Don't mind me, just pirating this board.
Don't mind me, just pirating this board
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Hiro please
ah shit I just realized I still had my adblock on
lemme fix that real quick
I always use adblock on this website. I honestly don't give a shit if the janitors, moderators, or Hiro doesn't get paid. I'll never give them a dime, and I'm glad that I get to use this board without never paying him anything.
Nobody cares faggot.
>ublock origin keeps telling me every image I try to upload is corrupt
>can't whitelist just the image check for some reason
shit sucks
they do it for free
t. ass blasted non-paid mod
Get mad, faggot
>not running Pi-hole for any device ever connected to yor net
if Hiro didnt fuck up with those retarded ads I would keep whitelisting Sup Forums
Never seen Sup Forums with ads. Waht's it like?
Before it was a smaller rectangle banner about japanese or anime shit shops or "place your ads here".
Now it's like on every other website, square, bigger banners with things like "this guy is making hundreds of dollars, learn how to be him".
I turned on ad-block before the change so I feel kind of responsible for it turning to shit but it's not like turning it off now will improve it.
>it's a website asks you to turn off adblock episode
>implying hiro doesn't get more than enough shekeru from selling your data
we're all doing our part here :^)
So we went from user-related ads to generic shit. Sucks.
> it's a click-bait website has an interesting article and uses some weird bullshit to keep you from accessing the website with ad-block but it only works half the time so you can read it anyway by reloading episode
> it's a click-bait website has an article you want to read but the ad-block has to be turned off for you to view it, so you turn it off and then get swarmed by pop-ups and porn ads as if the piece of shit is from the fucking 90s episode
> it's a you got your first ad-block but it does not work on all sites because it auto-whitelists certain companies with (((((((((((non-intrusive ads)))))))))) so you still give some corporations money episode
But you can?
>post about an ad I saw on Sup Forums
>banned because of the same image that is in the ad
REALLY makes you think
Hey dude you forgot to censor your IP
Just letting you know.
And what you gonna do with a probably dynamic WAN IP?
block this on your ublock filters
@@||Sup^*$csp=default-src 'self' * data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'
I'm on phone, I change it every day to avoid bans.
i only started blocking Sup Forums after hiro went full retard with the ads
>wow sure is summer even though nothing has changed
if the mods don't care about this site I don't know why I should either
Oh you're fucked now kiddo
Just letting you know.
I'd turn it off for J-list.
don't mind me, just making your time on the internet as enjoyable and peaceful as possible.
Unless you actually want to use some features on a website that aren't text-only. For the time I've used it it's been more of an inconvienice to figure all the shit out to make a website function properly. Espcially big ones with lots of scripts and ad-injectors, it's like playing a minefield with what you can disable and what not.
>Hiro jews 2channel by selling their information
>gets caught and runs away
>buys Sup Forums
>"o-oh herro stupid western piggus, I'm an incompetent bumbling Japanese man who has no idea how to use a computer or how to speak engrish :^))"
He's selling your data to companies RIGHT NOW.
it's not rocket science, bubby
>enable domain
>enable domaincdn
>not working? enable kaspersky labs/google/etc until it works
pretty simple
because there's a designated board where you can complain about ads which is not Sup Forums
Feels good to be supporting the site. Also video games.
Yeah, but it's too much of hassle for lazy me. I'm happy with uBlock Origin/pi-hole.
The breaking point was trying to order a pizza from Domino's.
>inb4 first mistake
Tryied to pay with PayPal only to get 'lol our refferer doesn't work anymore since you disabled google. too bad' And having to activate it again kinda defeats the point.
Well good for them I guess.
I have an add blocker on at all times so none of them get money
>so none of them get money
But they get money from selling your data, user.
Is there a reliable script for adblocker blocker shit? noscript is great but that's pretty much using a MIRV for something that just needs a good laser guided bomb.
Most anti-adblock scripts are still implemented on-top. Cancling the site loading at the right moment still works 90% of the time. uBlock Origin also does a decent job.
You are gonna love umatrix. And websites with those garbage scripts are sumply not worth using.