Ahh yes, we've been expecting you...

Ahh yes, we've been expecting you. You'll have to be recorded in this Morrowind thread before you're officially released. There are a few ways we can do this, and the choice is yours.

Other urls found in this thread:


Did anyone actually chose to answer those questions

How to get that morrowind feel again?

Yes, though then I made my own custom class based on his suggestion.

Enjoy your limeware platter, asshole!

>Ebony armor is rare and highly valuable and you might not ever see a full set


Ahh yes

I've been expecting that 1k gold boost from stealing everything not bolted down in this room.

I always thought the skill/level up system kind of sucked in Morrowind and Oblivion. It rewarded power-gaming and just focusing on skills that would get you +5 to attributes every time. That said, I hated the perk system in Skyrim even more.

Well there are only about four sets in the entire game, all worn by high-level ncps.

Have you played Daggerfall? Play Daggerfall.

>Playing through Oblivion
>Realize that if I do quests normally, all the rewards will gradually become useless
>Powerlevel until I reach level 35, where all the items cap off
>Start doing quests
>End up so ridiculously overpowered that nothing can kill me
>Increase difficulty
>All it does it increase HP so I have to wail on a Xivilai for 10 minutes to kill it
>It probably takes more damage from my damage reflection than from my attacks

I want to enjoy Oblivion the way it's supposed to be played, but they really should have added some way to level up unique quest items like the Escutcheon of Chorrol. I know there are mods that do it, but it should have been in the game from the start.

I feel it was only there to vex autists. Beyond strength increasing your carrying capacity stats don't really matter and you're bound to max out your main ones whether you liked it or not.

What it encouraged was differences between classes and races. The attributes system would mean that you might not choose a major / minor skill that doesn't really fit with your build or race, (or you might pick only skills that do that to be a min maxing faggot), so you can't be a master of all trades like you can be in Skyrim. Also it had a nice feel to it. Swing clubs around a lot, you get more strength. It makes sense.

That said, it's no where near a perfect system, there's always room for improvement.

>Powerlevel until I reach level 35, where all the items cap off
>Start doing quests
>End up so ridiculously overpowered that nothing can kill me
>Random bandit master of martial arts disarms me and my Goldbrand bethesdas through the floor

I guess they wanted you to cycle out weapons and armor every 5 levels or so.

I don't know how I feel about that

>Notice the shape of the Smithing skill tree causes light armor/heavy armor to merge at "draconic" at the end
>Think that I'll be able to select daedric if I reach draconic since they are touching
>Won't allow me to select daedric after selecting draconic
>Officially unable to craft the strongest weapons in the game unless I go through the entire heavy armor branch
>Daedric weapons are extremely rare

They completely fucked over light armor users. It would be nice if I could at least respec so all my smithing points wouldn't be wasted.

I liked it. I never was a power gamer and played on a casual level without planning my build out or going put of my way to level some specific attribute and I did just fine.

It's more like the system makes powergaming possible but you aren't forced to

Never finished Skyrim. I realized I was spending about 80% of my time in inventory screens and just wasn't having fun anymore. It was just the continual cycle of find a dungeon, kill everything in it, loot it, go back home, try to sell everything I can, and store the rest.

Did anyone ever manage to make a half-decent inventory screen mod? Either the spreadsheet view from Oblivion or the grid view from Morrowind would be a massive improvement over the piece of shit that we got. There's no way to store all of one type of item, so I'm spending 5 minutes storing alchemical ingredients every time I make a trip. There's no way to view information about items without selecting them. There's so much goddamn wasted space. I don't need to see a close up of and be able to rotate a 3D model that was created in 2006.

Wow. Deadass that's the same reason why I haven't completed skyrim yet.


What about nehrim?

Has anyone played the TES3MP Morrowind multiplayer mod? Is it in a state where you can run quests with your bros?

>mages guild
>'collect dues from asshole in the middle of nowhere for us'
>6 and 1/2 hours later find the fucking place
>oh hey here's the gold now go away please we're very busy

had a blast

It's less of a big deal in Morrowind, since the world doesn't level scale, so if a place has tough enemies, you can always take your time catching up and come back later.

