Do you think video games are devaluing women's companionship?

Do you think video games are devaluing women's companionship?

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I think women are devaluing women's companionship

lol no


I don't even know what that means.

women should actually try being pleasant to gain our attention again instead of screeching at us all the time

Given the divorce rate in america coupled with how the legal system heavily benefits women, yes.

At least games are upfront about wanting your money

Losers have always been losers. They just have video games now to make life better.

Hard kek

what's there to devalue?

Women are devaluing their companionship by being spoiled whiny whores that spend their youth sucking off as many football players as they can and then cry that the men with high-paying, stable jobs not in manual labor (nerds with an interest in video games) would rather have fun playing games instead of paying for a single mother's mistakes.

This is why prostitutes are better people than most women. They're honest and up front.

Any woman who believes this is a woman who isn't fun to be around. You give a guy a choice between a nice girl and a video game, he'll choose the girl almost every time. Give a guy a choice between a video game and a whiny bitch who complains that she doesn't get enough attention? You end up with articles like the one in the OP.

I think that only applies to people who have an actual problem, like WoW addicts or something.
Alcoholics probably would prefer booze to pussy as well.

Pretty much this

Fuck no

>all these cucks saying yes
Women serve barely any purpose other than existing to please men and giving birth.

Women are devaluing themselves.
>we are equal, but I must be the center of your life
>you better feed into my narcisism, and shitty personality

Shit like MGTOW and the Red Pill are growing under different names.

Video games allow men to feel good about themselves and enjoy their lives, a standard we have always had the opportunity to enjoy. Meanwhile, over the world has toiled tirelessly to make men feel terrible about themselves and hate their lives, with no opportunity to turn it around.

Unfortunately a majority of women have jumped on the bandwagon because in a lot of ways it benefits them, so they are motivated to dehumanize men or look the other way when men are dehumanized, and to keep them from questioning it society has erected feminism to erase any opportunity to doubt that most women do have at some point in their lives.

that depends on the game.

>I am creeped out by all this attention I am getting, leave me alone

Also women:
>He doesn't give me any attention, because of his stupid games, I don't feel loved anymore. Treat me like a princess.

Women were a mistake

No, people are just marrying later. Video games have always been a scapegoat for people who don't know anything about them.

>All these

Literally 3

women btfo

But i thought women need men like horses need a byplane?

Why are these women interested in these "losers"?


tbdesu I'd take RE4 over a nice girl any old day

Why you think men never have to be pleasant to women?

The only thing devaluing women's companionship is women.

It has always been customary in Western culture for men to pursue women. That said, women were taught to reciprocate in a manner becoming of a "lady" ie, not fucking on the first date, thinking term instead of whats fun for a week or two (and while i swear a bit, i find its incredibly unattractive to hear women swearing like edgy 13 year old boys).

A lot of women are finding out they cant have their cake and eat it too. You cant fuck a dozen drunken Chads now, and expect some well off Beta with half a brain to take care of your ass later down the line when your eggs are rotten.

Do you think OP is a dumb fucking faggot that should fuck off back to redit?

Western society coddles Women. Women are simply exploiting it.

>Why are these women interested in these "losers"?

Because despite what Sup Forums thinks women are trying to help men.

No modern women,sjw and third wave feminism managed that very well on their own.


>picks the one game with a whiny female demanding your attention.

>tfw getting married soon
>gf doesn't stop playing Dragon Quest Builders
It goes both ways!

ALL entertainment alternative to the pleasures of flesh devalues it.

People in general are devaluing companionships through shit like video games, social media etc...
People can be entertained within an instant and anywhere now so why would people go through the bullshit and pointless small talk to develop relationships anymore.

you mean (((women)))

It was an amazing game despite that. If you want to play a zambini game with genuinely awful escort missions, try Dead Rising.


Hey ladies, you know what REALLY makes men interested in you?

Antagonize them by calling them bitter virgins, neckbeards, losers and be sure to mention they've never kissed or held hands.
There's no way this approach could fail.


I really, really like this post. Mind if I save it?

they're trying to come up with articles to keep their cushy jobs actually. I caught cnbc ealier today and they held a poll. know what the poll was? it asked if hot dogs are a sandwich.

so..... yeah. I almost feel sorry for people like in OP's post. almost. this is what humanity has come to. so here we are I guess.

