hi Sup Forums,silverfag here.How do i rank up if i get a team full of shitheads every match?i usually cant hypercarry but im an average top lane player,i win my lane most of the time and if i dont win , i dont feed.
Help a silver out
nice blog OP
Watch your replays, communication, and try to think out of the box. Everything else depends on your actions and how you play.
bullshit, watching your replays dont give shit, go watch some good players and try to replicate
on it
This is why you are stuck on silver. I forgot to add: if there's not an IGN then be one yourself.
you mean steal some strategy?
IGL*, not IGN.
where are the pictures
yes, replicate what good players do
not an argument
what pics exactly , my match history?
>Me unga
>Team bunga
>see pro team do strategy
>try to copy it
>we fail
>cry about it and complain that your teammates are shit for not trying to copy pros
im sure you have the "deep" thought behind their strategies and "situational builds" work everywhere too, right?
>top player
solved you right there buddy, top lane is the autism lane, nothing good happens there
>tfw "Your feedback blah blah blah" for reporting someone
>I helped someone get banned
wtf I love this game now
>i dont feed.
>copy team strategy
genius, copy how they PLAY meaning how they are laning, warding, farming, picking skills, building items maybe its my fault cause I didnt specify
Maybe you can watch your replays and see how awful you do and try to fix it somehow, because you clearly don't have the same reaction time/timing as them
There are a minimum of 2 underages in this thread. Go back to your containment board
You played support wukong...you shouldn't have expected a chance in the first place
This one might have been fucked anyways, but you picked darius, didn't take TP and didn't even win lane, you are literally useless in this match regardless of your team
>that wall of yellow trinkets
O im laffin
>tfw sexy goat of many heals appears in your ranked
wukong support is pretty nice at damage,has an ulti that yasuo can combo,and a w that tanks shit tons of damage
>yellow trinkets
couldnt you come up with a name that sounds more cave-man-ish?
Maybe if you would have picked a goat, you would have done better.
If you play wukong support and expect to win youre doing it very wrong
how about you fuck off
make me you cunt
you seem like a soraka main trying to make me play soraka :^)
I was stuck in silver also before i got banned for calling someone a nigger
Everyone just plays like a retard and theres pretty much nothing you can do to avoid it unless you have a friend who's a lot better than you helping, otherwise you're fucked
playing off meta is not wrong,i'd rather play off meta and play better than playing something meta af but suck with it.Wukong sup can poke the shit out of enemy adc,can help you get out of a gank alive.
lmao look at this internet tough guy.
No, actually I want people to play their role with their rightful champion.
Then again you could go again with a wukong as your support, or miss fortune, or lee sin.
All the same.
for real, especially if you get behind in lane in the 1v1 matchup
No violence allowed in this thread , thank you.
Wukong needs gold and has no CC until level 6, any decent lane is gonna shut you down. If you wanna play support carry because you don't feel like farming play velkoz or brand
I have this problem but in a different, dead MOBA
What you gonna do pretty boy? Kiss me?
op here this guy is funny af
you asked for it bitch
wukong can get gold using relic shield,i have never been dominated by any other support or adc when i was using wukong support, i stay behind my adc until level 3 and then i go e aa q w then repeat, and the enemy adc falls back or i kill the faggot
See ya in a week.
>No, actually I want people to play their role with their rightful champion.
There is no "rightful champion" for support. It's why Brand, and Vel can do it, even though they need gold to be even slightly useful. Poppy can go bot too. All you need for the support role is some form of easy cc, or in a lot of cases, the ability to blow shit up.
