ITT: good character/enemy designs

ITT: good character/enemy designs.

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Goombas from SMB are so perfect, it's scary. Especially considering where the hone console industry was at that point.

Maybe visually
Gameplay design is fucking ass because they literally have one fucking attack and it's just a lazy beam from their eye

It should be good since it copied one of the best Ghibli films.


That's exactly why they have a good design, even with one attack it is still a great enemy

might I add that if you don't buy the DLC that one attack can't even hurt you unless you're trying to get hurt by it

Not familiar enough with Ghibli's work. Mind explaining?


Zelda has basically taken insperation from Ghibli from the start. Breath of the Wild just took it to another level. They weren't even trying to hide the influences anymore.

The guardians not only look similar to the robots in Laputa, but have the exact same role in the story. And attack people with the same laser beam weapon.

The guardians' designs were inspired by those old jap fukabachi jars, and Aonuma said that the idea for them originated from the octoroks you encounter in the first Zelda game. I mean, I guess I can see the parallels.

I love them.

>Topple one over onto its side
>All its little feet start grabbing at the air

I thought this was the nigga from EDF and was gonna get me some PTSD going


>perfect parrying all its lasers in master mode with a wooden pot lid

Nigger didn't stand a chance

>destroy a flying guardians three propellors
>it falls on the ground and can't do a thing
I feel bad to even kill it

>Not just shooting it in the eye with an ancient arrow to end its misery

Most of the enemy designs in botw are honestly pretty good
The weakest one is probably talus since it's literally a bunch of boulders stuck together but even that has some charm to it

*blocks ur path*

Guardian pussy

Guardians have no genitalia, and are therefore not for lewd.

I like a lot of the enemy designs in BotW.

Simple but effective

Lynels are a solid 10/10.

>Implying they were hiding their Miyazaki lust in Wind Waker.



It was pretty obvious, but still a lot of people didn't recognize it. Same with Skyward Sword.

BotW is still 100x more obvious. I mean you literally dress like Ashitaka and ride a glowing mountain deer god. They'd be more subtle just showing a video of princess mononoke.

wait I don't know Ghibli besides the most basic Spirited Away shit
which one is this?

the entirety of this game. irrefutable.

That was a Miyazaki TV show done before Ghibli was established.

Pre-Ghibli Miyazaki directed Future Boy Conan.

Psychokinetic bears that look like brains.




No only the recent games because the diretor has a fucking hard on for Ghibli.

The closest to "Ghibli" atmosphere I can think of before that was Link's Awakening.

Coolest guy to dress up as.

The first game showed some pretty clear Miyazaki styles in its artwork. A common name for the first Zelda is 'Miyazaki Zelda' since her style looks so much like a Ghibli girl. And of course Miyamoto later admitted during development of Ocarina of Time that he had always looked up to Miyazaki as inspiration.

Aonouma just went the next step. From inspiration to direct imitation.


Yeah. Him and Shima Sakon has the coolest design in Nioh and a lot better than their Samurai Warriors counterpart.


>Very realistic and fluent animations for its time
>Most epic 'Thump Thump' ever
>The vision distorting charge attack

Stand back guys, I'm winning this thread.

Best boy Susan highjacking this thread


Why is she so attractive, Sup Forums?

Joshua Graham is probably one of the best characters I've ever met in a game, also pic related

The character design in Nioh is great in general.