What is toxic behavior?

What is toxic behavior?

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Spewing hateful things towards people for no reason and or griefing to get your rocks off with little gain to your actual gameplay for doing it

fuck u kid uninstall

Not getting under my desk and playing withing my penis after I beat you in a 1v1

stale memes and being a shitter

Wearing that shit and then complain people are ogling you


attitude/actions that result in other people not enjoying their experience


Behaviour that:
A. Spreads from person to person and
B. You don't like.

Behaviour spreads from person to person on its own easily enough, humans are a social species and we tend to mimic what everyone else does if we don't know/care one way or another.

So basically
Toxic behaviour is behaviour you don't like.

If someone wants to censor and un-sexualise the 14 year old breasts loli?
That's toxic
Someone wants to votemap for the really huge slow map where you spend more time walking than fighting?
That's toxic
Someone posts porn but it's slightly different porn to what you like?
That's toxic
Someone memes wrong?
That's hella toxic

pic related

blaming your teammates for loss, abusing op weapons/characters, trying hard to win no matter what

it has something to do with person's inner insecurities and low self esteem

Shaving your head and beating people with umbrellas

There is always a reason to spew hateful things, because hate is its own reason.
Plus, sometimes you need a bit of grief in your life to appreciate the non-grief more.

>using ingame weapons is wrong because they are powerful!
what about getting gud for a change?

>kill someone fairly


literally whatever you want it to be

Behavior that goes beyond banter without a good reason to do so.

A good reason would be playing mind games to cause dissonance in the enemy team or lower concentration in the enemy. We see this with pro boxing etc.

An example of toxic behaviour is one team member slinging shit at his other team members and causing dissonance, ultimately lowering the chances of himself and his own team winning.

Behavior that upsets the thin-skinned people. It's mostly confrontational behavior and and actions that break the image of the group. For example, if a group prides itself on being polite and sophisticated-sounding, swearing and joking is "toxic".

It's basically synonymous to something like "confrontational nonconformism". Particulars depend on the group. Liberal speech is toxic to conservative groups and vice versa, etc.

How many people DON'T have inner insecurities or low self esteem tho?
See pic. Tons of inner insecurities and low self esteem.

Perfectly valid. Rage makes the game more fun.

Murder is never justified user.

its not wrong.
abusing them 24/7 like there's no tomorrow, pubstomping and ragequitting when you can't get a score of 9999:0 is

banning and kicking people and being little bitches and opening mic when you are under the age of 18

but most people are fucking stupid and idiots need punishments

>How many people DON'T have inner insecurities or low self esteem tho?
most casual players

That's why we keep punishing you, yes.

i really like the song toxic

the riff is very iconic

>Competitive is just the same 6 meta characters
>QP is just Genji, Widow, Tracer, and Hanzo
>everyone else is never used

L M A O. What a shit game

I hate that pink hair snowflakes hijacked this term to mean "someone who's raping with their masculinity" instead of someone being a shit.

Is Britney Spears still even relevant?

I wish more people raged at me for doing them in in games. I mostly get "lol wow, that was pretty cool, you're good" messages.


That's fucking Britney Spears?

Maybe I've just lost touch, but I've seen "casual"s get the most salty when something doesn't go their way.
They're the first to start playing the blame game when shit goes titsup and they take the most offense when someone suggests they haven't git sufficiently gud.

Serious gamers have tempers, but they respond to "this is how to not suck" messages by learning, rather than kneejerk offense.

I like the music video. I think the special effects of music videos from the 90s and early 00s aged really well since they're so stylized and over the top. The motorcycle is pretty bad, but it's so ridiculous I still like it.


gg ez

Its great until she cucks me with the black guy near the end

how underage are you?

Grow up kiddo

>black guy drives Brittney to her white guy
>reee cuck


>trying to lose is not toxic
>but complaining about people trying to lose is toxic
Sounds like toxic is just a bs word people use to mean "any behavior i don't like"

Sorry I havent watched this Music Video since MTV was still relevant

stop taking games so seriously bro, go outside or something


Why do some people feel the need to hurl abuse and start arguments in games? Why are some people so averse to being friendly? Most people don't do so in the real world so I find it rather baffling why they do so online.

I'm 32.

I've seen better Cammys tb h


yes, 90's and 00's stuff had STYLE but also shit ton of money, now the budget for bigger music video is about renting a mansion and ferrari/lambo in front of it and that's about it

I don't want to learn and read tons of manuals and guides to understand how to play a simple fucking game where you control one characters and optionally buy some items.


If you hate games so much why do you care what people who in it.

