Are you gonna buy it?

Are you gonna buy it?





maybe tho


no. i don't play garbage.

is hypster hackers in SF sold like shit why would this have a chance?

not really

Will pirate if pirateable.
Won't play at all if not.

no but i will pirate it

Nope. 3 was boring and 4 was too. Are they just going to go with the same formula of defeating a cult of personality every game?

No. I stopped playing in Ubishit games after AC3, which, i might add, was shit.


I'm a sucker for pre-order exclusives.

Yes. Never tried the series before but I wanna buy 5 just to piss off Sup Forums.

Probably. I haven't played a Far Cry game since 2 and it seems bretty gud.

The fact that it'll trigger Sup Forumstards is just icing on the cake

No. I hated Far Cry 3 and 4. Far Cry Instincts and 2 were way better.

if you can join the cult, then yes.
if you can somehow someway mod the game, yes.

otherwise, no.

yes so i can piss off trump and christfags

I'll pirate it. Far Cry games are stale as hell to me.

You guys should leave your house and vote instead of spending 60 dollars on garbage to trigger people you've never met.


It's gonna be far cry 3+++ isn't it?

>political cancer
Hell no
Wasting money on shit games will surely show them.

of course I'll buy it, i hate my race and truly believe the world will be better off with whites as the minority. If more people buy games like this, our benevolent publishers and developers will create more games for us to spread our message!


Far Cry games have been stale for awhile. Even the multiplayer is DOA which is the only reason to stick around when you buy a single player game.


what's the difference between regular, GOLD and DELUXE editions bud

Is it still going to be about climbing radio towers and collecting random shit for upgrades?

It will probably be the exact same game as 3. And 4. And Primal.

Actually I might get gold.

Has that cool day 1 exclusive.

definitely yes but only when it's on sale for like 40$ with all the DLC. loved 3 and 4 and I'm not an easily triggered 16 year old subhuman likeshit, I remember Sup Forums telling me pagan min being an SJW and that was anything but.

How does this have anything to do with white guilt?
Its an over the top game like all the rest featuring a mad cult you fucking spastic.

Probably not, hate 30fps on console and god knows this wont be optimized for PC anyway. Will probably pick up AC origins desu it looks fun

because the mad cult is in america and has christian undertones and thus it is totally a 100% game made to bash christianity and not just a spin off off all the crazed cults that have lived and died in the USA

but for me, as an actual practicing christian (what none of these fuckwad Sup Forums inbreds actually are), this is a very cool setting, the only thing that would make it better is if it had some slight paranormal undertones ala x files

but both 3 and 4 have been pretty well optimized

The whole shitstorm over the reveal made me try out 4 just to see what the series was like. It was fun so I probably will pick up 5 when it comes out.

That poster is a falseflagger
Sup Forums had actual discussion (its hard to believe but i saw it with my own eyes and even i couldent believe it) about the game while faggots here were shitposting about obvious Sup Forumsbait falseflaggers

3 is fine too if you want to shoot shit in a tropical paradise. fucking gets repetitive as shit by the second island tho

of course

Nah, 3 was a lot of fun, 4 ended up being more or less the same game with a little location difference, primal was boring but I appreciated what it tried to do, until they really push the boat out there and do it well... im done with far cry

>There will never be another Crysis
>Far Cry's MP is shit
Come on, does EA own the genre now?

FarCry games are stupid and fun.

I am gainfully employed and I can afford to indulge in dumb shit, so whatever.

No. Unless of course they can prove that it's not Far Cry 3 Part 5, America edition.

>paying for anti white propaganda

>Far Cry 2
What an awful map, it had many flaws but the novelty of its time made up for it back then.
>Far Cry 4
I have never seen so many instances of cockblocking in vidya.
>Sidequest where you find these killer's mask and his notes, in time you find notes indicating he knows you follow him, you get them all as you imagine it might finally lead you to find him.......NOPE

>SIdequest where you help defend transports, it is later implied that they are taking these resources not for the resistance but their own and then.........NOTHING.

>Dream Shangri-la sequence with special powers and weapons, you finish it, maybe hey, hoping that you get that sweet sweet bow, NOPE, nothing at all.

>Games has choices, but both guys end up being assholes.
At least the game allows you to let Pagan Min go and then shoot his chopper and kill those 2 whining wankers.

>The cockblocking ChinkIce queen.
Why the everloving fuck did they had to completely derail the game into ALIENZ!110, did they not want people to think it was a Far cry with superpowers?