Oblivion, though; goddamn, that was a mess. Good sidequests, but one of the worst examples of level scaling in videogames.

Jesus christ is this real? He's supposed to be half Chimer half Dunmer not a god of bling.

>Steals plate on the shelf across the table
>Drop it before the guard catches up to you
>Guard warns you about stealing, lets you go
>Pick up plate again and it's fine now

No one likes you in vvandenfell.

Stiff upper lip, chap

Being level 20 or so and encountering a gang of ogres in a hallway for the first time without knowing the difficulty slider existed was A RIDE I WANTED OFF OF

But you gotta drop it again when stealing another thing because it's still marked as stolen

Sell it immediately after character creation is done.



I mean when your still in the census office, I just leave everything where I initially dropped it until I've picked everything up and just go around collecting it off the floors. A thousand fucking gold, right off the bat.

In oblivion all you get in the first 30 minutes is a rusted iron handjob under the table from jaufree and a complementary piece of crab meat

One of them being someone you HAVE to kill to complete the main quest and/or complete the telvanni faction quests.

Ebony armor, you say?

Yo, b, shut your mouth, only 4 people have it in a game with 500 npcs and you only run into one person with it if you don't already know who has it.

Don't tell me the eye slits are those two thin yellow almond shapes near the top

Some closed head gear in Morrowind had absolutely no openings. It's quite strange but I guess not having to explain how one actually sees allows for more creative freedom when designing the. Morrowind is am odd game full off odd design choices and I think this is what makes it charming.

Lower right in particular. There are some more head pieces but can't find pictures if them on uesp.net

Doesn't look like it, you can see how it connects to the side

That looks dumb as shit but I still kind of like it.

What's the best looking armour in morrowind? The bonemold I've seen guards use looks pretty good.


I like the mushroomhead. I'll get that after I get the helm of oreyn bearclaw

Bone molds are sexy! The dark brotherhood armor is cool too, minus the helm. And if you want to wear a giant skull as a helmet get the helm of oreyn bearclaw

>tfw actually surviving in permadeath run

feels better now that i have amulet of recall, im loving this high. permadeath is one hell of a drug

When I was a wee lad and had no sweet fucking clue what I was doing. Jesus Christ I wish I could go back to those days
>Complete and utter console pleb
>Renting Xbox at the time
>Rent Morrowind because it looks cool
>Go through the census and exit the door
>Go into a random house, stab a guy and get beaten to death
>My fucking face

It was truly the greatest experience of my console life. I had never played a game that didn't obnoxiously hold your hand. I had never played an open world game at all. I was so in love.

I lost 3 hours to 5 different restarts because I forgot to save, gave faggoths ring back and got stuck on an island surrounded by slaughterfish.
5 times in a row.

Never smoking a blunt before playing vidya again.

Yeah the helmet looks kind of goofy but overall I like the armour.

Plan on starting my first playthrough after I finish vtmb. Was thinking of going a axe wielding, light armoured Nord barbarian. How is Morrowind for different builds?

I'm only a little less greener than you, but I can tell you, pick two weapons, one armor (maybe two if you can fit it in somewhere, I went light AND medium because the dlcs have very good medium sets I heard) and alchemy, enchanting, and whatever else you prefer.

Alchemy and enchanting are universally agreed to be the two best skills in the game.

don't put acrobatics into your major/minors. You will level it up FAST regardless. Kinda same for athletics, but the running speed is very useful early game.

All of mine in the pic were stolen from the treasuries in Vivec


Axes deal massive damage, but are heavy and kinda rare. ( I pick long blade as a major and axe as a minor, but I use axes a lot early on since there are two hidden axes you can get around seyda neen) you can make 4K gold, have 4 enchanted weapons, a daedric weapon of your choosing, and a set of orcish/bonemold armor in the first hour if you know how to pillage seyda neen right and know a few spots in balmora and it's surrounding area

SkyUI is a pimped out Oblivion UI. It's not perfect, I personally don't like the aestetics, but it's still a massive improvement in terms of accessibility

AHH! Yes.

