So now that net neutrality is no longer a thing, will this cut into videogames as a whole...

So now that net neutrality is no longer a thing, will this cut into videogames as a whole? Will it make online gaming a lot worse?

What's your opinion?

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On the bright side, it'll eventually remove the link to fb or twitter thingy.

basically steam and xbl/psn/switch online will pay big bucks to keep low latency gaming a thing and everyone else would be fucked

I don't play online, I don't care.

>Net neutrality abolished
>NEET's and poorfags can no longer ruin Sup Forums with their console wars

is net neutrality really gone?

So you are a chad or you won't be able to post either faggot

How is the ability for American ISPs to throttle traffic going to affect BRs? Unless Sup Forums moves to Sup Forums pass posting only that is.

Don't worry. Government loves money. Eventually government won't be satisfied with company A's contribution and will turn things upside down once more. This has all happened before and will again.

In the long run it probably doesn't amount to much of anything.

Regional monopolies on internet service are dying with advances in tech. Before too long this won't even be a conversation.

This might be a tad optimistic. But I think we are going to leave behind the roads we've constructed to confine the internet on/in for airports pretty soon.
Internet infrastructure will look completely different soon. We occupy too much area and have regions that are too sparsely populated to hope for a wire or fiber connection to each and every person

Grants dry up.

Let's look at the other side of things - What if ISPs decided internet gaming shouldn't have any place in the world. It isn't a productive use of our time and energy so they constricted our data flow so much that we couldn't play WoW, XIV, Runescape, Overwatch, PUBG, Black Desert Online, CS:GO, Rocket League, Rust, or whatever or any other game in the way we do now. You bet your ass people would start destroying shit, rioting, or boycotting the fuck out of a company. The backlash would be massive

That's why I'm optimistic.

The backlash would be massive. At the end of the day, we put food on the table for those people.

>fast lane for online gaming
>if you can pay
neets btfo

Plenty of folks who pay for internet services would receive heavy backlashes. Also you do realize with net neutrality no longer a thing, monopolies in areas won't be a thing.

Net Neutrality was a safety net to keep ISPs from being retarded.
However companies generally don't last if their service is shit so I doubt they'd encourage competition by throttling fucking everything.

Not like this is a good thing, but given just how fucking livid people will be if something fucks with their bread and circuses I don't think it's in anyone's best interest for ISPs to abuse their extended freedoms.
Expect higher prices and tiered data speed plans though. Fuckers love those.

Not really. The ones really getting boned are the companies directly competing with the ISP's own services, the various video streaming services being the worst offenders. You can bet your ass they're going to throttle and extort them as hard as possible so the ISP's in-house equivalent starts to look like a more attractive proposition. Gaymen doesn't really have competition like that.

>Get Steam for only $9.99 a month, or $19.99 for three months.

>Net Neutrality was a safety net to keep ISPs from being retarded.

Except it wasn't. Many ISPs were caught throttling.

Net neutrality was a solution in search for a problem. Economically illiterate morons need to stop worshiping the State and try looking at some real sources.

Such as? Bonus points if it doesn't require me to have enough zeros in the bank to start my own ISP.

Eh. fuck me then.

What am I gonna do when my ISP starts fucking me but it's the only one available to me?
Start my own ISP?
That's now how cable companies work.

>Also you do realize with net neutrality no longer a thing, monopolies in areas won't be a thing.
That has nothing to do with net neutrality though. The real reasons for the lack of competition are the absurdly eye-watering costs involved with laying down the necessary infrastructure (good fucking luck trying to convince the others to let you rent theirs) and the even more absurd barricades of red tape you have to hack through, set up by the current players over the years. It's kind of telling when even Google throwing its weight around could only get shit done in a select few areas before having to give up.

To be fair, other companies have attempted to fix the issues. Google for example was met with a ton of red tape and bullied by Comcast and AT&T.

In Tennessee, one area has its own ISP and AT&T has been foaming at the mouth for ages because it wants to try to put stake there. Every time AT&T has tried, they've failed.

yep, we're back to the good old days of dial up internet speed.

really wish old RC will become a thing again and ASSFAGGOTS and FPS arena shooters will be a thing of the past

>yep, we're back to the good old days of dial up internet speed
wew lad

>net neutrality is no longer a thing
Wait, what? This is a joke, right?

how long do I have I download all my games/media locally?

5 minutes...this post will explode in 5 minutes

>yep, we're back to the good old days of dial up internet speed.

Except we aren't.


So, who's to blame for this?

I've thought about it. Storing a shit ton of media on a bunch of hard drives. Wont be able to enjoy anything new for awhile but there should be enough until it blows over. Or until I have enough saved to move to a different country.


>will this cut into videogames as a whole?

Yes expect more companies charging to simply redownload games or giving devs a smaller cut so prices go up.

Anybody have a source? am I being memed?


>Expect higher prices and tiered data speed plans though. Fuckers love those.
They're not going to do that though, that'd instantly give away the PR game to the net neutrality crowd and out the ISP side as moustache twirling villains. If they just keep the status quo (or even better, trim the prices a bit because "the internet is now free" or some other horseshit) for a length of time, the ISP's get excellent PR ammo for burying their opponents as it's easy to paint the pro-NN crowd as a bunch of doomsayers. The real fuckery will silently take place behind the scenes after the dust has settled.

