Hey guys, metal jesus here with another _______

Hey guys, metal jesus here with another _______

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>women shouldn't be enemies in video games because it misogynistic
what did he mean by this?

link to quote pls?

I can't help but love the guy

He doesn't have a clue.

I bet you he owns half the games reggie brings over and he just doesn't know it.

when you got 7000+ games in your collection, it's kinda hard to keep count on what you already got.

post the picture of him next to his gf

>Brings guest on
>Guest knows more about a game Metal Jesus likes than Metal Jesus himself

>I can't help but love the guy
>He doesn't have a clue.

But he admits that. He's always really intrigued by games and is always asking amateurish questions. You have to admire that.

Remember, he said got back into console gaming at around 30 years old, so he missed a lot of shit. He's very passionate about games and doesn't mind inquiring.

>his gf

if you mean the one with him, a petite girl & a bull (Reggie), that's not his gf. just another friend who frequently guests in his vids. he has a wife, so I'd imagine she's someone he knows in the 90's.

ok i guess ill find it

Why do metal heads only play weeb games?

He plays mostly non-weeb games and doesn't know many anime


I hate gamers that take it to this level. Why can't people just play games and leave it as that? Why do they all have to try and normalize and celebrate manchildren-ness?? It's like she's finally doing what she always wanted to do as a kid and she's trying to convince herself that it's just as awesome.

>yeaahhh, Pokemon Pikachu Pizza Partyyyy!!


Does he still pretend to be more than a janitor at Sierra?



I went to E3 this year and actually ran into Kelsey in one of the halls.

Did you massage her feet and beg to creampie her?

Why can't I have been born as a cute girl. I would love that, but now I have to settle for being a big guy.

You can fuck the cute girls and admire them and look at them all day you ridiculous genetic cuck

My dick is small though so I do not think I would make anyone happy

I go down to her store in Seattle a couple times a month, pink gorilla is a cool place.

if any one of his friends would had worked as a janitor at sierra, it'd be this guy.

Yes. He constantly mentions how he used to work at Sierra but he never mentions that he wasn't involved with anything even close to important.

>His terrible haircut and fashion sense
I mean, you don't have to spend hundreds on designer clothes, but I don't get "metal heads" who let their hair turn into a shaggy mess and wear nothing but black t-shirts and shorts. He could at least try a little harder.

If i pulled your dick off, would you die?

I like that he admits to being a total n00b but lets be honest he likes collecting much more than actually playing the games and then he makes TOP 10 HIDDEN GEMS videos and scalpers raises the price and now the people who would of actually played the game have to lose a leg

Small girls require small cocks

I thought she's his daughter? Kelsey is very cute in natural way, I don't usually comment anybody this way. I wish I could creampie her.

That doesn't sound very metal

>Yes. He constantly mentions how he used to work at Sierra but he never mentions that he wasn't involved with anything even close to important.


granted, he worked as an accountant there & at most, had posed for a photo for a fake rock band in one of Sierra's games

duh-dun duh-dun duh-dun duh duh-dun dun

Isn't he the guy that was phished? Or was that AlphaOmegaSin

No, I'm pretty sure she isn't. Most of the time I'm in the store there's a guy at the counter. He's cool, he looks like his name would be Todd or maybe Derek.
Also geez dude, why are you talking about that stuff?

>lets be honest he likes collecting much more than actually playing the games
Meh, it happens. I've found myself enjoying youtube vids about games more than playing in the last few years.

God I hate this faggot. He uses a Retron for his huge collection that he has to have for 'muh authenticity'. If you're gonna waste money on shit at least do it the right way.

for you

SO Welcome back to another episode

He was an accountant and later worked in customer service, im jelly as fuck desu

This guy seems weird but his videos are alright. DreamcastGuy is creepy AF, if you've ever seen him.

well its a good thing that you are not making top 10 hidden youtube videos video games and raising the views on them

i guess is more convenient to just have a retron hooked up than manage a lot of cables

lmao touche

Fucking metal heads and their Chinese role playing games.

women are taboo but we can beat up trans folk in USA Final Fight? That doesn't sound very progressive.

I didn't give a fuck about anyone on youtube til this guy. I've gotta admit though. I watched his earlier episodes years ago and thought he had cancer. Then started watching the more modern stuff a few years ago. About a year into watching his videos I went back and watched the first ones and was blown away.

God this guy is so tiny. I could kick him in the head.

metal jesus at least doesn't exude metal to the point where it seeps through everything he does. He just happens to have that name, hair, and interest. But when he commentates I just think of him as a regular guy. This guy however.....is like a fucking guilty gear character.

holy shit when did noddy grow a beard? This guy looks like a fucking 12 year old wearing a fake beard.