If you buy games that degrade your own religion, race and country you are the only subhuman here.

But yes I am going to play it, heck given the coop maybe I could even buy it once I find it cheaper.

What about Far Cry 3?

just cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks

Far Cry 3 was a great departure from Far Cry 2 staleness, a world with color (which FC2 was capable of mind you, but only if you set the clock for 10 AM or so), a place somewhat worth exploring even if no sidequest was every worth finishing, just doing it enough to unlock shit, funny considering at least the Ass Creed games gave you something for completing the collecting.
The gun selection was also a very nice departure from the many FPS that only let you carry 2 guns and while it completely failed in making it a "lost, alone and in danger on an island full of baddies", which only a Slav dev would have had the balls to actually do, one could just take it as it is and have fun by making the game your bitch, the stealth was not really a challenge but letting you know the boundaries meant you could easily fuck with the enemy in many ways.

Guns felt good to use, the movement too, the wingsuit was very satisfying and I miss from FC3 the OP syringes, such as the 1 minute invincibility and the super speed.

The plot and the trailers were disconnected from the game (ludo-narrative dissonance oh oh oh), infact the plot was rather stupid even if the writer felt such a smartass about it, even going as far as to say that the 1 ending where you get killed is a fuck you to the player.

>trying to justify your shit taste in games because lelel xD triggeroni

Why not just admit you like ubishit and want to play it?

No even if it is good, the viral campaign here when it was announced has left a sour taste in my mouth and I won't be giving them any money.

Hm, guess I made the right choice picking up 3 instead of 4 during the summer sale.

>Play Far Cry 3
>free outposts
>no one left to shoot or stealth kill
Why is this allowed
I wish Far Cry 5's hooligans woud try to attack the towns again and we get to camp on top of a tower and snipe

I forgot to say that 3 had an unsatisfying main antagonist and stupid QTEs boss fights, 4 has a form of coop and gives you some of the skills you need to acquire in 3.

Is better to play 3 first, not in terms of plot, but gameplay mechanics.

By the way I think you should look into some mods for 3, maybe they were more for NG+, don't remember.

If the game runs poorly look it up, they made some odd choices for that game, like blurring things afar as if to simulate the human field of view but only makes it look and run worse.

>Far Cry 2
>free outpost
>5 minutes later is already full and maybe they are following you
They could not find a compromise, but there's a mod to restore them, which again is too bad that at the end of the game, second island, you got all the XP needed and can barely unleash your full powers.

>you got all the XP needed and can barely unleash your full powers
this is the worst fucking shit in any game that has it


Where did you see antisemitic remarks on this guy's post? How is quoting the fucking Talmud, antisemitic?

it doesn't you worthless piece of dung

I wish whoever is in charge of the plot did not had such a god complex, is so odd that on an interactive product that span for tens of hours you cannot achieve what a non-interactive medium can in less than 2.
To me is such a paradox.

I hope they don't attempt any sort of commentary, not because is inherently wrong but I am certain they would fail at it,let it be more self-aware, make characters worth shooting at, maybe someone fun to listen at (I liked Sam "Blitzkrieg")

i love jews now


I'll probably pirate it cuz I'm somehow entertained by redneck shenanigans

But I may not even bother as 4 was too big in size for such little entertainment..


Truth is a crime in the world of lies

can't wait to pirate it


enjoyed Far Cry 3, and Far Cry 4 aight

miss Jack Carver tho


I only recently got fc4 and I've been very disappointed with it so far. Just the fact that it doesn't allow """"uncommon"""" resolutions without the letterbox garbage might have been too much already, but the LoD pixelation really drove me over the edge.

Will not be purchasing any more ubisoft titles, period.

probably not, 4 lost me

Yes. Killing Christians and triggering Sup Forums is always fun. I'll buy a bunch of steam copies and send them to different people. I'll probably do a 10 copy giveaway. I'm not poor so that's not a problem financially.

Yeah, why not. Shit looks neat.

>buying any farcry except 2

I am legitimately looking forward to FC5 and AC: Origins. Shadow of War is going to be leagues better than both of them though.


I'm going to buy Destiny 2 instead :)


I'm interested.

3 was ok, nothing new with 4. didn't play primal. Fuck that shit lol

>his name is ______ and he likes to ______

Already pre-ordered

Fuck yes I am.

4 player co-op story confirmed. I will literally buy every 2+ player co-op story game. What are some of your favorites, Sup Forums?