How the fuck do you people get enough money to buy vidya?

How the fuck do you people get enough money to buy vidya?

By living in a country with strong worker's rights and a strong social safety net

maybe you should try getting a job

Buy old games used.
By the time you finish them, the new ones will be old and you can keep the cycle going!

>get first job
>every 2 hours I earn enough to buy another full-price vidya
Higher education wasn't a meme after all.

But that is communism!

because i have to live/work in a big city where rent prices are crazy

i can afford vidya but will think twice these days of spending 50-70 bucks on it and usually rather wait for a price cut


Live with my parents at 28

Does anyone here actually buy new games? Why not buy games later on sale?

>American corporations: give up your unions and rights or we're going to have to ship your jobs overseas
>American workers: o..okay CEO Goldberg
>American corporations: lol, we're shipping your jobs overseas anyway

Always makes me laugh

>we need to cut taxes on the rich and corporations, it will trickle down
>doesn't trickle down

Why are Americans so gullible?


irl i have an American friend who's entire life has been ruined by pancreatitis. he had surgery done so hell live but he'll never be debt free. thank god for the welfare state.

of course I buy my games almost excursively when they're on sale. I have more games than I'll ever play and I've given back the bare minimum. an ongoing theme in my life - feels good

>get first job
>higher education
How old were you when you first started working?

>Why are Americans so gullible?
Because it would be wrong to vote for the party that does not support Jesus!
What do you mean, the state wants me to help out other people? That is communism!

Because they've been indoctrinated to believe that they're not poor, they're just waiting to be rich. So any time there's policies that fuck the poor but benefit the rich even those below the poverty line will defend it because one day they'll be the ultrarich pissing downwards.

Here in Russia: medicine is free, but if you don't stealthly pay a doctor, you will die.

It's true though. Fuck other people.

That's fine, but then why pretend to be christian?

I carry out tasks in exchange for tokens with which I can purchase goods and services, including video games.

>when you go into the thread to make a post but someone already made it for you

>man life sucks I bet its all because [CURRENT PARTY] but ill show em' ill vote for [PARTY, BUT WITH OTHER COLOUR]


divide and conquer. da elephunt or da dunkey shoos ur freebums. (((they))) are ruining your country (((they))) ARE your country

>work one day
>have enough cash to buy 3 vidyas

I'm a wagecuck and how can people not afford things?

He's just being a good American Christian.

>make 25k for 9 years starting at 16
>make 85k for 3 years starting at 22

really rumples the old stiltskins

In Sweden healthcare is free. but you'll have to stand in line with Assyrians who are inferior in, and oblivious to, the Swedish customs of excellent line standings

Okay, where?


I never pay more than £20 for a game. Prices drop so fucking quick now, games are cheap as fuck.
as long as you're on pc

>hurrr rich people should work for free durrrrr

or afghani, or iranian, or iraqi, or morrocan, etc.

What? Enlighten me on the customs, I thought you have just to stand in line.

>getting 3 million dollars rather than 3,2 million means working for free
This is the world view you have been cucked into.

You're an assassin?

I left college because of health reasons but now I refuse to go back because I'm sick of school and have no passions or motivation
what do I do for the rest of my life? never had a job either

Majestic 12

Buy on sale and bundles


application sent

wish me luck, user.

Really, nigger? Its literally impossible to not get hired flipping burgers somewhere even with no job experience.
>"being a wagecuck"
Okay, go to college/technical school.

enjoy having a home while you can since every retard-friendly job is getting taken over by machines

Either the gods of life actually give you a job without hassle, or you have to have a connection to help you get the job.

And I'm talking just basic wage shit.

not if you're in your late 20's or higher and have a face that looks like it belongs on a sexual predators list.

lurk more.

Steam and gog sales. I already have so any games that playing them all would take me months. That and no new games that worth attention.

>neet bux
>can buy literally all games

Shave your mo and get a haircut you bum.

>implying anybody deserves 3 million a year + bonus for being head of a burger merchant

really activates the almonds

Depends, if you are living alone, try to share your flat with a mate to pay less in the rent. Also, as somebody said here already, university degree really makes the difference in salaries.

Welcome to post-scarcity, sucks if your state demonized socialist democracy before reaching it.

Hype culture and consolefags running out of games to play

I walk a dog for a living and do odd jobs for neighbors, but I applied for a weekend car wash job to help me out a bit more with my busy schedule this semester, especially with a class I already did they won't let me transfer. I also steal quarters from shopping cart locks and build a change surplus I dump at Coinstar, always good for a digital game download or such. Debated on doing those online money surveys, but they must be pumped full of viruses.

>Government gives unfair advantage to company that has government ties
>Said company abuses it's unfair advantage to force people to buy it's overpriced and shitty product (see: health insurance or TV-license in US)
>Retards vote for larger government stop le ebil corporations
>Larger government gives out even more unfair advantages that stifle competition

And the cycle continues

People are paid relative to the value they bring to the company. Ergo, executives make the most. I can tell you're a #FightFor15 wagecuck because this is basic high school shit and you clearly dropped out.

>- Posted from my iPhone
Really makes you think

>just want stable, steady employment with a decent wage
>instead get a million calls from staffing agencies for temp jobs with no benefits, unpaid sick leaves, and the ability to get expelled at any given time
Who the FUCK made these things legal? I've been working "part time temp" for two years now, and it's a $12 an hour job that doesn't give sick days, vacation, or any chance at promotion.