Stop projecting.

I do mind actually

>it asked if hot dogs are a sandwich

Women are the jews of sexes. They exploit and manipulate with love, cute eyes and vaginas.

Fuck off, phoneposting Chad.

i think women devalue womens companionship.

if they get outdone by vidya, maybe they should step up their game.

To bad Richard. I became a pirate.

Women really need to step their game up.

of course hotdog are sandwiches.
Sandwiches were created to hold meat with your hand without staining them and it's the same for hotdog

Sometimes when I feel bad about being single, I go on youtube and watch some channels on youtube specifically made by women for women (those makeup vlogs, dealing with breakups, lifestyle and fitness)

It snaps me right the fuck out of it and I decide to do something fun or productive instead. It literally works every time. Here's some entry level stuff if you want to know what i mean:

I promise you once you you will feel better about being single if you spend watch one or two of these.

That's why it's called the "female hasbara". The modus operandi and mentality of Jews and females is very similar.

This pretty much


>philosophy class
>teacher is young graduate student
>he's trying to make some point
>"for example, I'm still a virgin because I believe in chastity until marriage"
>every girl in the class laughs simultaneously
>didnt hear a single male laugh
>teacher just looks sort of bewildered at the response and damage controls

Honestly who cares?

I'm perfectly happy and contented making money and spending much of my disposable income on games and related paraphernalia. I'd be a certified fool of the highest order to trade in my current lifestyle (to which I've become very accustomed) and pursue the fickle, and quite frankly worthless, attention and body of a female.

And let's be honest and true, the chances of finding a perfectly redpilled waifu is next to zero and nothing, not in the least because women aren't capable or able of the same level of critical think as men are. Is that really the kind of person you want to spend the rest of your life with and live with? No thanks.

Women are the niggers of gender, them being Jews implies that they are in any way intelligent

If something as simple as video games can devalue a female partner, then they need to step it up.

also, it's hilarious how a person's level of attratctiveness in these things is directly reciprocal to the amount of makeup they wear.

they're heinou inside and out if they have to cake themselves in makeup and blog out it

>he thinks youtube attention whores are a fair representation of the female gender
no wonder you're single

>women are trying to help men
If that were the case, feminism wouldn't exist. Thanks for the laugh though.

Everyone should be pleasant to everyone, but I live in Alaska and there's a 6:10 ratio of women to men, and let me tell you, the women here are absolutely awful. I've been out of the dating scene for two years since my last breakup, and since that time I feel like I've been reborn.

Five years in a relationship, then she just decides one day that she's going to quit working, has her friends over every single day when she needs to be looking for a job (Alaska has #1 highest unemployment at the time, economy is 3rd worst in the entire fucking US), I'm busting my ass 10-12 hours a day as a plumber apprentice to barely scrape by. What's she doing?

She's on vacation, spending money to the point where we can't buy food, can't pay rent, have to turn shit off. So I open a new bank account and deposit into that our essential living expenses. You know what she does? She calls the fucking cops and tells them I robbed her. I can't even think about it again. Jesus fuck.

After breaking up with her, I went on the dating scene for 4 years, and let me tell you, I've never felt so shitty in my entire life. I go to a bar and women will literally ask me like its an interview about how much money I make, where I live, what I drive, they do it in groups of 2-5. They literally do not stand, sit, or walk alone. They are like a gaggle of interrogation geese.

Its like I'm always on trial. One will sit down and they'll just yip-yap with their 2-4 friends that came with them, I can't even get a word in, then get pissy when I go to leave, check my phone, or basically anything else that isn't me sitting there nodding my head like I'm listening.

I'm just baffled man. This one time I was at a job site, and this customer walks out of the shower fucking naked while I'm soldering under the sink, then when the bill comes due she tells me she shouldn't have to pay for labor because she could have me fired for seeing her naked. What the flying fuck?

I could keep going

Whenever I feel bad about lonely and single I go to r/relationships on reddit

It reminds me that if you're ever in a relationship with a woman she will whine and bitch and hate you until she breaks up with you

>If he didn't care or damage control they would've wanted to fuck him

When sexbots come women will be begging betas to be their bfs.
Remember this and invest in sexbot technology today!


it absolutely is though

Is there actually sauce for that article? I couldn't find it on Google.

