What went wrong?

What went wrong?


Jew tactics/Learning from Korean MMOs
Loot box
Shit lore in WoW
Shit game SC2 and D3 without DLC

What went right:
Overwatch porn and WoW porn
MAYBE Starcraft porn


>World of Warcraft: cataclysm
>Starcraft 2: Hearth of the swarm
>Heroes of the storm
>Making Hearthstone pay 2 win

I enjoyed the lore in vanilla wow, but everything after that was shit.

Started to go wrong with WoW.
They made the most super casual MMO on the market and it became a huge success, so they realized making casual games is the way to go to make money.

WoW at that time is the exact same thing Overwatch is today, a super casual game compared to the other games of that genre combined with childish cartoonish style.
Kids and casuals love it.

Online only games is where the money is at, so they abandoned what made them great.

Their old games facilitated online play, but they weren't online play

>Making Hearthstone pay 2 win

never payed a cent and i win more then i lose u sir are fake news

t. never been to rank 10 or above where you need 5 legendaries minimum per deck to win

Not much, really. Diablo 3 had problems in the beginning, but the Expansion pretty much fixed those. Shame they had no interest in cultivating SC2 as an esport.

What went wrong?

probably the amount of people that fell for this shit

>if i don't personally like/enjoy it, it's a massive failure
You're all fucking retarded.

LoL community shifted over to it

They can't balance for shit, it's the one thing that appears on all their games, the other one would be shit story but some of their games don't even have stories anymore.


Everything after they got taken over my Activision has been awful

They are making more money then ever so no, everything is going pretty good.
Remember that they are a company, whose goal is to make cash.
If you don't agree you are a commie and you should kill yourself.

Milking their old titles without improving them or inventing something new
Turning their old titles to casual-pandering shit to milf them more

Activision is the only answer

Nothing, really.

Overwatch is good. It lacks the free formness of Tf2, but it's by no means a bad arena shooter.

Wow had a bit of a blunder with WoD bit legion picked it up well. I'm not a big fan of the broken isles, certainly not over pandaria or outland, but it's clear that there was effort put into it.

Can't really comment on Diablo, since I'm not too much into it.

From what I've played of the Destiny 2 Beta, it'll be another good game to go on the list. Blizzard are doing pretty good.

destiny is being done by bungie, activision is simply putting it on blizzards launcher because they think it fits in with the rest of their catalogue

Regardless, it's still under the blizzavision label.

As far as Im concerned, nothing.

metzen was a mistake

Activision are bungies publisher, they still effect the outcome of the game


>AP grind makes tons of people quit because it's fucking stupid time-gating bullshit nobody enjoys to pad out the life of content
>otherwise good expansion and redeemed WoD if you can stomach the grinding

Just copy PoEs endgame and you have the best ARPG on the market Jesus fucking christ

just isn't all that entertaining to play for a long period of time, at least to me. Fun to play a few games with friends occasionally.

Not interested in anything else blizzard has made.

They got popular and began to listen more and more to their fans.

greed, management, incompetence, demographics, time, god, death

>heroes of the shit
wow, I wonder what went wrong

They hired from tumblr and reddit.


>implying it was ever good

We want mainstream audience.

Too much success and money to the point that they no longer have to deliver quality and can be greedy. Same shit is currently happening with Rockstar

It all honesty it really does feel like they have told their established fanbase to take a hike in favour of pandering to super casuals, koreans, fags and girls

daily reminder that the Zerg dindu nuffin and if u like Earth and humanity that you are part of the problem

Legion has been a pretty good expansion so far. 7.2 was its worst point. My guild is still just 6/9m for Tomb. Raid content has never been better. Legendaries were a gigantic mistake i have 24 in my bags. I shouldnt have 24 legendaries, no one should.

Class halls arent very good

Dailies (worldquests) despite being still being a bad idea are the best theyve ever been in WoW right now

Legion Isles are just way too small feels extra theme parky

AP system is the most grinding Ive done in WoW and its bad

7.3 looks pretty nice so far, big open areas and new areas look nice.

what went right

Pandaria was great and so was MoP
I never understood why people hated it

People still in shock thinking it was an April fools joke and Pandas

You can reach Legend with stock hunter. DT did it a month ago.

They retconned the joke race from japanese culture to chinese just to pander to chinese. Which pissed off the playerbase which was comprised of a lot of western fantasy fans.

Implying people don't make legend frequently with f2p decks, shit toast made top ten legend with f2p midrange Hunter a couple of months ago. Maybe you're just shit mate.

>japanese culture
its always been Chinese, japanese has nothing to do with it at all

>Legion has been a pretty good expansion so far
Streamlined, oversimplified specs. Its yet another step in the wrong direction. The way classes behave is integral to core gameplay, everything else is just fluff.
There isn't much to do if you're already doing mythic raids and beat your weekly M+15. And PVP is at its all worst.

Wrong the designs for Pandaren were distinctively Japanese. They wore kimonos and had katanas.

Pandas were fine and it was a breath of fresh air to have one expansion where the entire world WASN'T at stake and the focus was more terrestrial political drama
plus Pandaria was so nice and the raids/dungeons were fantastic

I dont like match making games.

>Legion has been a pretty good expansion so far


It has been better than the last four expansions.

And WoW became bad during Wotlk.