Playing Fallout 4

>Playing Fallout 4
>Have fourplay mod and violated rape mod installed
>Have sex animations installed
>Go to vault 81
>Use command console to spawn about a dozen super mutants
> Go back up the elevator and leave the vault
>Get curious and go back inside the vault
>Mfw the men vault dwellers are being killed
>Mfw the female vault dwellers are being raped

I swear fallout 4 is so much better with mods

The sad state of a Toddout 4 player.

I'll admit fallout 4 was at best a mediocre game but with mods installed the game is something else. And I think Todd a egotistical douche



At least Todd doesn't hire sjw devs to work on his game

I don't use porn mods aside from custom naked female body, but I agree with you
Put in Start Me Up + Silent Protagonist to fix the "MUH CHILD" shit, then Horizon for gameplay and boom you already went from a 6/10 game to a 8/10 game that is also a lot more challenging and rewarding
Then add whatever mods please you to add the cherry on top. I did this and I'm enjoying the game a lot now even though I couldn't stand vanilla

S-show pics...

This is a blue board

Got it on summer sale and enjoying it much more than Witcher 3. Shame the quests are boring and optimization is piss poor, but Stalker had the same issues and I still loved it.

This is a blue board you underaged shitter.
Is this your first summer?

I want this to be a real story

To be fair, my dudes, you could just upload to imgur then link here, if I can be completely honest, my friends

So drop it on /r/ or something.

Is there a mod for New Vegas where female NPCs can be raped by hostile NPCs? And no I'm not talking with just companions.


Yes all those mods exist on loverslab

>not raping everyone equally
Fucking shitlord

The last time I tried playing Fo4 it bluescreened my computer so hard that my computer kept bluescreening and I had to restore it to when everything worked fine.

Anyone else have this game bluescreen them?

Maybe you should try not running it on a potato

Is there a specific one though? The only hostile rape mods that I've found were on the female courier or on the female companions.

Like the other guys are saying, it's a blue board.

However, the OP will never show picks of any of that shit because they do not exist. Sex mods just plain don't work that well.

I've never had it bluescreen me, but it does crash every time I do anything to edit my settlement in sanctuary. If a place an object, scrap an object, or activate my decontamination arc, my game immediately crashes.

I have to build a whole new settlement now, and I'm seriously pissed off about it. There's no fix, just a critical error in my save.

This is the response I always get from retards. "Lel ur computer is potato!!!"
Except my computer can run any modern game wirlthout a problem.

I even clocked 179 hours in Fo4 before the bluescreen trying to get my money's worth out of it.

It was the first time I ever saw a bluescreen so I've been afraid to try the game again ever since the restore.


I said they don't work that well because they take a shitload of micromanaging to make work, they are not natural additions to the game.

I didn't say they didn't exist, fucktard.

They work pretty decent for me. Your setting are probably shit or your potato GPU/CPU cant handle the extra animations

Are you okay?

>Loading screen simulator 2007.
Not gonna get an SSD or 16 gigs of ram to chase my tail around in a shit game.

yeah u did

I have the standard 8 gigs and the loading screens don't take more than a minute usually. Yes that is still a relatively long time but it's not that bad


Reread my post one more time, and use your brain.

what did he mean by this

Being this mad

He meant you're a faggoty cuck loser.

Wait wait wait wait wait. Does FO4 finally have porn mods? Might be the only reason to touc this game again.

Yes head over to loverslab

>just finished modding Skyrim again a week ago
Fuck it, back to modding FO4.

Something along the lines of "Hmm HMHMMMMHmmmmHMMMUH".
We may never know. Humanity is not ready for this wisdom.

just like one of my japanese animes

New metroid 4 gameplay


Why are you trying to crash the thread nigger
At least post fallout related ones

Yes, that is how the mod is called. What about it?

Actually, supermutants raping anybody is impossible, the process destroys the sex drive and the reproductive functions of genitals.

Nothing a couple of popsicle sticks and a roll of tape can't fix.

delet this

Time to retinstall fallout 4 and let cait getting DP by raiders.

I have the slavery mod. I enslaved cait on sold her to some ghouls

Cait is for getting off the drugs, an then gentle loving for the sole purpose of having children.

Are we posting our fetishes through fo4 mods now?


This sounds fucking hillarious and is already tempting me to start at FO4 run with mods but honestly, how much can mods really save?

