>Why is my internet running so slow
>Oh hey Steam's updating somethi-
Why is my internet running so slow
Other urls found in this thread:
>downloading slows down your internet
Hahaha, what the fuck third world country do you live in? The US?
Might as well delete and reinstall
>buying shit games
This desu
>OP estimated time to download 34gb is slightly above one hour
>you call him a third worlder with bad internet
>remember that last week I had to leave my ps4 on wait mode for 21 hours in order to download the FFXV 17 gb patch
>OPs internet is something I can only dream of
Feels bad man
Is there a meme I'm missing here? I have 200 Mbps and it slows down when Steam is using all of it. Why wouldn't it? Steam is one of the only things along with extremely well seeded torrents that gets me max speed though.
It could be worse. You could live in Canada
>Pay for 200Mbps
>Not enough bandwidth provided
Eternal jew strikes again
i feel you user
>Buy on steam sale
>Look forward to playing game two weeks later
Im on xbawks and its 58.62gb but its all the dlc maps for free so cant complain
>You could live in a wealthy nation with all the important political and usually decisive topics already decided and play the best sport in the world
American internet is actually hot garbage. We pay like 10x the average cost for 1/8th the average global speed or something ridiculous.
Ausfailian here, took me 4 days to download Doom and 2 to beat it lol.
To be fair you can't get good speeds on PS4, it's impossible. They throttle it so hard, I get similar speeds to OP on my PC but on my ps4 that same 25GB would take a few hours
No, I get the full bandwidth for Steam downloads so there's not much left for other things. I mean I guess I could pay for 1 Gbps too but it's notably more expensive and I don't have enough for a use for it.
lol at anyone who looks at australian internet and thinks "man i wish i had it that good"
>all the important political and usually decisive topics already decided
Yeah, decided for the worse. Also all winter sports suck.
your internet probably isn't that bad, psn is just really shitty
t. trudeau
>talking shit about curling
>3Mbps ADSL"2"
>No NBN until 2019
kill me
that's what you retards get for voting against title II and net neutrality
>live in America, Google fiber city
>1 gigabit dl speed
Beat that eurocucks
Curling sucks, still watch for /Eve/ tho
easy, germany has 400mbit for 59,99€. beat that usacuck
>using wi-fi
What? We didn't vote against net neutrality and our "vote" doesn't mean shit because of lobbying. A quarter billion fuckfaces at computers/phoning their senator doesn't do shit when that senator gets 10-100k yearly in "donations" from comcast. You don't know how any of this shit works.
>living literally inside the botnet
>germans in charge of math
>tfw long driveway
>utility company says I would have to pay them to lay fiber to get any better internet
fuck my life
>buying nuDoom
You're not missing anything, you're talking to a memeing retard.
Because Steam (I assume anyway) utilises everything. You can set a max download speed on Steam, you know
It has nothing to do with either of those, it has to do with American ISPs being lazy pieces of shit who lobby aggressively so they won't have to do anything and can sue the shit out of anyone who tries to expand into their areas. Fuck monopolies.
oh boo hoo, you bougie fuck. maintaining property ain't free.
>have cable
>get NBN
>drops out heaps, 100+ ping, worse download
It's worth it. The game's about 10 GB smaller now.
You're aware that 400mbit is less than half of 1gbit, right eurofag? Enjoy being cucked by overbearing government takin away your freedom and your comparatively shit internet :^)
i pirated it and have so far had zero (0) incidents of it suddenly downloading 40 gigs of shit i don't care about
v. happy with the whole thing tbhwyfam
That's 70 dollars in USD. Try 60 dollars for 500 mb/sec.
I already pay an outrageous fee monthly
Doom online is alot of fun
"Hey, instead of changing those few lines of code we updated, let's make people download the whole thing again"
>Check Steam
>Doom updating
Fuck, thanks OP.
This is absolutely true.
Fuck steam and its background downloads.
When I'm playing a fucking game (not a Steam game), don't start that shit you fuck.
Just turn off background downloads then you fucking retard
>what the fuck is a delta?
id software, apparently.
Steam updating itself wrecks my internet. No way to stop that other than killing it.
Silly kraut, It's 70 USD for 1gb.
fuck i had better speeds than that while living in bumfuck nowhere fifteen years ago
>my internet is so shit that it goes off when the phone rings
>Steam updating itself wrecks my internet
Have you considered upgrading away from dial-up?
Live in shitty Czech republic
>100 mb optics
Thisis my mobile 4g
The thing i hate most about steam is that in the past you could literally deactivate every games update crap which was usefull if you played modded skyrim.. but now thats not the fucking case anymore you have to block that shit with a firewall. Not enough in the past offline mode actually worked for as long as you wanted that also doesnt seem to be the case anymore fuck valve for these changes.
Boo hoo
It is user, I'm from a small rural town in brazilian south, even if PSN has shitty speeds, it really doesn't make a difference, I need around that same amount of time to download something the same size either on steam or gog
>launching skyrim through steam
>only make 5€/m
nice job Tomáš
I used to have slightly better internet but my ISP misused grant money to expand instead of improving their lines so now everyone has shit internet.
just turn off updates for that game nigger, it ain't that hard
Are you still using fucking dial-up?
Where the fuck are you living?
Kill me
Working for german campany in cz.
1700€. 500€ spend onliving and food. Everything else for games. Hmmmm
wow sounds like you live in a third world country
I know you're real jealous, it's okay.
Get on my level
Also, no caps on my download
>Being jealous of a kike controlled 3rd world shithole
Even Africans and mudslimes have more rights than you wageslaves do.
Of what? Your third world internet?
There are third world countries with better internet than rural America.
pleeeeaaase tell me that red country in africa is Liberia
And there are third world countries with less % of people below the poverty line than America, so whats your point?
>Warhammer Total War patches
>Doubles full installation size
>Warhammer 2 will connect to the previous one
>balancing changes for old world armies for mp are a guarantee
>patch sizes of 120gb incoming
Between never and fucking never.
I started exiting Steam because it was downloading AND UPDATING ITSELF WITH A POPUP while I played other games.
I live in the English countryside
Salty Amerilard with shit internet detected.
what is it in the update anyway
Turn off background downloads you absolute fucking underage retard cunt.
Sure smells like summer in here. Where are the mods when you need them?
So they're removing the season pass and multiplayer content is available to all? Thank god I didn't buy it but it seems bad for those that did.
>All of the Multiplayer DLC Unlocked for All
>A Completely Revised Multiplayer Progression System
>A New Runes System, Better Player Information, Revised User Interface
How do you breathe?
>be nzfag
>have hd jav torrents and steam downloads on the go
>flatmates on the group chat saying "uh is the internet running slow for anyone else? lol"
>Faster than 76% of JP
>24% has equal or faster net
Fucking japs, man. Can't beat them.
Dutch. I beat the Japs.
To be fair I live in a shitty share house, I have no idea what the best deals are here.
And to clarify on the national/global grade:
>What is this?
>Based on the currently displayed results, connection grades show how you stack up with others in your country and around the world. >For example if your value is 77% (giving you a B+) then only 23% of connections are faster than yours. The scale is:
>A = 80-100%
>B = 60-79%
>C = 40-59%
>D = 20-39%
>F = 0-19%
>Plus/minus grades are given for the top/bottom 5% of each grade.
That's also on psns half. I have fast internet but whenever downloading something on playstation it takes hours
What provider?
Tweak. Gigabit internet, fiberglass. Not available everywhere, but growing. Also literally costs me €1 per day, as I pay 365/year
Wew lad, suddenly I'm a lot less interested.
Do you run your own servers?