
That is fucking retarded. No one can defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:


>That is fucking retarded. No one can defend this.
And yet autistis will defend it. How the fuck did Nintendo go from Mario to squid girls rapping in a fake language? Seriously, what the fuck.

seriously , this looks like shadman bullshit.

Marina is the best part of the song and the concert. pearl is just such an ugly retard and her rapping is shit.

It honestly looks worse. Never have I felt so awkward and uncomfortable watching gameplay from a fucking video game. At least shadman is just straight up sexual shit for retards, this is just... I don't even know.

so this.........is the power.............of the switch

>Marina is the best part of the song and the concert. pearl is just such an ugly retard and her rapping is shit
So you're saying you're a retard that's attracted to a nigger squid girl?

They both look equally ugly and retarded.




Are you 12?

>Nintendo selling furrybait and neckbeard manchildren fap fuel
And water is wet.

>Are you 12?
Are you gay?

he's not the one playing this shit though


No he's living in 2012

Let's be realistic here, this is a new level of shit. What has Nintendo ever produced in the past that was as gay as this?

So why do they both have only a top and bottom fang?

the splatoon salt begins again

>SJW squid
Nintendo is progressive.

There's no salt here. This game is gay as fuck. This has nothing to do with sales or reviews or even gameplay, this is just seriously a game for literal faggots.

Star Fox

>all the inbred faggots referring to their singing as rap
You dumbasses don't know what you're talking about lmao

Their bodies are made of ink and they can instantly transform into puddles. This is acceptable in the lore.

I'm sorry but if you think animals in space ships are gayer than this shit, you are clinically retarded.

Actually if you don't like sexy squid girls you are the gay one

>Actually if you don't like sexy squid girls you are the gay one
Imagine being this autistic.

>furry male animals in space vs female singing humanoid squids
Gee let me see what is gayer? Males or females?

>acting like a tough guy over the internet

>animals in space ships
They also have conversations.

Oh, you're just insulting the characters? I like their designs. I thought you were here about how dumb that video is, which is true. Then again, I doubt you'd be trying to twist this into a nintendo hate thread if all you had was a dumb fan cut of a video.

Imagine being this gay. Oh wait you don't have to, you already are

He is nintendo fan, the default mental age is around 10.

Why did you make this thread?


>Gee let me see what is gayer? Males or females?
If Star Fox has male characters in it, it's automatically gay? So any video game that has male characters in it, you interpret that as being gay? Lol you are mentally retarded my dude. Drink bleach and pray you re-incarnate as something less gay.

>Oh, you're just insulting the characters? I like their designs.
I bet you do, because you're autistic.

>Then again, I doubt you'd be trying to twist this into a nintendo hate thread if all you had was a dumb fan cut of a video.

Don't forget to wear your meme hat when you buy the game.

Oh man that lip syncing is bad. And the gremlin looks like a gummy mouthed toddler, how horrifying.

>Imagine being this gay. Oh wait you don't have to, you already are
Dude, you are sexually attracted to squids. You really can't call anyone else gay.

Only a literal faggot doesn't play a game with good gameplay because of a random cutscene they think is gay. Were you the same faggot that complained about the crossdressing mission in BotW?

>inb4 Splatoon doesn't have good gameplay

Go ahead and think that, but that's called moving the goalposts.

The music is pretty cool, but Pearl's rapping just comes off as background noise. I prefer the Squid Sisters instead.

>Only a literal faggot doesn't play a game with good gameplay because of a random cutscene they think is gay. Were you the same faggot that complained about the crossdressing mission in BotW?
LOL holy fuck look at this faggot trying to rationalize his retarded tastes.

>Go ahead and think that, but that's called moving the goalposts
How is it possible to be this gay?



>good gameplay
I'm a big nintendildo like you, but lets just be honest here.

>liking this faggot shit
You should prefer a shotgun inserted into your mouth.

>Squid loli's are furrybait

Hey, at least get your insults right. They are pedobait, squids aren't furry.

Nice non argument. Your post is an admission of defeat.

Gay isn't a insult. Now calling someone a faggot is a insult, but gay isn't a insult.