I want you to look Speed dead in the eye and say that again.

Thanks my niggas. Pretty sure I'm nearly finished vtmb so I'll finish that off then start on morrowind.

indoril, not sure if worth having ordinators sperg out tho

Yes I specialize in alchemy; just cut the middle man out and tell me where the empire's treasury is.

>a daedric weapon of your choosing
explain. I only know about that one ebony shortblade stuck into ground somewhere in the hills around Peleigrad that I found by sheer accident when testing draw distance.

Godspeed. If you want to know the locations of those axes, watch this here beginners guide.


Thanks user. I'll get on that as soon as I can.

I like wearing the dark brotherhood armor while wearing the common robe over it, I wish the other games would let you wear clothes under armor and robes over them.

Ok, so, at the stilt strider in balmora, head south from town, there will be a little bridge going across the river, take it and head straight-ish. Hidden away near the hills is a mine, an ebony mine to be exact. Has a V in the name (sorry for vagueness but the area is small so you will find it)

Loot all ebony, stash or sell, then head to vivec, st olms, to the haunted manor. Take the lock picks from under the table to the right when you come in, and pick the lock down the stairs. In there you will find some bros chillin in a room. One of them you can tell about the ebony mine. He will reward you with a daedric weapon of your choosing!

Or you can tell some other person somewhere and get 2k gold. The ebony is worth more than that tho so the weapon is a better choice.

There's a reason nobody really talks about Neherim unless they're some kind of social retard, user.

It's legitimately worse than the base game in pretty much every way, including the writing (And that's really saying something.). It's just cringey in general, I'd stay away if I were you.

No, there are no eye slits whatsoever.

I assumed that having any openings at all would be a safety breach, so instead you have to just become a blind master and/or sense the world through magic.

I liked Imperial fashion in general. I thought it was appealing, being a simple legionary sent to deal with scummy knifeears and then becoming the knight of the imperial dragon.

Oh shit nigga, I remember that quest now, thanks.

What's the deal with morrowind imperial armor looking VASTLY different from oblivion's imperial armor.

Oblivion is only about 10-15 years after the events of morrowind, and even beyond that, the gap between games was less than 5 years irl

They literally retconned the entire aesthetic of the Imperials in favor of making it more generic, and then in Skyrim they retconned it right back.

I'm hopeful that by Elder Scrolls 6 they'll live in a fucking jungle again.

>TESO's artists manage to fuck up a perfectly good character design
Why is that game so fucking ugly? Every character and armour set looks like it was designed by a 6 year old

Is this really true?

Tthhaattss ffuucckkiinngg gggaaayyy

I thought it had something to do with just having a special set for those serving in the mainland and a different legionarie set for foreign troops but god that's gay...

Modern devs want to be as different but generic at the same time, NOTHING can look the same as before

That's why dooms new armor looks bad
Same thing with halo 4 and 5. Gotta be zaney and wacky!!

Well, I guess it's subjective, but I consider it to be pretty true.

Imagine if someone who was shit at writing watched way too much anime and then tried to write a story about an even more generic take on a fantasy story. That's Neherim.

You should play it only if you've beaten Oblivion so completely that you're willing to spend your time on a shitty tumor of a mod just because it has content. If you want content, then play it, by all means.

How's OpenMW coming along? Last time I played I could use paralysis spells on NPCs and they wouldn't give a shit once it wore off.

Its not that, its the just how ugly it is.
All of the repeating patterns are terrible.

but they did nail his voice

You get somebody with a lick of talent to make a nice thing, without too much precedence set in stone. It's original and defines the look.
Then a few years later, once business is booming and the investor puppetmasters have their hands thoroughly embedded within your upper stomach via the rectum, you let the coffee gopher who's here because he wanted to work for video games design a totally new version of the thing. Unfortunately, there's no care put into it, and you wind up with a bunch of random shit hanging off with no apparent nor actual purpose. Subtle and elegant design choices are thrown aside in favor of over-embellishment and disregard for why things were the way they were, all so it can go in the faggot's portfolio.
Years later, he becomes one of the top people in the industry despite none of those methods changing, and people wonder how things go so bad.

