discuss movesets faggots because Super shit isn't getting in
Dragon Ball Fighter Z roster prediction
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kid goku when
roshi when
From last thread.
No. Goku will always be the hero.
Gohan didn't kill cell. Gohan (with the help of a instant transmission Kamehameha from goku) killed Cell.
Every major villain was defeated by goku.
trailers on friday.
You can't be serious
>Gohan didn't kill cell
Confirmed or speculating? Because I expect that, but I haven't heard anything official.
Goku wasn't actually there user. It was symbolic. Goku was only with him in spirit.
I wish I was joking.
Can you list major villains Goku didn't defeat?
Reminder that Gohan would have jobbed if it wasn't for Vegeta
Sure he was.that's why Gohan went on to be the hero of DBZ after all that.
Oh. Wait.
Buu (on his own)
and Trunks killed Frieza
Vegeta, Cell, Beerus, Hit, Zamasu
Except that he took a hit that would have killed Vegeta before that.
Goku's Spirit bomb.
Goku "symbolicly" We all fucking know he It'd into that Kamehameha shot a Kamehameha with gohan.
Only goku knows how to use the Spirit bomb.
>Mecha frieza
Wasn't a major villain anymore. He was a gauge of power. a non-threat.
Speculating. Maybe they'll do something for SDCC.
This is the most realistic roster so far. This considers realistic size, marketable characters, and unique moveset potential.
>We all fucking know
only your autistic headcanon knows
>Goku's Spirit bomb.
That krillin and gohan used, Goku was out of commission because Vegeta fucked him up.
>goku "symboicly"
irrelevant, because it was actually Gohan that killed Cell. Goku didn't actually do anything to cell.
>only Goku knows how to use the spirit bomb
And that changes what, exactly? He needs help to make the spirit bomb.
I just want to play piccolo man
Antagonist not major villain.
Beat him later when Goku contracted Hit to kill him.
Also not a villain Antagonist.
He beat Zamasu multiple times. and even though I really wanted someone else to beat someone for once I found it in poor taste that Trunks subconsciously learned how to pull off a spirit bomb and somehow instinctively mold it around a broken sword. And that somehow has a effect on a god when nothing else did.
>dissing 18
good minus: Videl, Broly in base, and all the Super stuff as DLC
Super will easily get in as DLC but i would see it not getting into the base game.
Beerus isn't supershit either and videl is fine.
>When your post is in the cap
>That Krillin and gohan used
Yet instructed by Goku and those two wouldn't have lived through the day if he didn't make it in the first place. Goku beat vegeta. Notice how Vegeta doesn't have a grudge against Krillian and Gohan.
So you didn't read the rest of the sentence. Got it.
>He needs help to make the spirit bomb.
Which he managed to pull energy from fucking grass of all things.
Goku didn't beat Vegeta. Or Cell, Or Buu (on his own)
Sorry gokufag.
Replace with Kang Piccolo
I Know this is mostly focused on DBZ but will they add some characters in from the original DB? Budokai games did that.
>saibamen are in the game
aw ye
I didn't say he did. But he was the hero.
The driving force behind their defeat if not the person who deals the finishing blow.
Hell Trunk's spirit sword has Goku's energy in it if we want to get into that level of fuckery.
>not wanting Broly
As Yamcha's level 5 super. Saibaman jumps up from behind the enemy for an unblockable. It hugs both Yamcha and the opponent together before blowing up dealing massive damage to both of them and both of them lying in Yamcha's death pose afterwards.
is vegeta just the prince of assists?
hell, in the saiyan saga he arguably got an assist on himself due to the fake moon
I wonder where that faggot is now.
Also I ain't no goku fag. I would love for someone else to be the driving force behind the defeat of a big bad for once but it never is. Toei Love goku too much to let anyone else have any lime light.
Just like last thread. Broly is terrible with the worst back story and motivation in the history of the franchise.
I almost didn't come into this thread but now I'm glad I did.
>Broly is terrible with the worst back story and motivation in the history of the franchise
>Broly is terrible with the worst back story and motivation in the history of the franchise.
This is true from a story perspective. However. He's always a blast to play as and that's what matters in a fighting game.
"lmao i'm a cat who loves food"
"i'm a fatter cat who also loves food! aren't we so random?"
"i'm suffering from severe muscle atrophy but i'm the prince of all saiyans"
"i'm female goku"
"i'm female broly"
Super has such wonderful unique and well thought out characters
Sure man, the characters I want in are Ginyu, Devilman, Kid B-
>because Super shit isn't getting in
Oh, I mistook this for an actual discussion thread, my mistake.
>Both 17 and 18
>Unique moveset potential
>Ultimate Gohan
Did he really do anything special? I don't remember anything.
He put himself in endless purgatory of the dragon's body until the end of time in GT.
WAHHH, GOKU CRYED TOO MUCH. MUST SMASH GOKU. Nah mate. It didn't pass last thread doesn't pass now.
>However. He's always a blast to play as and that's what matters in a fighting game.
Broly always has super armor and super armor is rife with faggotry for fighting games.
>only picture provided of Videl is her jobbing it
well at least it gave me a boner
>Super shit isn't getting in
Where does this idea come from? It is because Z is in the title?
>mfw Broly gets a unique finisher animation where he lariats people into the buildings and mountains in the background instead of them just flying into them alone
Is Spopovich a slav?
>Not realizing every fighterz thread you see are just shitposting about waifushit and super
I haven't fapped to Android 18 in years but I did tonight. Brings back old memories.
She's pretty much confirmed right?