Anyone who truly believes that "toxic" behavior exists should have their opinion immediately thrown out, because they're just a piece of shit who is not willing to actually have a discussion with someone about behavior in games.

No way is that Britney and not just a failed tranny.

Everyone with this attitude ALSO seems allergic to slowly learning through experience.
If you don't wanna learn from a guide, people tend to not wanna learn. At all.


some people got bullied irl that's why
at least in video games they can get away with being an asshole

Also people who got bullied totally deserve it. If they're not cunts in general they are mentally weak losers.


>that one on the far right

a man 100%

>Why do some people feel the need to hurl abuse and start arguments in games?
I enjoy abuse and arguments more than I enjoy friendliness.

Shit, isn't that why EVERYONE does it? Because it's more entertaining than the alternative.

>Why are some people so averse to being friendly? Most people don't do so in the real world so I find it rather baffling why they do so online.

why would you lie like that

They did super stylish music videos with small budgets


It's just the scene was fresh and allowed for a lot of creativity. Now it's a science more than an artform, but there are still some good music videos.


I have more important things to do in life than getting better at some game i will stop playing next year.

This is the best recent music video I've seen in a while


Im onto you

Of course you do. But then, why do you get mad about being bad?

nice false assumption there m8

Hanzo mains that don't switch when clearly outmatched.

Half the people in this thread wouldn't know actual toxic behavior if it crawled up their ass and planted cancer in their brain.

Wanna experience real toxic behavior? Go play Overwatch, LoL, Dota2, any MOBA, really. If not, it's typically any player that just shit talks all match, contributes little to the team, or contributes enough and then bullies those who don't reach the same bar of expectations as they do.

Alternatively, Sup Forums is a toxic cesspit itself, so if you've been here long enough and still don't know what toxic behavior is, then holy fuck you're troubled.

Nobody knows. Its a meme word by now.

> Go play Overwatch, LoL, Dota2, any MOBA

No thank you

She looks older than Madonna.



Yet, am I wrong?

She had a kid and too many Cheetos


Anything I dont like

Toxicity is simply poor player sportsman ship or just someone who outright acts like a complete shitter in chat or during gameplay of whatever game.

No idea what the fuck all of this shit is. Sounds like people who play those games are finding different ways to define toxicity that bastardizes the term from it's intended meaning.

Shit happens when you go insane, have a kid with an idiot, and live your life so care free and coddled when suddenly reality comes kicking in your door to fuck shit up for you.

Can we make this a britney thread instead. She was everything to me back then

It is EXACTLY because I am friendly in real life I take my asshole behavior to the inconsequential videogame world.
Gotta have balance man

Thats my favorite song of hers.

there's no such thing as "toxic behavior"

people act the way they like and you have to find the best way to deal with it

This is a 90 music kino thread

>She was everything to me back then
I never liked Britney. I did like Avril Lavigne back then.

that was my jam when i went to the skatepark

>not listening to alternative rock in the 90s

I grew up on Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Stone Temple Pilots, shit like that. Fuck all that pop shit.

>look at me picking these MTV bands over these other MTV bands
I just wanted to let you know that you're really special, user.

>tfw in the 90's I was listening to shit like Def Leppard and Motley Crue

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't realize the true Britney masterpiece is Born To Make You Happy
I always knew Sup Forums was bad at video games, but bad at Britney too? Unforgivable.

Most of Sup Forums wasn't born when britney was still relevant.

Didn't start watching MTV till around 2000-2001, and by then it was starting to become mostly reality shows and rap with a few scrambled mixes in between.

I had a radio in my room as a kid, and would listen to the rock station. We were too poor for cable TV before I was 11.

>I grew up on Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Stone Temple Pilots,
Reddit incarnate

damn mane
how busta doin deez days

>Play Burnout Paradise
>Girlfriend starts playing

That doesn't even make sense.

Just to fuel your shitty little fire, I also love the shit out of Tool, Perfect Circle, Deftones, AFI, and even somehow got into Taking Back Sunday in 2005.

>Red Hot Chili Poppers
>Nirvana's gay son
>Stone Temple nobodies
Rather listen to crazy frog and las ketchup than this baby shit.

Mostly just produces, does a feature track here and there. All whacked out from all the coke he used to do.


That doesn't change much, though. Both the bands you named and the bands/artists dropped in the thread were radio/tv mainstream appeal.
I'm a estern yuropoor who didn't get his own PC and internet until 04 and even before that I was occasionally listening to all sorts of underground shit, even bands like Mayhem and Burzum. Still doesn't change the fact that I can get nostalgic for something like mindless MTV pop music.

Does she have any notable songs besides these two?