well, Sup Forums?
Should casual gamers be considered gamers?
They play games, they're gamers. If you're really so scared that your "title" will be watered down by shitters just call yourself a pro-gamer, an elite-gamer or a full-autism-spectrum-warrior.
nobody should be considered a gamer, you shouldn't be proud of being a gamer. If you do it unironically, then you're retarded, and not better of that guy with anime profile pic talking kn youtube.
Sup Forums - video games
you don't nees to consider yourself a """gamer"""" to enjoy videogames.
which game/movie?
>I used the word "politics" in one of my essays
>this makes me a politician
It makes you a political writer if you want to call yourself that you petulant little shit.
Sure. The whole normies thing is old anyway.
I mean really people play video games and have fun, that's the gist of it.
I have a friendslist full of people who play a single game, endlessly grinding the same maps over and over to shave milliseconds off their completion times. These people are only having fun when they win and there's a single player with 90% of the records.
Those non-winning players are not having fun, so what are they?
This. Retarded labels for people who want to feel special.
If you have the need to call yourself "gamer" and feel good about it you're either underage or insecure as fuck.
You just play games, just like you may listen to music or watch movies, you don't need childish labels for it.
anime gamers
I don't give a shit, and I can't figure why you do.
>Playing for pleasure doesn't make you a gamer
>you need to have a deeper passion for games in order to be considered a gamer
Fucking what.
I want you to kill yourself.
>i play videogames, i'm a gamer!
>i watch tv, i'm a televisioner!
>i read books, i'm a booker!
no its about competitiveness too e-sports its growing and is real. old faggots want to stop it but its already bigger than normie sports. they can't.
In it to win it, fun is out of the question.
>but its already bigger than normie sports
Come on son.
>Doing something for pleasure and doing something passionately are the same thing.
So, you're on Sup Forums because you have absolutely no social awareness or any real passions of your own, and you're probably gonna end your life by your own hand, right?
How can you have fun if you're a loser?
>should people who casually watch movies be considered a movie buff
Why do you care about a title made up by a marketing department?
Are they talking about the "Gamers!" anime?
Because it's about a shy guy that likes vidya meeting a group of casualshit and roasties that plays competitive crap all day, then refuses to join the club, literally /ourguy/
Why are you a gamer, Sup Forums?
>why care about anything
pretty much this
""""GAMERS"""" are the most autistic people in the world,if you unironically call yourself a gamer you should consider suicide
I never understood the word "gamer".
People don't say they are a "movier" or a "booker", why do you need a special label for games? Most people who call themselves "gamers" only play trash multiplayer games too, seems like there is a link.
At this point "actual" le gamers don't actually want to be called a gamer anymore because gamer culture turned to complete shit once the normie fags came in droves when it started to become trendy to be a nerd. A gamer actually calling wanting to be known as a geek or a gamer is probably either a casual or plays zelda or league of legends once a month.
>movie buff
Booker, catch!
Seems like would interest you too
Writing an essay for school doesn't make you an author either.
But I take issue with the word "gamer" either way.
The word gamer is fine, but the problem is that it's kind of become this weird culture/fashion thing. You can say someone isn't a real dancer if all they know is the hokey pokey. You can say someone isn't a real powerlifter if he can only bench 100 lbs. You can say someone isn't a real sports player if they only play for fun. And you can say someone isn't a real reader if they only read book summaries. And nobody would get pissy and make a shitty comic about it. So why do people get pissy when you say they aren't real "gamers"? Because the "gamer" group is part of the "nerd" group, which has changed from an insult to a sort of subculture which popped up around the same time as hipster. People always get pissy when you say they aren't a real member of a subculture. Say someone's not a real nerd, hipster, or whatever, and they'll do their best to prove that they are.
All these comics and rants saying "you don't need to play hardcore games to be a gamer" or whatever remind me of those cringy YouTube videos during the emo movement where you'd get a fairly normal looking person saying "I don't need to dye my hair or cut myself to be emo."
Gamer and nerd have become the same, it's not a hobby anymore but a subculture. So I guess what I'm saying is that nobody should be called a gamer until this whole retarded "nerd culture" thing blows over.
>I fuck witches, I'm a witcher
Sounds alright to me.
In writing you are actually creating or producing something games are just consumables there shouldn't be that much argument on passion you are just consuming games. The guy in op is a goddamn fedora tipper
>Writing an essay for school doesn't make you an author either.
It literally does though.
If someone is reading your essay and asks "who is the author?" they are referred back to you.