It is a big responsibility. We knew we wanted to tell a story that would inspire people: women, men, boys, and girls...

>It is a big responsibility. We knew we wanted to tell a story that would inspire people: women, men, boys, and girls. And we didn’t want to just show a generic story of a superhero coming of age. We wanted her to be full and whole. This is the first time we are telling this story and I feel like for so many boys, they have great role models to work with. They have Superman and Batman and Spiderman and the list goes on and on. And they are strong and almighty and they are positive and active and proactive.

>For girls, I just had a conversation with my daughter, Alma, and she was saying something about the prince she saw in Sleeping Beauty and she was saying he’s brave and he’s strong. And I said what about the princess and she said, she’s weak. And I said, what do you think of that. And she’s 4, my daughter. And she said, she shouldn’t be weak. And I said why do you think she’s weak, and she said, she’s sleeping the entire movie and the prince comes and kisses her and saves her. She didn’t do anything.

This is from the director of the hit film Wonder Woman. If a four year old girl thinks this way about Disney's Princess Aurora, what would she think about Nintendo's pitifully weak and passive star female characters like Princess Peach? Why do video games in general lack good role models for girls?

>Who is Samus Aran?

>having video games characters as your role model

No. Fuck 'em, let girls play play Mass Effect or Mirrors Edge or whatever shit that caters to them lets not ruin good series.
Also I really doubt that conversation was real.

Not after Other M and bimbofication.

I didn't authorise the use of Sup Forums, get back in the kitchen

>good role models for girls?

for the record, everyone is lacking in good role models.



Lara Croft
Chick from lollipop chainsaw ( good ideals even thiugh shes dressed like a stripper)
Beyond two souls bitch

Silent hill bitch

Any gender optional rpg

Jane Sheppard

The boss thst turns invisible on dues ex

Im thinking hold on

You're forgetting motherly role-models like Samus

Oh yeah this one too

Now that im thinking about it more women leads in games would be cool but it would be too forced...

No, i heard you ibjust dont give a shit.

Op is talking about chicks who dont need saving or motherly love. He means women as strong characters.

Lightening off that lame ass final fantasy

Yeah, Samus is too short to not be saved

You would be suprised how man women play vidya and arent just 'gamr girlz'

I read the first line of your sentence and thought this was going to be a Bergermeister Meisterberger thread

If it has a penis, it's a guy

No one is entitled to role models or representation in fiction. If they want to have them or be represented, they can make their own stories.

Tell them to play 3D world and play as peach? or play super princess peach? I doubt a 4 year old even cares about this stuff.

Do kids really have role models or is it all just bullshit? I liked Batman when I was a kid, but I never cared about being a good person like him, I just wanted the cool powers and the status.


They are, and dudes are bitching about it.

>samus is a manlet

>They are
Such as?

>taking established and beloved characters and making them female while ruining everything good about the character
>making their own
Pick one

She's pretty short

Really, this. I am a woman. Im the one posting all the mispelled crap with examples of female characters.

Dont get me wrong back when ps2 and earlier i wanted more female characters. Thought it would be cool but it never took away from the game. Because in the end i am the one playing. I dont care what gender. Its a game. Its fun. Plus if you are looking for time odels in video games that means you need to evaluate who you are around/ or subjecting ypur kid to.

Forgot to add the bitch from horizon.

Why am i still responding to obvious troll

>they are

That's not how it works. Artistic liberty is not a service for the consumer, it's an inalienable right for the creator. The audience of said creator's work is determined by whoever finds it appealing, not some arbitrary diversity checklist.

Lol time odels.

Role models

Skullgirls has some pretty badass women in gaming. peacock is cute

I absolutely love the art in Sleeping Beauty
and classic Disney in general, for that matter

>Forgot to add the bitch from horizon.
Side thing, I hate the Naughty Dog-style "have to have somebody talk every 5 minutes" bullshit that ruins the atmosphere of games like Horizon, I'm glad Sony is the only one really pushing it but jesus christ

Never played it considering getting it because of the crysis 3 feel. You dont recommend it? I like the story and all the talking.

>I like the story and all the talking.