>Leveling up doesn't auto-refill your party's HP
Leveling up doesn't auto-refill your party's HP
>is a "woman ruins the life of a naive awkward guy" episode
>its a "draw a cartoon of yourself having sex with your friend and then present it to them as a gift" minisode
He didn't do that though
>leveling up doesn't remove status effects
>Meghan sucked off and fucked CWC while you remain a hugless, kissless, virgin.
Why live senpai.
Someone explain
nvm, I just subconsciously remembered CWC
But I also need explaining
Either anons are stupid are just trying to spread misinformation.
>Megan meets Chris
>they become friends
>to Megan that's all it is at the very most
>Chris takes this as her being his heartsweet
>he repeatedly tries to hug her and touch her and kiss her
>it gets to the point where she tells him to fuck off in so many nice words
>he draws ShecameforCWC.jpg for as in his words "it helps him from the urges he wanted to do to her"
>the only reason this drawing comes to light is because Chris dumb ass posts it on ED (for reasons no one will understand why)
>she finds out about this a few months after it happens
>Megan promptly disappears from internet presence for years
The whole saga was fucked to all hell.
Megan did nothing major to ruin Chris' life.
His life was ruined by himself and his parents.
this saga was the beginning of the falling of Chris-Chan. Also Megan end up looking ugly, single and old
What is your favorite Chris saga?
This. If anything the Megan saga was unique in that it had almost literally no troll involvement. Everything that got fucked up was Chris own doing. People don't seem to realize that when you leave Chris out in the wild he does plenty of fucked up shit.
got a pic?
Well that was Megan's own doing. I don't doubt the shit Chris put her through contributed in some ways to this. She's paranoid of everyone even to this day.
What's she up to these days?
But I'm not any of them
Liquid Chris is the best
No debate
I agreed on that. I don't blame her, she had the bad luck of her life being known around the net just for talking to some autist. Is hard to escape from it unless you stop using the internet but is a necessary tool
>casual filter
Are you seriously dumping all of chris's faults on megan?
Seriously, user?
I really do feel bad for her. She entered a world not of her kin. Who was she to think just by being nice to an autist her life would encapsulated by that one moment. No matter what she does she'll always be remembered as "the real girl that was friends with Chris Chan".
Chris ruined Megan's life you fucking retard.
Where do you think she is now?
That user is obviously a Sup Forums or /r9k/ tard who thinks women are always wrong no matter what.
Don't forget the fact that Megan was constantly using Chris. Begging him in emails to buy her all kinds of shit. She knew Chris was an autistic thirsty sperg and she used that to her advantage.
It's extremely hard to defend anything Chris has done, but Megan was a cunt.
the kicker is that he went out of his way to specify that it was megan in the picture and not a character/whatever have you
women are never right
She is "that girl who was drawing being fingered by that fat autist"
Really, if that ever happens to me, I would've been bitter to the world, fuck generosity.
if she wasn't there I bet he wouldn't fallen this low
he was a dysfunctional guy but is amazing how so many times there's a woman catalyst
He's always done fucked up shit on his own. He'll find and harass women to do it with. Your attempts to defend Chris-chan over a situation that was literally his own doing is pretty pathetic.
is called being nice, you probably never experience something like that. Chris-Chan was too stupid to believe there was something else going on. Kinda like Lisa and Ralph from that simpson episode.
>actually believing in chris' paranoid delusions
is that you chris?
Everything that happened to Chris was his own fault. he could have not uploaded his shit online, he could have not responded and outed himself when the ED page went up, he could have not played the trolls' game in the first place
anyway i think that chris' life would have been just as fucked up if he'd never become famous
it still would've been fucked up just not this fucked up like nowadays
>Leveling up increases your health but the addition isn't recovered
i hate when that happens.
he was friends with an autismo girl and she got salty at how much of a perv he was. they never did anything sexual, the only sex christian was a hooker
Not really friends per se. He used to be a regular on the place she worked for and autismo latched into her like crazy. Girl is a bit autistic herself and didn't realize that it was a mistake until it was too late.
>a passive health increasing ability/piece of gear being equipped doesnt raise your current health with it
really makes me thinkg
I always laugh every time I see this.
That's not how vaginas work, oh wait it's chris chan.
He never showed that to her
He posted it online and the trolls showed it to Megan.
If his parents raised him right this would have never happened
>Some people genuinely believe Megan and Chris could've ended up together if Chris wasn't so autistic
She was using him for stuff wasn't she? She's like a hard 5, way outside Chris's 2 ass.
What the fuck did she ever do to chris? He would of fucked himself up regardless
Specifically, it was during the ED saga. When he found people mocking him on it, he decided it would be a good idea to "give them sensory overload" or something by uploading tons of unseemly and personal shit like shecameforCWC.jpg.
i always thought that white with blue stripes were suppose to be soap foam but i think is suppose to be megan cumming os chris-chan used a white brush to rub megan's vagina which it could be painful
wasn't it because they mock him for being gay so he made all these pornographic drawings in respond?
>And as for the drawings, while I have shoved the text information down their throat in an attempt to drown them in submission; there were too many images of...penises...yech, on there. I drew drawings promoting vaginas to go against those dickheads.
That too.
>finish stage on 1hp
>wew lad that was close
>next stage begins
>still on 1hp
that thumbs up kills me every time
>it's strategic to kill yourself at the start of a new level so you can respawn with full lives and health
I hate games that do this shit, any amount of play testing should make it obvious that players are just going to kill themselves so they don't waste their time trying to beat the level with only two or three hits. Especially if the game doesn't have continues
New wallpaper, ty
>being the guy who buys permanent health power-ups to get around the item use penalty
I figured they were speed lines, he's finger-blasting her at the speed of sound
>autists on Sup Forums care if some autist gets laid
is what many here haven't done yet so we want to support those who have a chance
Is this cum coming off of Superman's face? Obviously it's meant to depict the magnificence of pleasure occurring in that area. Likewise in pik related the artist is highlighting exactly where supe's feelings of bitchhood are emanating from.
what chance, that guy is a mental cripple
>I drew drawings promoting vaginas to go against those dickheads
Sounds like my kind of guy.
Megan wanted him to purchase things for her online, off ebay exclusively. The reason she can't simply purchase them herself is never specified, but it's clearly stated she pays him back for the purchases he makes for her.
I think you need to reread the saga's materials or get help friend.
you use yellow for impact, not blue
>censor over face
Yeah well he should have had the fucking sense to not draw that and post it online.
right so it would look like piss
yes i know its the same thing
>it's the same thing
wrong retard
>The reason she can't simply purchase them herself is never specified
Probably no credit card.
Fake breast or just fat?
girlcum is piss sorry faggots
> There are Sup Forumsirgins who are actually defending Chris Chan now
Game over man, game over.
Sup Forums's dead.
Don't be so naive. They aren't defending him, they want to enable him. To continue to entertain them for their own deprived pleasure.
fuckin hell chris
fat breast
fake fat
Fuck me, Liquid Chris is when I started following CWC, and that was almost 9 years ago
If she wasn't there then it would have been someone else.
Chris-chan was fucked long before he met Megan. His hilariously irresponsible parents ensured that he was never going to be a functional human being despite possessing relatively normal cognitive abilities. His ego, his hoarding of physical goods, his inability to handle money and lack of gainful employment can all be traced by to Bob and Barb.
>possessing relatively normal cognitive abilities
I'm just quoting the only psychological examination paper that those Kiwi Farm spergs managed to get their hands on. According to his examiner, he does possess relatively normal cognitive functions.
>guy is fucking insane
r9k is fucking crazy