That's what everyone I know calls em, and at least i'm not enough of a god damn caveman to keep them the whole game on support or jungle
I could ask a similar question and I'm struggling to get past plat 3. I suspect that in my case the answer is to take my early leads and use them to give my dummy teammates a lead before their lanes spiral out of control. Maybe the answer is the same for you. One thing I can say is that any time you feel 'obligated' to sit and defend the top turret even though you're ahead and you feel like you could be doing stuff elsewhere on the map, just leave top and go do that stuff. It's important to your team that you show up (unless you're playing a great split pusher). Tell some guy who is behind to go get the farm up top and if he won't do it then just let those turrets fall. Never fall into the trap of holding top lane forever while your team gets crushed 4v4 elsewhere.
interesting fight
play jax or renek or nasus or darius hell even teemo and dominate your lane, use tp to help another lane
you can 1v5 with those champs
think fast AND smart
but don't think too much to realise the game is shit and you should uninstall
>playing off meta is not wrong,i'd rather play off meta
Then dont whine about losing when you're a huge contributing factor. The meta is the meta for a reason, and that is because it is what works.
There is a place for people who think like you and thats bronze and silver elo.
This guy has it right.
The problem is you can't do anything if all 4 members of your team do not do these things.
i straight up had an adc feed because i was getting kills and he wasn't'. still tied the enemy team for kills and got fed myself, but lost. you are fucked for playing the game at all. mongoloids and complete wastes of space are half the player base.
I did better job than my adc that match, talking about damage.I tanked tons of damage in fights,i made our yasuo ult on all 5 of the enemy team.I dont always build damage on wukong support,but when i do its because my adc sucks.
you seem pretty correct,i can remember pushing my lane while my whole team was fighting 4v5
>I did better job than my adc that match, talking about damage.I tanked tons of damage in fights,i made our yasuo ult on all 5 of the enemy team.I dont always build damage on wukong support,but when i do its because my adc sucks.
When you stop thinking like this you will ride in rank. Wukong is an extremely bad support choice and had you picked an actual support and played well, your team would have been far better off. Im actually a support main so you're not going to win this argument.
Well im Bronze V
Anybody wanna help?
>no warding stones or red/blue trinkets
>horrible team comp
>wukong fucking support
>top laning without teleport
Your teammates were shit but you ain't a sharp one either. Learn the basics of the game before trying to carry. It's much more important to know what you're supposed to be doing than knowing how to carry with a champ.
Give me your account info and ill get you to silver easily
me too
Let me tell you what is wrong with playing a standard support.Is it a healer support? they will focus you in fights, i picked sona recently and if the whole enemy team didnt focus me,we could have win that match.What about classic tank supports?they are fat as fuck,slow,immobile,0 damage.What about wukong?can tank damage without getting damaged,deals decent damage,and mobile.
Stop killing wolves. The turrets are over there. Congratulations, you're now silver.
my adc was shit so i built classic wukong items,i dont build this all the time if i play wukong support.
You clearly belong where you are. Supports like Sona and Soraka have the highest winrates now so obviously a majority of players dont have your positioning problems.
also ghost is pretty useful as darius,garen and illaoi, since they are immobile asf and wont be able to catch an enemy,or run from an enemy
>people on Sup Forums play this casual normie cancer
Could you have positioned better as sona? You aren't a tank. If you're that valuable to your team then you need to stay farther back and make them come to you through your team.
Meanwhile I played nothing but Braum and made it to plat.
Git gud.
im going to disagree since i climbed out of bronze playing wukong in every single lane
just kidding im not bronze haha
>guys how should I improve
>don't do thing
>autistic screeching
>make a thread asking for help
>argue against every fucking person offering advice
I think I found your problem, you're a dumb cunt that thinks he's better than he is.
I know you're just being a cock, but still. I never know what this is supposed to mean. Are you suggesting you don't play league because it's too easy for you? Would you be rank 1 challenger if you played?
Wukong is a good pick in certain team comps and very bad in others. You picking him every game in every position is just you telling us how terrible of a player you are. Im honestly surprised you made it out of bronze even though a retarded baby could do it.
if you have ever been to silver or bronze you know that you wont be climbing with support champions since every single silver v player is like "this is my first season , i played my placement matches and got silver v eve tho i suck"
He's implying that you shouldn't enjoy popular things in a classic Sup Forums way
i asked for help and saying wukong support is shit go play sona is nonsense , just because sona has higher winrate doesnt mean it is a better pick and if you say something that is against another person's idea then you gotta support your own idea with proof/explanation
Just play support velkoz or brand. Do 75% of your team's damage and collect your win.