But I've been to Alaska, I thought there was a ton of jobs available that pay well?

Or wait... That might've been before low oil prices fucked things up.


Current society is devaluing female companionship because retards are teaching young women to act like overly entitled cunts who shouldn't have to work for anything.

I'm 29, I dated a lot from 18-24 and then it just got steadily worse and worse, meeting women who are not complete selfish cunts these days is pretty fucking hard.

Oh no that sucks

>I could keep going.
Please do. I'm angry, but I'm enjoying it.

Does that shit happen anywhere else in the world, or is it just UStards complaining the shit up?

I can confirm they're definitely devaluing men's companionship

>Talking about your previous sex life in the presence of any women whatsoever

You mean childish men are to blame for dumb bitches not being responsible enough to wait until they are financially capable of raising a child?

Well shit, props to you boys. Keep up dat vidya lyf it's making the world a better place. Don't really want to pay some whore money because she can't practice safe sex and now can't afford to feed her litter.

Yes goyim play the vdya!

Please continue.
>this customer walks out of the shower fucking naked while I'm soldering under the sink
How the fuck did that even happen?

Is this real?

Even women don't want to be around women.

>told by my brother to not get married at his son's birthday party after his wife bitches at him
Woo being single mid 20s I guess?

I'm sure many easy to exploit men would be happy to impregnate women in their 20's. How's it anyone but their own fault they choose to get pregnant later?

>implying your gf would care if you suicided

Not enough millionaires. All guys fault.
They should have thought about that before entering the work force and supporting mass immigration.

It absolutely is, this is what they're like when there are no guys around. They know guys don't sit through bullshit like that so they act as they would with their girl friends. This is them in their natural habitat, observe and be repulsed.

Sounds like you should start saving up to move

As someone who was close to starting a family yet played vidya every day. This right here. Thread should have ended.

Good thing egg freezing's a thing now. It has something like a 75% failure rate, nevermind all the complications a 50-year-old woman faces in childbirth, but don't tell them that.

The article is, yes. It cites a study in NYC that shows about 65% of millennial women value stable marriage and child rearing, while only 59% of men. Further, it cites that there are far more college educated women, and they earn about $0.08 more per dollar than men in equivalent fields in NYC. The article places the blame on men, saying men who don't have even higher paying jobs are irresponsible and effectively bums. Then there's a whole section about how hard women have it, now having to consider freezing eggs for pregnancy later in life to deal with how irresponsible men are.

Ever since oil prices dropped, its been to hell and never back here. The state is so poor, its laying of 18,000 state workers, last year refused to plow the roads at the apex of winter, seized half of the PFD, and all kinds of other crazy shit, meanwhile people are losing their jobs left and right, and you can see homeless basically everywhere you go while crime has skyrocketed to the point where in 12 hours the following happened

1) over 30 brand-new vehicles were stolen from car dealerships in the middle of the city
2) a police stand off shootout on C-street in the middle of the city
3) someone stole a fucking plane and crashed it into the side of a building
4) 3 federal credit union branches robbed

All within 12 hours. Now the tourists overfished the salmon because the state wanted their tourist dollars and guess what that did? The fucking bears don't have enough food, so they are coming into the fucking city. Now I'm terrified to go outside not only because of the damn gangsters on each street corner, not only because of the homeless people who wait outside your house to try to beg you for food/shelter while you are leaving for work, but I have to bring bear spray and a flash light to scan the woods and sprint to my car because there's no guarantee a god damn brown bear won't be in my backyard, and I'm fucking crippled and have to use a crutch to walk so now I'm a cripple running from bears

Alaska fucking sucks, never come here again

Truth. If women are being beat by video games, they really need to step their shit up. I mean, have you seen the state of the games industry? It's not good. But, just like my father, it sure beats women.

Live it up and live for yourself man. Or find a qt trap, I never found men attractive but at this point I just want to meet someone who strives for similar goals in life and enjoys working toward said goals together.

I don't expect to find this in a female in the US with our current society, so time to look as the more intelligent gender.

If anything she'll be glad you offed yourself since it means she gets to be the victim of a tragedy for months/years.

A actual thing ive heard countless women say is they hate male suicide because its "selfish"
>gives you a good idea of the true extent of female evil.