Thoughts on e-sport?

Thoughts on e-sport?

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more like e-gnore

I don't find watching other people play video games fun

Don't really care if a bunch of faggots want to play video games and pretend that they are contributing to society. Only thing that really infuriates me is that they call it a sport, just fucking have some self respect and call it competitive gaming or whatever else just not a sport.

I don't get how so many people are into it

Just play the damn games yourself. Why do you need to watch ultra-autists do it at breakneck speed?

Is typing a "sport"? Should we televise a championship featuring the top office ladies in the world to see who can type the most words per second?

Considering that esports organisations pay taxes I can't see how they esports and sports differ in terms of their contribution to society.
I mean they both serve the function of allowing advertisers to reach a large audience so they really aren't that different.

>all the industry had to do to get normals to finish off gaming was add sports to the name
Now that this cancer has finally killed gaming what hobby are you guys picking up? For me it's going to be doll collecting.

im stuck at work five nights a week with nothing to do

I learn a lot and it becomes fun if you want to see your country flag on the top.

Except is always some asian cunts that win these things

threads like these always shed some light in how casual Sup Forums really is.

And i can see the responses too, people getting mad at even the idea of because they dont like esports they are casuals. Yes, you are. If you dont respect the skills of players other than yourself, then you have never played a game enough to understand it at its fullest or tried to be the best you can be at whatever task or game.

cancer. needs to die.

I guess I am casual by those standards. E-sports are still gay and boring though.

>If you dont respect the skills of players other than yourself, then you have never played a game enough to understand it at its fullest or tried to be the best you can be at whatever task or game
A lot of Sup Forums is old enough to remember when video games were fun time killers, you clearly aren't one of them.

I like watching fighting games because they're fun to spectate. It feels nice when ever your main wins a tournament. Aside from that, I don't know about MOBAS or FPS.

Candy crush is a fun time killer

shitskins should be playing divegrass not video games

>calls other people "casuals"
>prefers to watch le epic e-celebs playing games instead of playing them himself

Its not different than sports.

These are the best players in the world, and these competitions have been around and growing for almost 2 decades

thats funny. because there is a competition for typist kid.

I see you are trying to reaffirm your stance that Sup Forums is casual with this post. I'll take the bait and give you a (you), but don't you fucking sit there and lie to us about Candy Crush being fun.


Though of course I have no problems with those who rather play those games and don't care for the comp scenes, but to diss the entire thing entirely is retarded.

loool look at those pitiful biceps and forearms. I'd be ashamed

If watching people playing videogames on a stadium is stupid,watching people chasing after a ball is stupid as well

>Iron Chef
why not just cook yourselves XD
>America Idol
why not just sing yourselves XD
>X Factor
why not just do a talent by yourselves XD
>BBQ Pitmasters
why not just go grill yourselves XD
>World Series of Poker
why not just play poker yourselves XD
>Dancing with the stars
why not just dance by yourselves XD
why not just answer triva by yourselves XD
>Nathans annual hotdog eating contest
why not just eat a hotdog yourselves XD
>Chess World Championship
why not just play chess yourselves XD
>All 28 Olympic events
why not just play sports yourselves XD
>Competitive Video Games
why not just video games yourselves XD

You are either crazy or dumb

t. a billy no m8's who never had any athleticism.

Probably both but that's not the point,I'm still right


>watching sports
why not just play it yourself kid?

Athleticism has always been respected because it's impressive and takes a lot of hard work, sitting in front of a computer and playing a game isn't. Doesn't matter how long you have played or how good you are, to 95% of people in the world that would seem sad and pathetic as fuck if you'd try to tell them that you're professional video game player.

>im a casual that exclusively plays single player only games
you can stop posting now

E-sports could be cool but instead we got really shitty character/class based games dominating the scene.

Is Neymar the most overrated football player?

I hate to break it to you, old farts, but Esports is a sport.
A sport can be defined as "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment."
A video game, particular at higher levels requires much higher muscle memory, hand eye coordination and APM, which IS physical exertion in a sense.
Also, being a pro requires a lot of skill and practice.
Liking Esports makes you a casual and a loser is debatable, but saying it's not a sport makes you a fucking autismo.


>It's not different than sports
You mean you would put JWonderChild in the same category as fucking Usain Bolt or McGregor for example?

>Playing fucking video games is a sport
Shut the fuck up underage summerfag

>not even reading
what are you blind

>Esports are sports too

competitive masturbation is a sport too.

>taking this shit seriously

Ok I'll take the bait if that's what you want.
>moving a mouse and pressing some keys on a keyboard is physical exertion
Are you meaning to say those are the same as sprinting for 5 miles no stop and being tired at the end?
>being a pro requires a lot of skill
>playing fucking video games is a skill
>moving a mouse and pressing some keys on a keyboard requires the same amount of practice as lifting or cooking
Fuck off with this bullshit

Leave the monkeys to the pig.

the only esport that mattered was korean starcraft bw during the kespa era.

the rest are a lot harder than pressing buttons

I'd say it takes a lot longer to get decent a playing Starcraft or Counter Strike than to get decent at cooking.

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7

E-Sports are like interesting and challenging versions of bore-sports.

E-sports are sports, chess and poker are sports too


Ok that's your opinion, it's not like being recognized as a sport by some people will change the fact that the industry is growing at crazy rates and it's fun to watch by quite the amount of gamers

Cooking like a great Chef does take dozens of years though, should have chosen Poker, IWD an ex-league pro used to play Poker competitively until he got robbed at gun point lol

At least it's better than divegrass.