No one said to play Sona, but playing a support champion when you're assigned the support role is pretty good advice if you want to win more games. I dont know why you are acting like youre being attacked.
Gonna go play some classic support champions and going to get brand 2-3 matcher afterwards , i'll inform you faggots about the support match
You still have to play well. Make sure to upgrade your trinket to you fuckin faggot.
The biggest mistake i see in lower elo is arrogance. Players go for kills over objectives then end up losing towers/drake/baron. You can be a good player in bronze/silver but you'll never win if you're a cocky nigger that jacks off to their kda or if you have those players on your team. If you see some fuckhead trying to tower dive for a 1-1 then that's your red flag.
sir, yes sir.
op here , found a match and picked soraka, will start a thread if this one dies.
The game is extremely simplified and sterile, there's only one team comp and lane layout you're allowed to play, all the champions are shoehorned into a specific role via their design, the itemization is all passive and dull, Riot is a super cunty company with loads of shady background and unprofessionalism, and the "give us money or grind for years" business model is just offensive
LoL is just a shitty Dota knockoff watered down to appeal to normies and streamers and gurrl gamers
It's everything Sup Forums goes against
>Fucking lethality wukong support
>Malphite support with a rabbadon's cap
>BotRK on Caitlyn of all things
None of that equals casual.
>pick sona
>start ancient coin for umlimited mana in lane
>poke the shit out of your opposing adc with q and autos
>position well so you dont get fucked
>get a sightstone
>build ardent censer
>prioritize healing over dmg around midgame
>upgrade trinket
>then build redemption
>then athenes
>win games
What about smite
picked soraka for 384553364
Prepare to get creampied. I'll be spectating.
>a strategy game watering itself down to one forced strategy isn't casual
>the game telling you what to use characters for instead of you developing your own playstyles isn't casual
>turning items from an extra ability system into a bag full of passive stat sticks isn't casualizing
>giving you zero cost, zero trade-off "get out of dying free" spells to save you from ganks and bad positioning isn't casual
The same game as LoL but with a different camera and control scheme
>there's only one team comp and lane layout you're allowed to play,
You mean Like Dota?
>all the champions are shoehorned into a specific role via their design,
You mean like Dota?
> the itemization is all passive and dull,
You mean like the non active items in Dota?
Don't get me wrong, Dota is harder than LoL, but all of your "complaints" applies to Dota too.
follow the same plan with soraka pretty much
>300 games on Soraka and still Silver
Btw if you're reading this start redemption, and then ardent censer. You'll want redemption first because you got a Zac. Throw it in the middle of the teamfight to help engage when he jumps in. Ardent is to help your caitlyn.
>sona has a higher winrate
>this doesn't mean it is a better pick
No, but it is arguably the most likely explanation. It's certainly the simplest explanation. Sona has a high win rate as support. Wukong has a low win rate as support (I actually dont' know this because the data is probably sparse but I'd bet on it.) It could be that people just aren't playing it right. Sometimes that's true and finding that out is how the meta shifts. Usually it's just false. Given that wukong has relatively low base numbers with great scaling and no good way to help his adc pre-6 due to his weak early game, I don't see how he does anything as well or better than more common supports.
>You mean Like Dota?
Nope, the game has nothing even close to LoL's forced lane meta
>You mean like Dota?
Nope, heroes aren't designed into any specific role and their multiple playstyles are figured out by players
>You mean like the non active items in Dota?
Yeah, like the one or two non-actives in the average dota inventory versus the 5 or 6 non-actives in the average LoL inventory
I'm not sure what you were trying to argue here
>City A has 10000 murders per year
>City B has 10 murders per year
Please stop trying to criticize games you know nothing about