>casual console shooter
>literally made for children
How come this game attracts so much creepy losers?

The squids are sexy female squids though? That's not gay

>Nice non argument. Your post is an admission of defeat.
What argument do you want me to make? That you're a faggot for liking a game with squid girls rapping? Why the fuck do I need to make an argument for why this is gay?

I'm pretty sure I've seen you in plenty of Splatoon threads lately. Just leave if it bothers you so much.

>A game meant for kids and teens has childish dumb shit in it


Holy fuck S rank is the hardest shit ever. You can't even survive for more than 10 seconds with japs everywhere

How come a casual game made for children offends the people in this thread so much?

>The squids are sexy female squids though? That's not gay
Yep, and two dudes fucking each other in the ass isn't gay because women have buttholes too.


Furry, scaly, slimy, whatever. Same garbage.

Because you do. What's gay about finding obviously feminine figures attractive. Go on, I'm waiting. I don't even play Splatoon or own a switch by the way

>literally made for children

Say that again, and I will take my esports Splatoon trophy and beat you to death with it nerd.

Dear fucking lord it is finally time.

Nintendo is finished.

What's your argument. The squids don't have dicks and they are built like females, not males

You sound extremely insecure in your sexuality user, embrace the squiddos

> What's gay about finding obviously feminine figures attractive
>obviously feminine figures
>toddlers with squid apendages for hair
You do realize that you're autistic, right?

Marina is fucking sexy

what a beast rowwwwr

That's more like it. Well done.

>That you're a faggot for liking a game with squid girls rapping

Yeah, I'd like you to make that argument for Daddy ;)

What's wrong with liking female Loli? How is that gay? I still don't see an argument user

>I am sexually attracted to squid children
>you sound extremely insecure
Your faggot mind actually believes this.


>he doesn't like lolis
>he thinks lolis are gay
why are you even here?

The ammount of autistic sonyfaglords and trendy wannabe 15 year old edgy children on this thread is amusing to see and how asshurt they are over a little animation of two virtual squids just dancing , absolutely great
Why are ifunny users on this thread

>why are you even here?
I'd like to ask your mother that question.

Even with ranking mode the game itself is still a shallow console shooter. The simplest game will be hard if you play in competition.

>Y-you mad!

Someone post some pics

Hahahaha what the fuck is this guys fucking problem?

>How are female squids gay?

Are we not talking to a human being? If you are human, respond to this post without using the terms "gay" or "autistic". I'm starting to think you are a bot.

Not an argument. Really if loli triggers you why are you on Sup Forums

Is splatoon the MLP of video game?

Lmao they are probably ifunny users

Well duh. Competitive reveals a game's true depth or lack of depth otherwise. Ranking systems only work if games have enough depth to seperate the good from the bad. And boy you can see the difference between A and B rank

You're all a bunch of faggots.

>Sony has Uncharted 4 and based Horizon Zero Dawn
>nintenbro has a cringefest "game" about literal homosexual squid children
Lmao so this is the power if nintard trash
Fucking degenerate nu cucks, enjoy your fucking trash for kids, fucking manchildrens.
Sup Forums was fucking right kill all weebshits

Same drone.

How can you compare a game about shooting ink and trying to cover the battlefield with it to a show about horses about cutie marks and butterfly shit wat


>this is a typical sony fan
Jesus christ. Go be autistic somewhere else.

Every post in this thread is me

No, but it is the next MLP.

>console shooter
Thank's for your 'opinion'.

No, that's Touhou.

Though it's debate able whether you can call that franchise "games."

>sonybro angery
no surprise

They're both marketed towards children, but have a huge autistic adult fanbase.

Imagine being so desperate that you have to peddle Horizon as a good game

Lmao ifunny faggot why are you talking about a game from one year ago.

Stay classy sonyfaglord

Gyro actually is much better than a standard controller in aiming. That's why there is a skill barrier between non gyro and gyro users

Same xb0ts

That's like every game ever. I mean just look at the coco porn for crash

Politically correct term is "Squigger"

I kind of want to rape the one on the left for like 4 days straight and string her cum dripping body up in the main square of squid town.

Same audience, children and sexual deviants.

this is so japanese it hurts