Sonic Mania

Refresh this shit come tomorrow/Friday in case we get a new Mania track.

I played some S3 Complete today, beat Knuckles's Mushroom Valley and got 5 Super Emeralds along the way. What are you guys's classic Sonic playthrough statuses?

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Don't they drop snacks on Tuesdays?

Also the hour long panel is saturday night

I need some romhacks recs right now. Isn't there a Sonic metroidvania romhack? What's it called, because I want to try it out

Reminder to play S3C with Sonic and Tails and activate the option that let's you fly too.

I'm going to play as Knuckles on my first playthrough. Sonic on the second and Tails never__________


>I'm going to play as Knuckles on my first playthrough.

I'm going to start my first game as knuckles and see if they added a pause jump glitch as an easter egg

Will Super Tails be in the game?

>not good enough at blue sphere to get the super emeralds in time without retrying
>spend the second half of the game actively avoiding the special rings
Anyone else know this feel?

too overpowered

Do we know what the special stages in mania look like?

I'm bad at all sonic special stages

practice, user. just follow the paths given to you, especially on special stage 11. remember that you can tap forward after getting hit by a bumper to start moving forward again.

I played through Sonic 3 and Knuckles today. There's something just so moreish about it's zones even though I've played them probably over 100 times now.

post yfw stardust speedway in mania features time travel and all four versions of the acts with separate layouts

Just played through Sonic 1 real quick
Labyrinth is even shittier than I remember fuck that.
I don't understand why people say anything about about Marble Zone, it's perfectly fine. Well Act 3 got a little rough around the middle but otherwise it's a fun zone.
Also Sonic 1 has the best special stage.

In the middle of Sonic 2 now, it's amazing how fast it is compared to Sonic 1.

Are you thinking of Sonic Chrono Adventure? It's not a hack, but it's a metroidvania

Yeah, S3&K must be one of my most replayed games. As a kid I'd play it over and over again, maxing out all the available files.

Marble Act 3 has a shortcut that I always use that basically cuts out half the act.
Also well yeah, it introduced the spin dash.

>Sonic playthrough statuses?
Over the last few days I've 100% completed Sonic 1, 2, and CD, got all the time attack bonuses in CD, and I just wrapped up the last of my most recent Sonic 3 Complete playthroughs. I don't even know what the fuck I should do now to pass the time.

romhacks my nigga

How is S3 Complete compared to normal S3&K stacked?

Why is Taxman so /fa/

I hope they show or just hint what the Sonic 3 rep zone is gonna be at Comic Con. That panel would be the place to reveal just one more thing.

Sonic 3 Complete feels like if Sonic 3 was always just one game and Sonic and Knuckles was always a part of it. Sonic 3 music for mini-bosses and stuff all the way through plus object layouts being the same as Sonic 3, example being Launch Base being hard like in Sonic 3 instead of being much easier in Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

sonic megamix

Because he has standards abd taste.

Better in literally every way.
Any changes and additions you don't like can be changed back individually on the options menu.
There's very little reason to go back unless you really really like playing on console on a CRT.

He just knows how to dress well.

he's not american


I like being able to use Sonic 2 sprites and S3K PC music

thats because the majority of special stages are bad.
Sonic 1 special stages are a literal fever dream, and also a bit of an afterthought. Just difficult to control and no fun at all

Sonic 2 special stages are impossible if you're playing with tails behind you running into shit you already dodged 5 seconds ago

Sonic CD is shitty early 3D crap with poor hit detection and terrible controls

The ones in Sonic 3 are actually a pretty good mix of fairness and difficulty with how it progressively gets faster and more hectic the longer you play/the more BLUE SPHERE you GET

>it progressively gets faster and more hectic
Exactly why I hate Blue Spheres. Too fucking hectic and especially when the bouncing spheres start getting littered all over the place.


All the Blue Sphere stages are very clearly structured, the bouncing spheres are hardly "all over the place". They're also by far the easiest of all the special stages.

thats where the skill comes in, need better eyes and faster thinking to succeed in 3, whereas in Sonic 1 it's shitty controls and literal fever dream level design, and in Sonic 2 it's Tails lagging behind you that causes you to lose



will he ever come back Sup Forums?


He got retconned into Shadow.

Red Sonic's still here, user

He's the forgotten Chaotix.

>modeled after Whitehead himself
I feel like if he was a little younger he'd rock the fuck out of the stuff he wears

Talk about 'em! Best to worst? What's your favorite and why?

>the day comes
>we made some last minute design changes
>but we feel you fans appreciate the retro throwback ;)
>may we present to you
>knuckles chaotix 2: sonic mania

All this "it's a romhack lol" talk actually gave me the idea of playing a few to stave off my Mania list for the time being. I finished the classics, and now I'm playing Metal Sonic Hyperdrive.
What hacks are you playing, if any, Maniabros?

