Can you make a no-kill run with 10 Intelligence?

Can you make a no-kill run with 10 Intelligence?

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It's possible. Frank will have to die, though, but you can use turrets and Enclave deserters to kill him.

Can I do I no-play run?

If you haven't yet played Fallout 2:

Can you negotiate with the Geckos?

Never deal with a gecko.

Nah I'm in the den right now, got the word "slaver" tattooed on my face, but anything to make a quick buck.
So now that I got Vic what should I do?

someone pls photoshop "Brazzers" into the corner of that image

>he became a slaver
now everyone will instantaneously hate you at a glance, good job

Oh, well, good thing I keep 3 saves

''Time to fuck, Muties''
Frank would never stoop so low.


good luck getting quests and entering the NCR
also Sulik

Sulik a homo.

you a homo


head over to modoc my dude.

All I know is that a full combat run of the game is impossible. No matter how big your gun is, you will not beat the legions of advanced power armor marines and combat robots in Poseidon. Hell, even the random encounters against pistol-wielding enclave in the wasteland are impossible to beat on the easiest setting because of the critical hit glitch that inflicts infinite damage on you at random. You can have a Vindicator with 30 000 rounds and still the only way to beat the game is to super stimpak the president to death and let the turrets take care of Horrigan.

... I actually did kill everything in Poseidon.
Save-scummed like hell but I did it.

What weapon did you use? I wait-scummed until my all my inventory space consisted of 4.7mm and the Vindicator and I literally could not kill a single soldier on the rig before dying on the easiest difficulty. All because a single critical hit landed on my character, entirely bypassed the advanced power armor and insta-killed me.

It was my 3 INT retard run with big guns and Fast Shot.

Don't know what to tell you, I never had any problems with either small nor big guns. I usually just gauss rifle'd everyone in the eyes and waltzed out. Same thing with miniguns, though that one's actually somewhat more difficult. Maybe it has something to do with damage resistance per shot, or something.

I usually always kill everyone on the rig, since the experience gain is massive.

Plasma Rifle carried me throughout that entire ordeal
Made Eye shots with max crit build and turned everything I shot into goop.
High Endurance to tank everything they threw at me and still come out on top, Quick Pockets for that fast heal when I needed it and basically a lot of irl luck to get out of that bullshit.
I would wager an Unarmed build will get through all of it a lot better.

Any games that feel like F1/2?
I don't want to replay them again and again and the 3D Fallout games suck.

>I would wager an Unarmed build will get through all of it a lot better.

Tru dat. Power fisting people in the eyes was fun, especially with jinxed.

Not him, but someone who's reliably able to kill or cripple opponents within one to two rounds should be able to do it not necessarily easy, but without too much trouble either. I've entirely cleared the Rig before, as a Gauss-wielding perma-crit Sniper. I could also see a Living Anatomy-burst build or even someone who could reliably make eye shot criticals doing it fairly easily.
>Critical hit bug
Never heard of it, thank goodness I haven't had any trouble with it myself.





Yeah I guess I made the mistake of taking Fast Shot when the only way to win is to hit the eyes. It worked fine with Fallout 1 because tons of mutant flesh goes pretty well with tons of lead from a minigun barrel.

Probably the closest game would be something like Arcanum. It's not post-apocalyptic but you can clearly see that it's made by the same guys.

not really
even avellone said in the FO bible that melee/unarmed was very underpowered compared to ranged

You put a random "," in your sentence.

kill all the fucking gnomes

The dialogue trees are not as good though.

I just started my first run of Fo2 and I took fast shot.

Did i fuck myself?

if you're not planning on spraying and praying with minigun/gatling laser, then yes you did fuck yourself

I haven't spent any skill points really so I guess i'll just dump points into Big Guns and Gatling Laser everyone to death.

Only lvl 8

>Make a pacifist character
>no specialty on Melee Weapons
>Can't hit anything with a spear


Gatling Laser isn't really worth it fyi since Advanced Power Armor (which is worn by the Enclave) has major resistances to Laser weapons in general and will suck shit in the last stretch of the game.
If you want to fuck Armored assholes then you're gonna need to buy a LOT of Armor-Piercing bullets.
It also helps that you actually have Big Guns tagged. If you don't I suggest re-rolling all-together since you'd be wasting quite a bit of points you could be spending easier somewhere else.