I can't into the whole alternative virtual life so no matter how many mods i stick on FO/TES i end up feeling like i'm back playing vanilla The moment i go start any quest.

I had an idea the other day

Fans are thirsty for a new, good, Fallout game.

So why not remake 1&2 as FPSRPGs like 3 and NV are for?
No need for new voice acting, just use a higher quality of the original voice files.

That's a pretty neat idea. But the fallout 1 and 2 maps are not that big. They may have felt big back then because it was birds eye view

Where can I subscribe to more supermutant facts?

Nice buzzwords champ

a good number of supermutants are likely female too so they might not even have a dick

and the male's penis would be shriviled up and vestigial anyway

they are plenty big, the zones are larger than any in nu-fallout and the world map can easily be filled in since it was just a fast-travel zone before

So a powerfist and a roll of tape. Use your imagination.

they don't even have any sort of sexuality, let alone thoughts of sexual pleasure, they would be more stimulated by just killing/eating the men and women rather than fucking them

Marcus in FO2 has a different story.

Marcus remembers being human
and Eastern mutants are different
Western mutants are described as not having sexual drives though, or at least limited ones

if you're going to have a rape mod at least keep it accurate and have raider rapists

But what if my rape mod also rapes the lore? It's a meta-rape mod of sorts.

But muh giant flailing green dicks

You realize that the map is 95% travel zones and when you decide to actually stop and see what it is it's just plain desert?

Only a small amount is actual game area.



dosent mean you cant rape someone

>nude mod
>kills female raiders
>strip off everything to sell for caps
>found myself staring at her naked, toned, sweat-slicked body

T-this is normal, right?

I'm really horny right now Sup Forums what mods do I need to rape someone in game with full nudes and animations

>playing fallout

Yes unless the fact she's dead contributed to your arousal

>I said they don't work that well
>"just plain don't work"

>I said they don't work that well
>"just plain don't work that well."

"However, the OP will never show picks of any of that shit because they do not exist. Sex mods just plain don't work that well."
you literally contradicted yourself you slobbering troglodyte. kill yourself

I played all the stalker games too cause I like post-apocalyptic, post-post-apocalyptic, post-nuclear dystiopian survival games faggot :^)

Then it's probably you who's the potato.

>playing cheeki breeki simulator
>needing anymore post-apocalyptic, post-post-apocalyptic, post-nuclear dystiopian survival games

War...war never changes.
War never changes!
War never changes.

C'mon c'mon c'mon FUUUUCK!

The story was clearly made up, that's what I meant when I said the pics don't fucking exist, how are you this goddamn retarded?

I must have accidentally spurred some vindictive autist into samefagging me, only explanation.

Can I get Cait addicted to spunk?

war has changed

I want mod that Add Boris to the game and that I could go out on a date with him.

>Help her fight her drug addiction
>Make her addicted to sex instead

>Decide to download fallout 4 again
>Spend all day finding and installing mods
>Get everything set up and working, no crashing or incompatibilities
>Start playing
>Play for 20 minutes and get bored


>putting in only porn mods and skipping on the gameplay mods
Shaking my head to be quite honest my famdango

probably cause I like the genre, and I'm not a meme loving faggot.

dude lmao, you literally said it doesn't exist, take the L nigga, jesus

>install futa mod
>helping the minutemen
>enter the fort and there is this chick with a cowboy hat looking at a map
>I forget for a minute that I had the futa mod

Next thing I remember is the unzip sound and the gagging from taking that 9 inch shaft , I think she came too , might have been bugged since there was no puddles of cum.

Don't do many quests, seriously, most fun I ever had in skyrim was when I installed buch of survival and camping mods and just walked trought the world with no interactions besides merchants, then I stumbled upon quest which sounded interesting, but it boiled down to "Go to bandit camp and find x". I stopped playing after that.
I'd imagine it would be the same for fallout.

>Have foreplay mod and violated rap...


>futa mod
Which one? Please?


>I'll admit [Bethesda Game] was at best a mediocre game but with mods installed the game is something else.
You could use this to describe every Bethesda released game since Oblivion or earlier including New Vegas

>Decided to start fallout 4 again
>Search for some good overhaul mods
>Find it on Nexus
>27 bugs

I guess i canl wait a couple of months.

>Without mods