This ex-verizon poo in loo shitter.

That would be the smart action, but if these guys have got to be extra greedy to be pushing for this shit so hard.
I don't think they'll be able to keep in in their pants that hard.

What's to stop civilians from linking their private computers on a massive scale to create national public ad-hoc internets? Many countries already do it with phones during protests

the iq and willingness to read a manual of the average american

you still need to use the infrastructure to do that and even if the wiring is on your property it's still owned by the based corporations thanks to the based redpilled government

If anybody in the buisness cared what happened other than quarterly gains, yeah I guess, but they don't. And, they have complete control over regions. Most people have LITERALLY no other option, and living without net sucks, so they'll still be making money hand over fist.

So nothing has happened yet, good to know.

my bad I'm retarded I didn't see ad-hoc

ad-hoc is shit though

Because shutting out sites was never the point, it's about making more money. Netflix eating into the ISP's cable channel division profits or drawing away consumers from their own streaming service suddenly matters a lot less if they can just extort them for hideous amounts of money to be able to peer at full speed.

What about bluetooth?

That doesn't exactly mean it's no longer a thing.
Just that it's probably going to get axed.
Although given just how terrible the trump administration is at getting things done maybe they'll find a way to shit the bed again.

I admit, I voted for Trump, but this is a bad call. Slap to the face is the fact the guy appointed is an Ex-Verizon chairman and was appointed by Trump.

makes a ton of good points, but I can't help but be concerned.

I wanted him to win even though I knew he would be a fuckup.
Mostly because I honestly still think clinton would have been worse.
Someone needs to give Trump a helluva wake up call soon.
He isn't completely retarded, but he's got to stop letting his ego drive him and make better decisions instead of religiously trying to remove anything obama touched.

Bluetooth has nothing to really do with the internet.

Not trying to make it a pol thing or whatever, but you're an idiot if you think it's going to get better at all. We have 4 years of him picking literally everything he can to fuck us over.

>I dont understand real life things but fuck Durmp he is literally using Twitter to destroy america
You are this retarded

His cabinet and everything he stands for is pushing to fuck the common public.

Even on a quarterly scale, there's no reason to transparently go maximum jew like that. Sure, you gain x% extra revenue per customer, but at the immediate and tangible cost of bleeding a shitload of users in the areas with actual competition, completely swamping the customer service with complaints and generally making a complete ass of yourself while proving that your opponents were right all along. Doing nothing for easy free money down the line just makes way more sense than shooting yourself on the foot and hoping the bullet passes through the gap between your toes.

Oh I'm just being optimistic.
I don't think he'll get better, but he needs to otherwise we'll start getting mass riots in the street again.
At worst I have a feeling the rest of the US gov will step in and forcibly "guide" him into making decisions that rock the boat less.
Simply to save their own necks.

>If anybody in the buisness cared what happened other than quarterly gains

Just imagine how better the internet would be if routing was improved, infrastructure was upgraded to fiber optic wiring, and a ton of old tech was scrapped. You'd bet your ass a ton of internet issues would be gone overnight and a ton of customers would flock to your company simply because of overall better infrastructure.

Tons of companies don't do this because "as long as it works to a minimum", businesses simply do not give a shit.

Try thinking for a moment about who "authorizes" ISPs in the first place and artificially limits competition.

See above. The Government is always, ALWAYS, the heart of the problem, and no amount of legislation will ever work - especially shit like "net neutrality" which totally chokes smaller ISPs because surprise surprise, you have to prioritize some things over others sometimes.

>Hahah dumb trumptards and conservatives voting for rich people. They don't care about you haha!!!
Same Retards Different Threads

>mass riots in the street again

Only riots are niggers and the left, who are both making themselves look like fools on an annual basis.

>The Government is always, ALWAYS, the heart of the problem

The government also cares about money. Eventually government won't be satisfied with company A's contribution and will turn things upside down once more. This has all happened before and will again.


If it gets too much worse it'll be every demographic.
I don't particularily want competent personally angry rioters any time soon.
You feel me?

People don't like getting dicked over and over again.

Who do you think caught them and fined them?

Instead they make angry posts online and bitch and moan.

It'll take a catastrophic event to get anything shaken up in Trump's admin.

Only a burger could be cucked enough to think corporations are his friends.

No only lefty and niggers riot. Even the illegal Mexicans don't care enough to riot. If you want to see a bunch of White people destroy their own countries go to Europe faggot

Doesn't stop them from doing it anyway.

ISPs are more likely to hamper with political data or online activity than gaming

Can ISPs even isolate gaming activity and charge for it?

Not really, but there is nothing stopping them from doing it anyway

idk probably if they want but the primary civil argument for NN was that it gives ISPs the ability to inhibit or hamper online political activities they don't like. Of course ISPs are greedy fucks who will shit everything up but this is the more sinister motive behind them pushing against NN

Seems illegal, even if the data is going through their system.

Who is going to regulate them? Who is going to arrest them? The government? Not without NN

Welcome to the future of no NN.

Oh please, you melodramatic queer.