The whole game is pretty disapointing compared to the Fallout. It's just feels so rushed and the UI could've been a lot better.

>no training in a specific weapon-type
>completely bewildered when your character couldn't figure the pointy bit of the spear
don't bother fighting with melee, unless you are actually kitted for it.

>Fast Shot

If you are going for Big Guns, no.

Specializing in flamethrowers is FUN

>Big Guns
>Fast Shot

>Bonus Rate of Fire perk
>Living Anatomy
>Bonus Move (2)
>Action Boy (2)
>Bonus Ranged Damage
>Pack Rat

finding the alien gun early while having all the skills needed to go with it ruined fallout for me

i went through hours of the game where i was just racking up eye shots one after another

>Armor-Piercing bullets.

For some reason AP rounds are absolutely useless in my game. iirc the last time I tried using an Avenger minigun against armored opponents, every single point-blank burst produced zero damage. Only with regular rounds was I sometimes able to put a dent in someone.

that's a bug in the original Fallout that I think has been addressed in Fallout 2.
Of course I can't confirm this since I just use normal bullets, myself.

Yeah everyone always talks about "legit" combat strategies in Fallout 2 in a way that involves one secret unique gun or another. I don't think a game should mandate discovering well hidden secrets or absolute random chance to finish properly. I have literally never found the Bozar and only twice found the alien blaster. And I refuse to look up FAQs or ask for help because I want to avoid thinking that the game is flawed enough to require walkthroughs.

>If you don't I suggest re-rolling all-together
I don't but I'm not gonna reroll.

I have energy weapons tagged cause I planned on going Plasma.
Isn't the Perk for a 4th Tag skill in Fo2 though?

Might grab that and go minigun

>Military Base (Fallout 2)
>Boss fight
>Energy Weapons
>Laser Rifle
>Take drugs to prepare yourself for a tough battle
>Start Combat
>Aim for the eyes from far away so Deathclaws wouldn't kill me
>Critical hit
>Kill the boss with 1 turn


You know what, you know what i believe you i believe that you can... SO GO FUCKING DO IT AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BOARD

props to you, going through with your build
and yes there is a Perk that allows you to pick a 4th tagged skill. I can't remember what level it's attained but you'll get it eventually. Of course, you COULD be using that Perk-point for an actual useful Perk but since you don't want to re-roll I guess it's mandatory to salvage this build.

Gauss Pistol/Rifle was a mistake

At least Fallout 1 had more balance when it came to weapons. Gauss Rifle is better than Plasma Rifle. Give me a break.

projectile breaking sound-barrier with a thundering crack > heated air being shot out relatively slowly

In fallout 1 a rat killed me at level 20.
The game for some reason hated me and i started missing all the time.

I did pacifist run WITHOUT savescumming.

>Endurance and Intelligence over 8

>Small frame
>Good Natured

>Bonus Move
>Pack Rat
>TAG: Barter

>Buy a Power Armor

>breaking sound-barrier

You do realize that anything that isn't the VSS Vintrorez breaks the sound barrier? The muzzle velocity of a gauss gun is probably ten times that of a normal supersonic rifle's maximum muzzle velocity. The reason why gauss guns and railguns exist in fiction is that it's impossible to make gunpowder-based rounds fly more than 1500m/s because no material can withstand the chamber pressures required for that.

>he's a scaly

In my experience Pacifist diplomat is the easiest way to beat Fallout 2.


Well, I'm not much of a gun expert. Still, you cannot deny that a railgun kicks ass.

What's the best/easiest way to get to San Francisco?

>Of course, you COULD be using that Perk-point for an actual useful Perk
Tag! is pretty useful for skillpoint dumping.

I usually avoid picking up that Perk but that's just me, if you find it effective then that's good.



