How will CD Projekt fuck it up?
How will CD Projekt fuck it up?
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By not delivering on the promise of including un-translated dialogues in various languages you'd have to learn yourself to understand what anything means.
Witcher vison
By being unable to create a decent combat system to save their lives.
Can't wait for the new 2077 trailer where they play wubstep. Projekt will be bound to fulfilling whatever their sponsors want.
2077 is the release date
by never releasing it
not enough personal responsibility
Just like Witcher 3. Watering it down with open world bullshit.
Still better than the synthwave meme
Darkwave and horrorwave are unironically good mood music.
I hope there is a cuck mission. Seriously.
This. Holy FUCK I don't fucking want to hear that shit in 2077.
Have those hackers ever released anything? Did they even get caught?
>use your Cyber Senses to find clues
>checklist open world
>MMO level scaling
>more glitches than Bethesda game
>rushed and unfinished
Just like Witcher 3, basically. Hopefully DLCs will be just as good, at least.
Well, CD Projekt has been mainly working on the Witcher series for years now which has allowed them to utilize the same universe and characters throughout. They've shown they can write decent stories and characters as well as build upon mechanics that make sense for Geralt, but doing that for their own created world and characters is questionable. I'm guessing you'll be able to create your own character and will explore an at least semi-open world. All of which is something that, while inspired by other media, is of their own creation. Without a book or previously made up universe to then build off of, I don't know how they'll fare. Especially when the societal/political/economical themes behind a cyberpunk-focused world can be hard to nail in a believable fashion and not fall into the simplistic idea of it as, "Everything is grungy and neon with lots of crime!"
TL;DR They're making their own new world, characters, and in a way that likely gives the player more freedom over how their character acts/behaves. Without a premade character (like Geralt) and world backing it up, they may have a difficult time. Adding in cyberpunk themes also adds to that difficulty. I think they could probably do a good job considering their track record, but this is somewhat new territory for them.
wait, wasn't this cancelled already?
By not letting you make your own story. Its pretty much the main reason why Fallout 4 sucked so much dick.
by making the gameplay shitty and shallow like all their other "games"
>having taste this bad
what would a cuckmission be like?
>writes a paragraph >TL;DRs it >the TL;DR is another paragraph
I'm gonna need a TL;DR for your TL;DR my dude
I'm sorry that condensing my thoughts into a smaller summary that's less all over the place triggers your autism. My bad.
You'd have to pick out your own bull. Problem is they won't agree indulging in your masochistic pleasure just by merely asking. So you would have to black mail them to BLACK your wife. Hack their emails, halt their bank account, or even extort them through a security racket scheme. Maybe even hack their loved one's life support machine to extort them. Be pretty hot 2bh.
Your TL;DR is TL so I DR.
you sound salty
t. doesnt understand the point of a tldr
t. cant reply to the right post lmao
By focusing all their efforts on a boring card game.
They could easily screw up with the gameplay. The Witcher series has generally just been a hack and slash action game with light RPG elements. A cyberpunk-themed game would likely have things like melee weapons, guns, technological weapons like beam weapons (depending on what kind of world their building), and even powers associated with technology built into the character like augmentations. Making sure the game feels at least decent to play if your able to switch from melee combat to shooting could be tricky for them since they haven't done much in that aspect. Especially when you have to decide how shooting would work, if you're going to be in first person or third person, shit like that.
Have they even said what perspective the game will be in? First person would help out with the switch from guns to melee or whatever combat abilities the player will have. But who knows what they'll do.
fuck off
Not everyone is 14 years old
i still reckon that was a publicity stunt
literally all sounds the same
Got interested, and bored with the entire genre in the span of 30 minutes.
Where is it? REEEEE
cdpr fucking lied to us
they said we would have news this year and the news never came
fucking cunts
didn't they just talk about having to buy some translator in-game?
This year still has 5 more months. And where exactly did they say so?
Not him, but I'm holding out for there to be SOMETHING at Gamescon. I'll start worrying then.
if it plays and is presented anything like TW3 it's fucked, that game is really garbage.
>that game is really garbage
lol k
18+ site
What are you even talking about, Cyberpunk is a P&P game and they are working with the original creator on the video game. It's not a brand new world they're dreaming up.
wait wait wait. Cyberpunk was made by a BLACK?
I trust in Mike Pondsmith
They said many times that 2017 is Gwent's year.
I seriously hope microsoft has nothing to do with it this time.
After the Witcher 3 I sincerely believe that it's not possible for them to fuck up.
Witcher 3 was OBJECTIVELY the greatest game ever made.
Fuck Gwent
W3 was 100% mediocre.
good shit
all this shit sounds the same
its fucking grating
In your eyes it was. In the general audience it was an absolute masterpiece.
outta here with that knight rider OST shit
cp2077 needs industrial and straight punk rock. nothing else fits.
You and me both. It might be good in the end if it's successful. They'll have steady stream of income with little investment, so they won't have to worry about money.
Why would they?
The only thing they ever fucked up was the Saint's Row 2 port and that was a long time ago.
Desuyo that's a preferable state to listening to synthwave cancer
>all these minimum wage "social media experts" getting mad over the only good game of the last years and the only good game of the near future
Nice movie trailer
by lowering the quality of the game for consoles
think the recommended reqs will fall in the current GPU gen? thinking of upgrading pc for this
1070 for recommended sounds about right. Still, the prices are fucked up right now and you'd be better waiting for next series.
No, not even that.
Two are from cyberpunk movies, one is heavily inspired by cyberpunk media, but they won't fit in a game called "cyberpunk". Ok
No, it's not Ok.
with bad combat/gameplay ... have you not played witcher 1,2,3?
It's just Sup Forums faggots being contrarians for the sake of being contrarian.
Name one cyberpunk movie with an industrial or straight punk rock soundtrack
vangelis was in that post fuck you bitch
yeah the first two work
to be honest I can't pick a genre to define what we know so far of the game
by upsetting Sup Forums.
nah fuck you leatherhead
Synthwave is cool, but without lyrics
yes good more
THIS. it's been known that any game that doesn't get our blessing is doomed to flop. TORtanic was an example of our might.
I like this one and the lyrics fit CP2077 perfectly
What is wrong with you? were you dropped as a kid?
Sounds more D E S I G N A T E D to me
If they do it right they'll use Blade Runner music.
Who /cop/ here?
Time to deliver THE LAW.
Cop reporting in. Dey say dat yoo brade runner.
how does that translate? I just hit people with a Les Paul?
Solo for maximum brouzouf gainening
>Cyberpunk bards
I'm in
By not letting us play as a lesbian cop who gets all the ladies.
If you don't HACK, are you even playing fucking cyberpunk? NEUROMANCER LIFESTYLE HERE I COME, ALL ABOARD THE COMPUTER TRAIN
If anything they're going to bite off more than they can chew. Too much ambition leads to unfinished games, like CCP with their attempt at a VTM MMO. They had a lot of great ideas, but they tried to implement all of them from the beginning and ended up with a bunch of great idea but no game.
>how does that translate?
Something like this.
>be Rockerboy
>go to objective
>post on "cyberpunk instagram" your current location.
>summons a bunch of punks and groupies that just cause riots and possibly fights/distracts targets in your stead.
>play music to buff their STR and HP.
This was on the Johnny Mnemonic soundtrack:
Seriously this
NU-80's synthwave=/=cyberpunk
Industrial/EBM is THE definitive Cyberpunk music