Ahh yes another retard who didn't pay attention to the movie and just posts meme tier generalizations.
There has to be at least some super shit since Frieza goes golden already. So i can see Super Saiyan Blue Goku (hopefully not as a separate character,I don't need to be dealing with 7 different versions of goku again) and Beerus for sure.
Everyone's seen the movie. It's trash. Broly doesn't even care that he got stabbed, just angry at Goku for crying.
>So i can see Super Saiyan Blue Goku
The best you'll get is a color palette for Goku. Same goes for Goku Black.
>There has to be at least some super shit since Frieza goes golden already.
Beerus is getting in though
I remeber something about Paragus having a reason for wanting to kill Vegeta but that mattered not to Broly. Don't continue to try and push that traumatic life shit you have as your head canon.
If he was really pining over the stabbing he would have immediately went ape shit when he saw Vegeta. Which he didn't.
Paragus had a good reason for his action and trauma. Broly did not. Get over yourself and your shitty head canon you spilled all over the last thread.
>stabbed and tossed into a gaarbage heap as a baby
God damn you guys are dumb.
>3 Gokus
resurrection of F is a Dragon Ball Z movie. Was released before Toei decided to make a Super anime.
You're unironically defending the plot to Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan. You're the dumb one here.
Gokus are just functions if you think about it.
Lose: Ginyu, Adult Gohan, 17
Gain: Dabura, Saiyaman, Dabura
I dont disagree
Goku black at least can stand out since Zamasu is shit. Unless they do fusion Zamasu which I'd be okay with. Honestly I don't want THAT much Super stuff.
if you go by this then Beerus is still good to go
Why'd you list Dabura twice? Or at all, really. He's boring.
He saw who stabbed him and I'm more than sure in the 20 or so years of hitchhiking across the galaxy with his dad that his dad would tell him who stabbed him and what he looked like. Probly the whole reason Paragus made the plan to kill vegeta. But no. Crying equal the man who stabbed him.
Nah Nigga. You dumb. Quit pushing your head canon that absolutely nobody else is buying.
>Beerus is still good to go
Yep. So is SSG and SSB.
>Resurrection F movie
>MFW I bought that on DVD for 50 cents at a friend's yard sale and it was still factory sealed
Dude had 2 fucking bins worth of movies on DVD/Blu-Ray he had at his yard sale(he does storage unit buying where he sell contents from them for a living since he's retired). Shits so cash.
>So is SSG and SSB
Nope. The only people to use them are already in the game.
It's crazy how much Super ruined these movies
People now hate these arcs because they think of the terrible Super versions first instead of the movies that reinvigorated the series and were responsible for Super even existing
Super Saiyan God is such a shit, throwaway "Transformation" if you can even call it that. it's not even a super saiyan. Hopefully it doesn't appear.
Dragon Ball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT and Dragonball Super are all shit and made for hyperactive little boys to gossip about at school.
>Goku and Vegeta get 2 slots
well, better than like 6 each
The movies were already shit.
Or gossip about on Sup Forums. I'll never stop being a hyperactive little boy at heart when it comes to DBZ.
>Thinking ANYONE will get more than 1 slot
Not even Gohan is getting another slot as much as faggots want him to. People really need to realize that there won't be a situation where a character can get assisted by themselves.
One of the things i appreciate about the manga is that SSG is actually something they go back to. For some reason the anime refuses to touch it despite being a recolor.
It's called locking the slot, even kiddie games like Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm won't let a character assist themselves.
He was, for a time. But either due to fan weariness or Toriyama's own assessment he decided to bring Goku back as the lead. No joke, Gohan was the main character for the start of the long running Buu saga. It was in Toriyama's fragile head at the start of that saga to have Gohan defeat Buu as well but at some point felt the guy didn't fit as lead.
Some people point to fan popularity polls that were done at the time as influencing Toriyama's thinking but no one knows for sure. Gohan had dropped off the top 5 in popularity. He'd lost every fight in the arc to that point (pre Ult. Gohan v Super Buu) and I guess the fans back then judge such things harshly.
As an example he was the most popular cast member as he was murderizing Cell.
Yeah and?
Sol Badguy has a transformation in Guilty gear.
You telling me Goku and Vegeta couldn't Transform to SSG or Blue during battle?
Fucking Frieza can go Golden, Why can't they.
It is. just throwing in there for shits.
What if two people are playing with a Captain Ginyu on their team and one of the Captain Ginyus switches with another character from the opponent's team and now the one dude has two Captain Ginyus.
Maybe, but they haven't shown it off or announced it yet and Vegeta uses nothing from Super, be it moves or appearance. Goku uses his BoG uniform, though.
please no super characters in this game
>It's called locking the slot
You forget who's making this game. There's no possible way they would spend the resources on a character only to have them be inaccessible if another character is picked. Have people forgotten how they make these characters?
neogaf leaker told we're getting SSB Goku as separate clone
he also said Piccolo had Hellzone Grenade, he's probably lying
>neogaf leaker
That better be DLC a year from now. It'd be a shame to see a clone this early in its life. Unless it's Super Manga Goku then I'd be fine with it.
>Super isn't getting in
>Literally thinks Namco and ark will miss out on this opportunity
>Thinks Ark won't go for waifus in super
On top of that, this all stems from "Z is in the title, so only characters from Z will get in"
Despite the fact that GT characters were in tons of games with Z in the title.
Super doesn't have wayfoos.
Anti super fags are the worst. They don't want super just on principal alone. They'd rather have Dodoria or Raditz instead of Zamasu or Hit just because they are from Z even though both Zamasu and Hit have excellent potential for unique moves.