>I decide what things are worth!
Straight out of the mind of a narcissist

Our healthcare system isn't completely free you mongoloid.

Why didn't you get a degree from a tech university?

>brother was the smart kid, went to an Ivy league school, and got an analyst position at Goldman Sachs on Wall Street
>he and 500 other analysts got laid off because Goldman Sachs got an AI to replace them

I'm scared bros. Are we going to get universal income or will everyone whose job gets replaced by machines get genocided?

>Two parties both agree follow certain terms
>Wtf how is this legal???

Maybe YOU should join majestic twelve, in a bodybag.

I'd never thought of that. Thanks, Dad.

>one party has all the cards, all the jobs, and all the methods of gainful employment
>the other guy is forced to accept those terms to survive
Wtf reading comprehension????

I love my neighbors by not pitying them and giving them objects like one does to animals.

>People are paid relative to the value they bring to the company.
that's bullshit and you know it. The US is renowned for having the greatest income disparity between high and low-level employees.

Millenial detected.
Having a job is either extreme luck or a matter of "connections". Right, right. You know you sound a lot like Chris-chan?

Get out there, you lazy fuck!

Try reading the bible retard. Context matters

>wagies keep believing this
I'm sure goldstein will promote you in a few years!

Thanks, I was worried nobody would respond with it.

eh, basically

I have a job and take advantage of Steam sales. Fun fact, I've never paid full price for a game.

With a job. Even a shitty supermarket job will get you a couple of new games a month.

Nobody but you is responsible for your bodily needs, you're not entitled to a cut of other peoples work because you exist, bub.

If you feel a deal is bad, you can say no to it.

Probably because low level employees bring little value to the company.

>if you help someone you don't help him!
>if you defeat your enemies they win!
Make up your mind already.

>wheel of fortune millennial jokes

This should be on the front of a greeting card that no one buys

i'm sure OP isn't interested in buying shovelware

I miss the good old days where lines in Sweaden were straight and nobody was screaming.

Free market forces made this legal user.

>far more unemployed people than there are open jobs, simple supply and demand dictates that job standards go down
>removal of blue collar jobs for your average uneducated person leads all the uneducated people to move into service jobs and other entry level work
>absolutely pathetic regulation of minimum wage, holidays, and maternity leave combined with subtle McCarthyism mean that laziness equals evil and social benefits equal communism, to the detriment of workers

America is still pretty much the only place with no legally mandated holiday leave. Even the companies that provide good packages (by your country's standards) would be literally illegal in almost any other first world country, the UK for example has 28 days of leave per year, and at a lot of places that might not even include public holidays which add another 11 or so days.
I would say that only Japan treats its workers worse than the US, but at least Japanese people can find jobs, they're just all 12 hours a day of kissing your bosses ass.

> Be payed 1400 europoor monies each month because I live in a first world country with decent minimal wages
> spend 400 into rent for a 40 m2 flat with separate bedroom
> spend about 200 each month into food because I cook it myself and don't blow it all into takeout junkfood
> 250 each month for my student loan, which was about 13k in total because I live in a country with reasonable tuition fees
> 200 for misc fees (taxes/insurances/electricity/internet)
>still have over 300 europoor monies at the end of the month

Not really, you can't just cut yourself off from the system you live in even if you disagree with it.

But you can't hurt the profitability :< it was soooo baaaad back in the 70s and now it's sooo gooood.

>giving the government 50% of your income means you have more money to buy video games

I can really tell a socialist wrote this

The answer is moderate wealth redistribution, through a negative income tax as opposed to a welfare bureaucratic nightmare

Go get a blue collar job. Work that until something in your field opens up. Stop sucking the dick of companies because it's easier, blue collar shit pays well and it's always available.

Is this loss

>There exists massive market regulations that benefit already established companies and fuck over small ones
>This is somehow "free market"

When a socialist says "free market" or "capitalism", it's always cronyism they mean.

How are those two things even the same?

Are you stuck in 1955? You are aware that in vast swathes of the country there isn't any blue collar work left right?

>people in this thread UNIRONICALLY supporting big business
I'm onto (((you))) guys.

make one. businesses dont just magically appear. someone makes it.

I work as a janitor, the one that actually gets paid for cleaning shit. Not the meme one.

>Not really, you can't just cut yourself off from the system you live in even if you disagree with it.
It's not a question of cutting yourself off from a system (even though you are free to move to Venezuela). It's a matter of spending large amounts of money on frivolous shit, bottoming out, and then complaining that the system is fucking you.

They are both contradictory sentiments, yet you probably mock one of them while agreeing with the other.

>blue collar jobs not flooded with underpaid mexicans
Where the fuck do you live?

Aight Sup Forums, what Civ 5 civ should I play as next? I just finished a game as Poland and Korea, and also own all DLC.

just travel out of town to find work

I'm being facetious of course. Only idiots would suggest that to other people.

Millennials sit around playing videogames instead of working. My uncle had to hire illegals for his landscaping company because the advertisements he put in the paper and online went unanswered for months on end.

You're literally a communist if you don't

Giving gibs is incredibly destructive to the well-being of a community, thought.

This is incorrect. When I was a burgerflipper, there was a time where a solid half of our workforce was 30+.