>Spend all your skill points on putting Outdoormanship to 150
>Spend all your perks on Outdoorsmanship bonuses and Lifegiver
>Pray to God that you do not die on Enclave Patrol

>points in outdoormanship

t savescummer

Force vsynch to limit your fps to 60 and you shouldn't be getting those 2000 random encounters on your way to Navarro.

you can spam "A" to start combat first, then get the fuck out of there

Or you could just max out Sequence without cheating ;)

>use of obvious game mechanics is cheating
t. no fun allowed

>"Vic missed"
>"Vic missed"
>"Vic missed"
>"Vic missed"
>"Vic missed"
>"Opps! you were hit instead of golden gecko"
>"Vic missed"
>"Vic missed"
>"Vic missed"
>"Opps! Sulik was hit instead of gecko"
>"Vic missed"
>"Vic missed"
When he said he had bad aim i didn't think he meant this bad

I've played a really fast character and I don't recall ever starting a random encounter fight first.

>hacing vic as party member

>Vic dies before Vault City

This pisses me the fuck off.

Not really. It stacks with bonus rate of fire. Solar Scorcher when it is daylight and with bonus rate of rate with get you 2 ap shots with 0 ap reloads. That basically creams the middle of the game. And then get Pulse rifle for end game.

>You have encountered Highwaymen fending off against Vault City Patrol
>Get an automatic shotgun from looting Highwaymen early on

Vic is actually pretty good once he levels a few times. At stage 6 he has 12 ap, 145% energy weapons and 22% critical
>tfw nothing can stop a highwayman

>Restoration Project
>Caravan mission from NCR to Redding

>You have encountered Remnants of the Master's Army, Swarm of Floaters, a pack of wolves... and a Caravan!
>These encounters happen 3 times in a row when exiting the area.

>Drive Highwayman near San Fransisco
>Fire Geckos blare their sirens and flash their lights and ask you to pull over
>Instant death from single fire breath attack while wearing APA and having full 160HP

>love having party members
>don't want to use these ones in case they die in battle
>recruit all 10 of them and then just leave them somewhere
>in the endgame I even go to the trouble of moving them all onto the tanker so I can pretend they're off fighting in other parts of the oil rig while I go in solo
Companion permadeath was a mistake

I always wished there was a sidequest that would explore his backstory and reward you with a solid proof that he's a mutant resulting in him having an identity crisis and letting you go.

>Restoration Project
>that one jelly tribal encounter early on

>Get an automatic shotgun from looting Highwaymen early on
You mean
>two flamethrowers
>four shotguns
>one P90
>one Needler
these random fights spam ridiculous amount of shit to scavenge.

Fuck Lynette, the peice a shiet drongo cunt.

Can you even take companions with you to Enclave without alerting the guards?
I never bothered to check what was causing it and just left everyone in the main hall.

>encounter Kago
>fuck this
>reload a save
>encounter Kago
>reload a save
>encounter Kago
>reload a save
>encounter Kago

I killed everybody there...

Kago was a mistake in RP.

Can someone explain crafting in fonline? I dont know how to do even open up the crafting menu.

Also, how do I get a ranged weapon? I'm tired of

>leave hub with literally no items
>get bursted by LSW

>leave spawn as a freshie
>ganked by nolifers with combat armor and XLOs

All I can do is run because I dont have a ranged weapon.

Before anyone asks, my build is good. I copied it from the wiki.

>the moment when he try to escape

what if I just want to fuck armored assholes?

>Go to Broken Hill
>Unity Patrol fending off against Highwaymen
>Super Mutant kills me with a Rocket Launcher as accident

>Forgot to save
>Have to travel from Vault City to Broken Hills again
>Decide to kill Super Mutants from Broken Hills for revenge

see that big door in the toxic cave you can't open? what if.. you found a way to explore in there...

>encounter vault city guards fighting highwaymen
>loot auto shotgun off a highwayman
>feel like i didn't earn it
>encounter bridge keeper
>loot robes
>don't feel like i earned it

>tfw Marcus swap to minigun

>savescumming when the game gives you freedom
can you stoop any lower?

If they have power armor I don't think they trigger any alarms. At least I think I remember taking Sulik with me.

>I have literally never found the Bozar
Midget merchant in the NCR sells them, his guards are all armed with Bozars too.

You don't need Bozar though, buy a Gauss or a Pulse rifle in San-Fran and you're set. I hope "the last town you'll probably get to on the map sells the best equipment" isn't too alien of an RPG concept for you?