I like watching fighting game esports because there's nonstop action and the combos are better than I could do

csgo is ok

mobas are retarded to watch because they have to grind half the match and they take forever and aren't even hard to play mostly. They just memorize a recipe from r*ddit

only good one is dota

also fuck these new captchas

Except they're not. They're games.

>they have to grind half the match and they take forever and aren't even hard to play mostly. They just memorize a recipe from r*ddit

>pick up heavy thing
>put ingredient in pot

only the greatest minds can develop such skills


sad that Sup Forums is so contrarian they still say lmao esports lmao

they literally have teams, jerseys, and train many hours together to get good

not any worse than stupid hoop ball where just being certain height means you're destined to go pro

coon shit for low IQ children

>bing! bing! bing!
>lvl up!
>pick up your loot!
lmao it's like a generic grinding simulation no thanks. 50 minute game where interesting things happen for 5 minutes tops

no i would say its the best players in the world competing and doing shit the average person cant. like sports.

>inb4 its just clicking XD
its just kicking a ball XD

>because the point of chess is to win
Welp it's official, Monopoly is a sport too

you have a sub 100 IQ if you actually think this

Quake is high octane as fuck. But in general, it's too niche and too based on uber juvenile hobby, so it is hard to take it somewhat seriously. Even if it is quite hard on a competitive pro level

No, actally you do if you think pressing buttons like a manchild is harder than a competitive real world skill of any kind.

t. brainlet that thinks video games are hard

>He thinks lifting and cooking are that easy.
Wow, no wonder you are a weaboo basement-dweller who never touched a weight (or a woman) in his entire life

>his life is pathetic and all he does is play videogames and shitpost on Sup Forums

Lmao'ing @ ur life tbqh

t.e-athlete that couldn't compete with the big boys in real sports

>the highest level of competition in video games is just pressing buttons
Nice to know youve never played multiplayer anything in your life

>The average person can't move a mouse and press a button
And yes, football is just kicking a ball. Problem is your fatass couldn't even reach a ball should someone want to dribble it away from you

The why the fuck are you even here you massive faggot go play real sports if your so good

I don't play video games. Can confirm esports is gay

Thats what were saying. A lot of us DO participate in real sports and enjoy video games on the side because we arent underage b&

>it doesnt take skill just because I said so
If shitposting was sport you would be undefeated

I went to a D1 school for athletics kid. Because I know what competition is


>A lot of us DO participate in real sports and enjoy video games on the side because we arent underage b&

Nope i bet i have been here longer than you, newfag. Its only kids i see who pretend esports are legit

life waster


Indifferent. Getting upset over something as dumb as this is so goddamn pointless.

>going to Sup Forums
>not getting mad at pointless shit

I lift and cook. I'd be very curious where you think the skill comes in when doing either on those on an average level. I can see it with a complex lift like the clean and jerk or a dish like beef wellington, but generally mostly it's nothing more than following a few simple, linear instructions.

we wouldn't want people who waste their lives here on the Sup Forums video game discussion board.

Whats your stats fag

Bet you cant even bench 3pl8

because athletes train years to push their body to their genetical maximum to compete with other people who did the same.
There is a really low percentage of people who are genetically blessed to become a top-athlete, or who even have the willpower to put their bodies to these extremes so "normal" people appreciate when these people compete against each other.

any fat faggot with too much time on his hands can become good at video-games.

a lot of people can get good at [activity] by investing a bit of time in doing it. but very few people get very good at [activity].

Who is going to win the international?

You are proving his point lol, people can get good at X stuff by training hard, woah...

Also if your point is, the scope of real sports is deeper to learn than e-sports, you haven't proved it. E-sport players have faster reaction times and score higher on IQ tests like the Wonderlic test, an argument against that.


Well there are good pro players who are in great shape, ironically there are very few fat fucks in the scenes. Most top orgs have gyms in the gaming houses.

Also there are fat fucks in the NFL for fucks sake, and there are soccer players with bad core and slim arms too. You are talking about olympics athletes, which is not the actual discussion.

You're not that bright, are you?


its pretty fucking meaningless when you get to the bottom of it
there's so many kids trying to be pro gamers but only 0.01% of them will ever make a living off it
and even then, you'll only be good for a moment and fade into mediocrity

If people generally don't consider skateboarding a real sport then why would sitting in front of a computer all day considered a sport.
hahaha what the fuck

cancer killing games

So is writing, drawing, etc. sports also? They've been around and had competitions longer than before video games were a thing

>Not maintaining proper stove heat
>Not properly marinating
>Not making sure the meat has a right amount of fat on it.
>Not making sure he isn't putting too much or too little seasoning
>Not thinking how he should present the food
>Not doing all of that in way that is efficient with time
Just because you put your tendies in a microwave does not mean cooking is easy, user.

>A sport can be defined as "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment."
Well I guess writing is a sport. Drawing and singing too. Hell there's even competitions for jacking off, guess that's a sport. Least we can all say we're athletes then.
>Also, being a pro requires a lot of skill and practice.
So does writing and drawing and singing. Guess what, you don't see people going autistic over having people say it's a sport. You know why? Because they are their own thing and people let it be their own thing. Trying to hamfist it into something like a sport just makes it seem like a joke.

Writing and drawning arent something where you directly compete against other people so not it makes no sense to call it a sport.