Quality MMOs?

So, I missed the golden era of WoW, and I've never really gotten the chance to play and truly enjoy an MMO.

I want something immersive, with some kind of sense of community, and ideally with not trash gameplay.

Are MMOs dead now, or is there anything worth playing out there still?

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get a job

age of reckoning and guild wars 2

don't fall for the final fantasy online meme

this. best mmo ever the long grind pays off compared to mmos where the long grind doesnt pay off

>fully pvp
Fuck man only 10 INT people get away with that, and the fucking college quest line has an entry fee way to high and I don't feel like selling my soul to the auction house.

I'm about to do an out of bounds but the shotgun license is a bit much. Guess the bridge is an option.

awful game. rolled a subpar character with horrible traits and there's no way to even respec. everything good is locked behind a paywall and there appears to be nothing but smurfs at my level. 2/10 would not recommend

Is that Brianna "Main Man" Wu? Gross.

do an out of bounds glitch by inflicting lethal damage to head quickly. Hanging/helium doesn't work sadly and other options beyond blowing your head off with a shotgun or bridging have low success rates. I heard that in the out of bounds you can find the guy who will respec you but it could take a while or send you to a server you can't particularly coexist in.

just try WOW you may like it.

Or you know let Sup Forums tell you what to like and when to like it, like some friendzoned beta fuckboy.

Its up to you really

Have one. A good one at that. Adult life is kinda boring.

>don't recommend FF
>recommend degenerate shit instead
This is a shiller

>the long grind pays off

I don't really care about your Sup Forums meme shit, I just want to play a good game.

FF is complete shit and shilled here more than any other game in the history of vidya faggot

>creates,saves and shares images like this
>calls others shills

we see right through you

who the fuck would recommend FF to anyone


>posts on Sup Forums
I never understood this meme and I don't understand Sup Forums
Fully active combat, and instead of mana you have cooldown management. You can buy the game on sale and get the expansion pack for at it's lowest 15 dollars. Active community in the map chat which is mostly retard underages talking about politics but if you play pvp you're bound to find 1 or 2 guys who you can chill with in teamspeak/discord and have a fun time running the 5 man dungeons or roaming in WvW (something no other mmo has) sorry for the shilling, I just really love the game

Then you got some option. The usual WoW or FF 14 since they have a large playerbase and are constantly updating. If you want to play the older version of WoW, then play a private server. There always EvE if you're into spreadsheets. SWGemu if you want to try out Star Wars as an mmo. ESO is a decent B2P mmo that tries to be like Skyrim, and the developers listen to their player base. TERA has the best combat in any mmo but you have to tolerate lolis and brs. Secret World has the best story for an MMO. Neverwinter Online is F2P and has a customized questline made by players

>Fully active combat
Pseduo action flowy combat that still relies on tab targetting, and very poorly

>nd instead of mana you have cooldown management.
You spam everyone on cooldown. Wow, goodgame play. This is totally unique. WoW

> You can buy the game on sale and get the expansion pack for at it's lowest 15 dollars
And he would probably get scam when they release the new expansion, make that 50 dollars, and make HoT Free.

> but if you play pvp you're bound to find 1 or 2 guys
PvP is the biggest piece of shit in any mmo I have seen in my gaming life. The developers can't even update the balance correct and shit like dragonhunter and ele remain meta for years.

> or roaming in WvW (something no other mmo has)
It call RvR in other mmo and they did it much better than GW2. ESO does it better than GW 2. It nothing but zergfest shit that trade wins every weekend and if the server really want to win, they hire chinese to cover them during sleeping hours.

GW 2 is not an mmo I would recommend for anyone and the only reason it still alive is because of all the whales that keep buying their gemhop crap just to look pretty.

The genre is almost dead but China will save MMOs with the power of loli love.

>pseduo action flowy combat that still relies on tab targetting, and very poorly
it's better than what WoW and Final fantasy online has, and this is fact. Combat in those games is boring as shit and archaic.
>You spawm everyone on cooldown. Wow,goodgame play. This is totally unique. WoW
Okay you're mentally disabled but I'm going to finish
>And he would probably get scam when tehy release the new expansion, make that 50 dollars, and make HoT free
Like how WoW does it?
>PvP is the biggest piece of shit in any mmo I have seen in my gaming life. The developers can't even update the balance correct and shit like dragonhunter and ele remain meta for years
I'm platinum 2 and I main minions necro and I don't own HoT
>nothing but zergfest
Thats why we have the good sport call zerg busting, and night roamers if you played the fucking game you would know this but you don't because you never played the fucking game.

loli is love loli is life

>it's better than what WoW and Final fantasy online has, and this is fact. Combat in those games is boring as shit and archaic.
Not even fucking close and you know it. It doesn't help that you couldn't customized your skill set outside the chosen set from your weapon. And then we go with the whole zerker/viper stacking each other and killing things in seconds. This end up making most of the classes losing their unqiueness and stall in all the sameness of everything'

>Okay you're mentally disabled but I'm going to finish
You know what I mean. Mana management is still better than fucking spamming on cooldown.

>Like how WoW does it?
Actually releasing a completed content and not half assing it like HoT?

>I'm platinum 2 and I main minions necro and I don't own HoT
Whoop dee fucking do. That didn't mean shit since those guys are always op even before the expansion

>Thats why we have the good sport call zerg busting, and night roamers if you played the fucking game you would know this but you don't because you never played the fucking game.
Zerg busting are just bored fucks that has nothing better to do and those night roamers are usually chinese.

GW 2 is still a piece of shit and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone

>most classes only have one viable build
Biggest deal breaker in this genre IMO.
It's always the same shit:
>pick build that you enjoyed most
>eventually you learn that your build is shit
>the best build is the actually one you fucking hate (like "DUOL WEILD" builds, they are almost always the best and most stupid-looking shit in MMOs)
>reroll uninstall wizard

It even funnier when you consider that these non minion-build are expansion exclusive, making GW 2 P2W, something it predecessor was trying to avoid

wroom wroom worst skill build coming trough

Don't fall for the golden era of WoW meme. The golden era of MMOs was ended when WoW mutated the genre into something it should never have been by infesting it with ADD normalfags.

>no monthly fee
Now that's just a lie.

this is good if you like grindy af mmos, no joke.

2006 called
they want their memes back