Why the fuck are you still using a Blue Yeti microphone Sup Forums?

Why the fuck are you still using a Blue Yeti microphone Sup Forums?

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because i bought one off craigslist like eight years ago and it's not broken yet

>$130 toy
>Not spending about $750 for a real audio setup

What's wrong with them?

Their reddit mics.

But I'm not

aesthetically pleasing for my battle stations pic

They're shit, buy a real microphone as I did!

i got mine for 50 bucks a couple years ago and its regularly 200 dollars

Im not. It's not a bad microphone for casual use.

That's the whole point of soulbrotha's original video.

>How to be an online voice actor
>Use a real professional mic setup
>The Blue Yeti is not professional quality and it won't set you apart

The Yeti is a good mic for casual use. I bought mine years ago because I wanted a decent quality mic. It served me well because I did a lot of video conferencing in College and I would just throw it in my bag.

Weegee is a fuccboi who didn't get the point, and ended up so cucked that he paid soulbro an undisclosed amount of money.

>reddit scapegoating

Fuck is summer over yet?

Watch as I compare my $700+ setup composed of a mic, and two audio boxes to a single $100 product while also poorly seting up said product to make it sound like shit compareed to mine

Now excuse me while I also contradict myself by saying that it's all based on works for you

I got one for $30 three years ago during Black Friday, it was objectively a good purchase at that price

Those things look way too overkill if y'all are going to be using discord or whatever voip anyway.

incoming a clip of some audiophile who got salty nobody watch his stuffs while popular streamer get millions of view even with Blue Yeti mic

Someone said Weegee was shilling his channel here at one point, is there any proof of this?

I'm not an autistic audiophile :yyyy

>Paying $100+ for a mic for the sake of casually using

For what purpose? You can get a standard dynamic microphone for like $20-50 that'll serve the same exact purpose and won't detract from your experience. If you're not a professional, buying anything beyond that makes no sense besides frivolous spending.

I'm using a $50 samson I got for free using a gift card fite me fgt

I have a snowball that I got for my birthday like five years ago.
It's still kicking and I've got absolutely no reason to replace it. Never heard anyone complain about it yet, especially considering I've got this boom thing so I can stick it right up next to my mouth.
And really, if you're going to be doing professional recording work at home, you've got to have an entire space dedicated to it, along with the hundreds of dollars in equipment, I just use this thing to yell at my friends.


If you have to ask the answer is always yes. Sup Forums is for Sup Forumsiral marketing after all.

>$4 genius mic
Nobody ever complained about it.

USB microphones are literally the worst you could buy

>Literally the worst you can buy
Yeah, depending on the mic you get. The fact that it's USB isn't too big of a concern unless it affects your job.

Given that most people using these microphones make money from YouTube, it does affect their job.

That's their own fault for not putting in the research for microphones that are more properly suited for a professional environment. Who cares what those idiots spend their money on? Just watch people whom are more competent in their respective fields. Considering it's their "job" you'd imagine they would put some more thought into it.

Too expensive.

Shit man Im too wise or too poor with my money Im just sticking with the snowball

Right, just buy this shit instead!

I use a Blue snowball for podcasting and shit, and nobody has ever complained about the quality on that. In fact, several people have commented that it sounds like I'm in the room with them. Is the snowball a better mic than the yeti?

I'm more of a fan of getting a BM-800 set.
Upgradable if you ever want to go into deeper autism, and it runs for only 30$ to give you everything you need to be competitive with studiofaggots

Have they no shame.

Actually I still use this, one of the older, more expensive ones with the three hardware settings on the back. Works like a fucking charm still.

I still remember YouTubers from like 2009 calling it the shit. Holy shit that was 8 years ago.

because it's a microphone and it works for me

Why would you use anything other than a $1 clip on mic?

Because In the words of Todd Howard.

"It just works"

That's why I got it. Because it's overkill, I know my setup will be the best I can possibly make it at all times.

I bought a microphone from Best Buy for $15 and it works fine.

That is the point if all those videos. They're addressing people who want to get into youtubing.

None of their listeners give a fuck about the audio quality. The blue yeti is good enough to not make it complete shit.

Soen do
I know I do
I'm glad the YouTubers I watch make high quality videos

Fuck this faggot
He could've been one of the best e-celebs. I remember when he was posting his original vids in YT threads on Sup Forums.
>Stops making content people want
>Makes a patreon and tweets pics of him spending all the money on a PS4 and tons of games while outputting 0 content
>Literally sells out, shilling garbage games like fucking Naruto online and world of tanks
>Descent continues with vids of overwatch unboxings, reading "salty" comments, and fidget spinner bullshit
>flat out plagiarizes an entire video and claims it's the most effort he's ever put into one

Fuck you weegee, you were supposed to be the next dunkey with your luscious voice and don't-take-shit attitude.

Clearly Youtube isn't about quality.

Voice Acting is about quality. So you need a good setup. Even if youtube is your job, you don't need anything more robust than a yeti because most people are just watching on their phones or shitty netbooks anyways.

Because I'm tired of fucking headsets, they're shitty plastic garbage and they break constantly.

That said, I wish I could find a nice pair of headphones for my giant ass ears, been stuck with these (admittedly comfortable) 20 dollar earbuds for too long

I have a BM-800.

I wish I was.
I can't get them anywhere locally.

>Blue Yeti
>it's white, or gray, or black
people will defend this

Did you not see the OP image? There's a blue one right there.

Razer seiren and never look back.
All my yeti/ audio technica meme friends in discord are jelly of the sound quality.

>tfw mine broke within 2 months and I'm too much of a sperg to go through with the warranty shit

Because I use some proper headphones that I modded with a 1 dollar mic by drilling an extra hole and putting in a jack.

Sounds perfectly passable because it's close to my face, and I don't have to sacrifice audio quality, desk space, or have a massive stand floating in front of me like an autist. When I don't need it, I can just unplug it and set it down somewhere, it's fucking great.

I don't care because most people don't have good enough audio set ups to tell the difference.

Honestly though I just keep a blue snoball around because it works.

I really miss when the goofy, neckbeard, baby face wasn't tied to that voice.

>want to make youtube videos
>have crippling social anxiety
>find it really easy to do recording and video shit when wearing a morph suit head (just the head it goes into my neck line
>draw a crude face on it in paint to make it more friendly
>get a few with different expressions
>change the expressions out accordingly

Am I too autistic?

>he doesnt use the sm7b


How do I setup this mic? Shit is loud most of the time even when far away

why do all of the high quality microphones look like sexy robots

>this many people actually own a microphone and record let's plays and stream
Why? Do any of you make money off of it?

Rocking my one too. Looks kind of retarded mounted to an arm but sounds pretty good and the 3 settings is a nice touch.

It's probably because they know how to not make their Mic sound like shit.