W-what about me, you guys?

Who, Tails? Don't be silly, he's in plenty of games!

Literally in only one arcade game no one really cares about

I'm thinking about playing through Megamix again.

>he thinks segasonic the hedgehog is a game nobody cares about

whats your favorite sonic game bros? Mines Sonic: The ride

What if you look forward to both? Why does it have to be a Mania vs Forces thing.

W-we're still friends, r-right?

Every Forces sale is a step in the wrong direction. If you want to play it please pirate it.

Looks like it was suppose to be maybe a Japanese theme park VR ride at some point?

It's always fun blasting through Sonic 3 as Hyper Sonic. But if Super emeralds don't return in Mania, Do you think they'll at least give Super Sonic Hyper's abilities?

I think Hyper Sonic is probably gonna be in Mania. It's basically just building upon what kind of game Sonic 3 and Knuckles was, with also just replacing the insta-shield with the drop dash.

I do still hope there's an option to trade between the two abilities. Drop Dash for those who wanna keep the flow going easier, and Insta-Shield for those who like to play more defensively.

You are not a real man unless you have maxed the save files in S3&K Complete with Super Emeralds in the first half for every characters and Chaos Emeralds in the second half for every character.

I'm casual as fuck. Never gotten all the emeralds more then once.

>the current state of the comic

I'm actually a little sad the comics were canned.

It's sad because it's literally the longest running comic based on a video game. It's a record finally broken by itself.
I never really cared for it, but vaguely hearing that Sonic Mega Drive might still get it's finale chapter at some point has me a tiny bit hopeful.

>The current state of america
the comic should be bought by Le Lombart or Delcourt.


Finally the cancer has been cleansed

the only thing really worth reading in the comic was the Egg Bosses stuff. everything else was just a journey slogging through shit (thanks, Sally and her stupid ass kingdom princess shit)

>Archie canceled
>Mania coming up

Is Sega finally doing things right?

>Sonic 1 android remaster is free now
>Play it
>It actually controls decently
Based taxman somehow made touch controls not shit.

I wanted the comic to die the moment they rebooted it just to turn things into a huge werehogfest.

the sonic general was fucking garbage thanks to the comics, it will improve now until they start coming out again

>All this "it's a romhack lol" talk

Forcesfags are desperate.

Taxman is a savant I swear. He's amazing.

Any hopes of some other publisher buying the rights and continuing it? I actually enjoyed the comics and it's sad to see it cancelled.

Except the controls are shit

In terms of this food analogy what do you expect Mania to be like?

which emulator is that? love that screen

Sonic 3 and Knuckles

Every coke, burger, chips and desert from Sonic 1, 2, 3&K and CD with even more added looking even more lavish.

Too bad Mega Drive was Archie exclusive, literally the only thing I really cared about.
Oh well, good riddance to the rest
The first few months of "I MISS THE COMIC" are gonna be hell, though

Tyson said he's probably just gonna put the finale online somewhere to read if no one picks it up.

What was your least favorite?

CD = S3 > S2 > S1

Sonic 2. Awful shit.

Switch S2 with S1. FUCK Tails running into shit you already dodged, that was the death of me

My least favorite are the Sonic 2 ones. The phone remake looks like it made it a bit better though with the halfpipe actually being rendered 3D.

>Sonic Boom isn't The Appetizer anymore
I gotta say, even though it's a Spongebob joke, I'm disappointed that was changed.

CD > 3&K > S1 >>> S2
For the longest time I though I prefer Blue Spheres the most, but replaying Sonic 3 & Knuckles a couple days ago made me realize how much I like CD's speedy special stages, even on the original Sega CD. Fuck the half-pipe by the way, it's never fun, just time consuming.

>mfw collecting all the chaos emerals and super emeralds for the first time

Wonder when someone's gonna make the Sonic Mania food analogy? We already know what we're getting so I think it would be easy to get one made.

>Sonic CD
Fucking YUM. Good thing I'm a CDfag

I wonder why nobody got round to making one for Heroes.

>Fuck the half-pipe by the way, it's never fun, just time consuming
Sonic Colors DS is the only time they got it right, transparent pipe and stylus control.

Look at for that. I was posting an older version due to the Sonic Boom one being different.

I heard the Sonic 3D Blast's version of them on the Saturn was pretty good.

Stylus control was fucked. I don't know about Colours but in Rush it went mental, especially in that last special stage.

Thanks mate.

Looks like the Sega Classics thing on Steam, it was updated to have a room where you can choose games you've purchased and also play romhacks that are the on the Steam Workshop. When you choose a game you can choose various layouts for the screen, what's pictured is one of them.

I forgot the link:

The hole.

Is Sonic Mania anything like Castle Mania?