I really want a qt short gf.

>here's your controller, bro

but you won't, pussy

>older than 16
choose one

cool guy genuinely loves video games and has many stories
also don't forget avgn he loves metal too

>I wish I could creampie her.

Never ever ;_;


She's not even that short, he's really tall.

Aren't these e-celeb threads a joy to read? They have fuckall to do with videogames, love them. Videogames are for losers anyway.

>It's like she's finally doing what she always wanted to do as a kid

wait, are there people that dont do this?

>has a basement dedicated to old deprecated media that can all be replaced by emulators or flash carts
>cares about convienence

I wouldn't because I'm a weak femboi, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm taller than him.

I can't hate him too much
He helped me solve a dilema I had for years.
For years I couldn't remember the name of a game I played as a little kid.
All I remembered was that it was an RPG, there was a bug queen, you defeated her with a black hole move and that a short child like brown haired character gives you his gloves and dies.

He made a video about rare PS1 games.
One of them was Suikoden II. They showed some footage and it looked similar. This whole time I was thinking it was a SNES game I was remembering like Chrono Trigger or a Final Fantasy game.

I googled "Playstation rpg queen boss"
Then popped up the Ant Queen from Suikoden 1.

So the game was Suikoden 1, the queen was the Ant Queen, the character with brown hair was Ted, he didn't die, and he gives you the cursed rune.

Such a fucking load off my mind.

Isn't this dude like 5'2?

he's LITERALLY a midget


Metal has to be the worst genre of music. I fucking hate saying so many of these metalhead fags on youtube.


but to live your life like a child...

It's one photo, dude.

A METAL midget

a very tryhard photo

and the fact that she owns those pj's is cringe

What is this, 2012? You only cringe at stuff if you relate to it.


not true. you cringe at cringey shit

why would you WANT to live like an adult? it fucking sucks

You can still enjoy things from your childhood without completely indulging in a childhood fantasy. Peter Pan syndrome is real, my guy

>Hey guys, metal jesus here with another hot girl in the thumbnail
Not that I'm complaining or anything.

I've been binging his content lately. His videos are fun to listen to. Kelsey is nice to look at.


Hello, and welcome to Gamesack, and we're going to talk about games that use the select button.

OP here, same. I fall asleep watching it. A few weeks ago I was binging game sack, but metal jesus is so calming and inquisitive

Love game sack, but sometimes these guys have really shitty opinions and talk about them like it's fact.

This faggot is the biggest poser I can think of.
>started buying and hoarding 99% of his games AFTER starting a youtube channel devoted to retro gaming, what a massive coincidence
I hope his entire collection burns to the ground.

This is the only reason I stuck at one vidya store job for a bit. I loved finding old games based upon vague descriptions, etc. and seeing a customer's face light up when I'd pull it off of a shelf. This of course was before prices were absolutely insane on retro so ringing someone up wasn't destroying their wallet.

>kid buys some old snes jrpgs
>coworker just hands me the phone when I'm at the back desk messing with invoices
>"Kid has a question about the SNES stuff."
>kid is apologetic, says he's got to shut his game off he just started but wants to save
>"Are you on the world map at all?"
>"World map?"
>"Your guy or party is smaller and you move really fast across the area, town to town and such."
>"Yeah they're moving really fast."
>"On a lot of those old games you can save there. Just hit start and go through the menu. You might need to use an item. There might be special save points when you're not on the world map that are glowing."
>silence for a few moments, kid comes back to the phone
>"BLESS YOU MISTER. It saved!"

Hourly reminder he worked at Sierra!

he was a meth addict

My boy Reggie from that westside 39st crip

i'd hug her desu

tiny wife fucking

He's pretty good

I used to work in Sierra when they made Phantasmagoria which was a really important part of pc gaming at the time. Me and my friend Drunken Master Paul like I said, used to work for Sierra back in the day and they made games like Phantasmagoria. I really liked Phantasmagoria and fun fact, I used to work for Sierra back then and we used to have parties oh man it was wild. I remember this one time when I worked at Sierra and they were working on Phantasmagoria at the time and like I said back in the day I worked at Sierra

Alright hey guys

I'd hug her while my penis is inside her.



Stop, I don't want to have to think about you guys when I inevitably see her in person. You do realize you're talking about a real person, right?

> inevitably see her in person

I'm a metal jesus fan but I lol'd

I remember when Gamesack first came out.
It just felt really forced in the way that the 2 guys don't like each other so much outside the show.

Yes. I think these things about real people all the time. I want to stick my dick in everything. If I could I'd probably stick my dick in you.