I liked it
It had some minor faults but it's a good game
I liked it
It had some minor faults but it's a good game
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I felt the exact same way about it. It's a shame it had so many years to build up hype, because I think the hype made people expect way too much out of it. Still a good game, though.
Camera was a bitch but story was great.
If I loved Ico and SOTC is this worth getting on the cheap? I was hype but it sounded like complete dogshit as opposed to just not 10/10
>team Ico
Normies build hype, not fans
It was pretty much a decade of waiting for me. I'd played and loved SotC and Ico in that time and I was hyped for this for many years but then the hype faded and I didn't expect it to come out and when it finally did I was like "oh cool, I'll play that when I get around to it" and I did and I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed Ico and SotC and I'm satisfied with what the final product is.
Only downsides I can name are the framerate drops sometimes when you go from an indoor area to an outdoor one and sometimes Trico just won't listen to an order but that only happened 3 or 4 times in the whole game. It's a beautiful game to see in motion.
True about the camera, my biggest gripe is hope zoomed in it was it made it a bitch to navigate indoors while riding Trico.
>game wasnt about the boy growing up into an old man and having to eventually kill guardians
>game trains you in child section
>game now plays like SOTC
nope hahaha trrriico, tryckle, treeko!
>If I loved Ico and SOTC is this worth getting on the cheap?
Yeah that's what I did. It's the same quality level as Ico and SotC. It's not perfect but neither were Ico/SotC.
If you have to ask then no, you fuckin retard. It's the third Ueda game. If you enjoyed the first two, how the actual fuck weren't you hotly anticipating this? You're an actual stupid cunt.
I was expecting far more trouble directing Trico the way early players made it sound, but he was surprisingly coherent in his movements and body language. I had very few problems on a first playthrough even before realizing the boy could issue a "jump" command. Overall I liked it more than ICO, but SotC still holds the top spot for me.
Yeah it's good. Just know you have multiple command options available once the tutorial on them shows up (ie the jump command from earlier in my post). There's also a slight camera zoom to confirm when Trico will catch a food barrel in mid-air after you toss it which is pretty satisfying. Lastly, you can clean any wounds or ruffled feathers on Trico by petting the spot enough.
Anybody got a clue about the orb thing at the end?
Ico had the witch sacrificing children for eternal life, SotC had Dormin wanting to break free but I'm hazy at best trying to understand The Last Guardians story.
>Boy gets abducted like all Trico's do to children
>Except the boy we play as wasn't turned into barrel goo because Trico got hit by lightning and then became friends with the boy after he fed him
Makes me wonder if the other Trico are kept in a constant state of hunger on purpose to make them evil and easy to control
>They escape, other Trico try to stop them
>Boy destroys the orb, all the Trico snap out of it and are nice now
So the orb was a dick and was controlling them all, but what was the orb and where did it come from?
You got it right, but the origin of the "villain" is speculation. Pretty sure it has something to do with where you find the shield.
oh yeah that room that looks exactly like the pool in Shadow of the Colossus, it has a coffin in it but it's big enough for a giant
It's less disappointing than FFXV, I would say it met my expectations and it's as good as Ico/Sotc
It's not bad, I'd say goodish, but not great. For a platformer I feel like the puzzles weren't intricate enough, they were mostly pretty straightforward and just about getting the birdoggo in the right place which was generally plain to see where it would be. It also doesn't feel quite as special as Ico or SotC, instead of being wholly unique, it feels more like a mishmash of the two previous games. Furthermore I just didn't find myself as intrigued by the setting or the backstory of this game while I was very interested in the previous two.
The people who call it dogshit are mostly autists who can't deal with the fact that Trico is intentionally designed to not be immediately responsive 100% of the time. Some times it will take a while to get him to where you want him to go because he's a dumb little birdoggo and if that just makes you rage instead of seeing any charm in it then it's not for you. It's the same reason the horse feels so hard to control in SotC but it's a bigger gameplay element in this game obviously.
Some people say the game was underwhelming because it was hyped for so long, that may be true to some extent, but I also think that those same people are giving the game a bit too much praise just for being a Team Ico game. The game just straight up isn't that great, it's somewhere above the middle but a good distance from the top.
Yeah it's good, I might have to do another playthrough. The worst of Ueda's 3 games in my opinion
Agreed it is a good game but it came out too late, if it released a few years after SotC I would consider it on par with ICO and SotC in terms of quality.
Also personally I really don't like the design of Trico, I thought it looked retarded back in the 2011 reveal trailer or whenever it was and I still think it looks crap now.
>minor faults
More like entire game was an unplayable mess and the monster you're supposed to develop this emotional bond with you end up hating within the 2 hour mark.
There's 'being slightly unresponsive' and then there's hitting a literal 20 minute long wall of him doing the opposite of what you want over and over and over and over and over, and hitting these 20 minute walls several times throughout the game.
I never had problems getting it to do anything.
>people waited an actual decade for this
Not trying to sound elitist here, but I geniunely believe that The Last Guardian can only be truly appreciated if you've played a ton of video games.
Almost always when I play a video game I can see the nuts and bolts behind it. I don't feel I'm in an area with living creatures, I feel I'm in a level with NPC's. I have a hard time getting immersed because I see the video game trappings.
This almost never happened with The Last Guardian. Treating Trico like an AI instead of like an animal will actually make the game incredibly frustrating, spamming commands won't work because he will just get confused. It might seem silly to say, but I "bought" The Last Guardian in a way I don't buy into games anymore. It wasn't a video game but an experience.
Except for that Trico diving segment, fuck that part.