Basically on par with vanilla aside from dynamic shadows and a few smaller things, every quest and game mechanic is 100% playable from what I can see. It's now the engine I use to play with

I feel like they retconned it way too far back in Skyrim. In Morrowind it had a clear roman aesthetic but wasn't tied down to lorica segmentata and the no-pants-with-skirt look, it was more like a roman aesthetic for the 13th century. In Morrowind they were just really roman to the point of looking entirely obsolete compared to the other basic sets of the game.

Oblivion could've been so much better aesthetically. Imagine if they'd actually differentiated between the Colovians and the Nibenese, giving the former a more Byzantine/eastern aesthetic than the latter.

Jesus Christ my fucking eyes

>the dunmer sound like all the other elves instead of like chainsmokers




Except the whole jungle thing is lore, aesthetic is just game stuff.

Talos chimmed the fuck out of cyrodill to make it easier to live in.

>Talos chimmed the fuck out of cyrodill to make it easier to live in.
That's just a shitty excuse to handwave their deliberate goal of making it more generic.

All throughout Morrowind, we are only aware of the area as a jungle, but they didn't want to do that so they just handwaved it.

And guess what? Elder Scrolls Online (Which takes place before Talos' birth.), the region isn't a jungle either, and Bethesda explained that the excuse they made was a "transcription error" in addition to all the references of it being a jungle also being "transcription errors".

The truth is that they soured on the Jungle idea, retconned it, came up with an excuse, invalidated that excuse, and then retconned away the excuse entirely to come up with a different excuse.

God dammit this is just fucking SAD to watch.

> The truth is that they soured on the Adoptions idea, retconned it, came up with an excuse, invalidated that excuse, and then retconned away the excuse entirely to come up with a different excuse.

who cares. you could beat morrowind in any way you wanted to really. it's a single player game so who really gives a shit if someone wants to become op and break the game? other people enjoyed role playing a character and maybe not having the most efficient build due to role play reasons. again, who cares. it's a single player game and people shouldn't be forced into playing how they want to

What was I charged with?


What was my crime!?


Are you a Imperial sympathiser?
What was your first game of III and IV?

I always feel like people who played MW first dislike the Imperials and people who played Oblivion first are fans.

Cry harder, phaggot.

>muh jungle autists still exist

I countered your fucking point using game examples, I'm not the one sperging out like an autist here.

You want to try proving those facts wrong, or you want to just shitpost like an asshat?

>not only is he ignoring everything that he deems wrong
>be hes also spouting buzzwords

>Can't even have TES threads with actual discussion because too many underaged shit posters
Too bad the mods don't ban the obvious, low effort ones at least

I played Morrowind first and I like imperials.
You have no reason to go native in Morrowind, since even as a dunmer you're still considered as an outlander and the only great house worth joining is scarcely even aware that empire is a thing.
Oblivion doesn't even give you the choice.
You have no reason to go native in Skyrim either unless you're a nord, but even then you'd be seceding from an empire founded by your own people (more or less) and the game presents you with an absolutely retarded alternative to the empire anyway.

c0da made it canon

MK is probably creeping around the elder scrolls reddit page right now, you better get over there, fast! It's been over 10 minutes since he got his dick sucked!

For real though, he's a one-hit-wonder hack. He came up with a good setting by cribbing off of Hinduism, and he's been milking it to a pathetic degree ever since, even long after he left the writing team. I'd take his """canon""" with a grain of salt if I were you, especially given his own autistic rants about how canon is a fake concept that exists in the eye of the beholder which is somehow why his further writings are canon despite not being canon (?).

Should also be noted that the only type of person who is going to say something along the lines of "Truth is subjective, and we can all decide for ourselves, which is really freeing because it means you get to accept everything I say! Weeeee!" is a major narcissist by default.

Wait, is that Muatra? I thought Muatra was a penis joke all this time not a literal spear.