

I can understand how FF15 sold well, but do people really love it that much? Personally I found it to be a mess of a game and a big disappointment. I beat it and will likely never touch it ever again.

it's one of these "superior western games" that you're parading.

None of the below:

>Seiken Densetsu
>Romancing SaGa
>Star Ocean
>Shin Megami Tensei
>Phantasy Star Online

Japs have shit taste.

You're looking at a list with FFVIII and xenogears, Japs don't have actual taste.

Being disgusted with animals rolling around in their own shit != being mad, but it's pretty fucking close.

But your said
>japs are fucking nostalgiafags
>Mobile gaming is huge there, I imagine most of the people who voted were normalfags who occasionally play videogames and voted using names alone.
>People get scared when seeing the length since it requires actual dedication.
Now you're saying different things.
Why are you contradicting what you're saying in every turn?

Yes. People love the characters and tone. Noctis also got awarded best character in in Japanese game awards and his JP VA for best performance

>Star Ocean
I give you the other four but let's be honest, 2 was a fluke and the rest are garbage.

>potatoland trash
>Western game

>Being disgusted
>Proceed post about how taste their taste is, post an image about the list of selling games, and keep reminding mostly yourself how superior your taste is
I say, for being disgusted. You're pretty dedicated.

is ff9 a wrpg because it was made in Hawaii?

Japs are nostalgiafags in that they voted in brand name alone. They see "Dragon Quest" and "Final Fantasy" and vote on the brand name alone. Meanwhile most own maybe a 3ds and just game on their phone.

Listen, it's cute and all what you're doing but maybe stop. Mobile gaming is fuck huge in Japanese, maybe even more then other places.

SNES 1 was impressive for the time, at least.

>Noctis also got awarded best character in in Japanese game awards and his JP VA for best performance
Damn. I knew I was in the minority by not liking the game or Noctis, but I didn't think it was by that much. Maybe his jap VA did a much better job than the english VA.

It was, the voice samples and graphics are pretty impressive, but let's be honest and say as a game it was nothing special.