Story of the next WoW expansion (leak)

For you ask, no, I won't be answering any questions.

>Kul Tiras is fractured into civil war by the time the Horde and the Alliance reach it. The players side with Jaina Proudmoore against who is believed to be an N'zoth influenced revolution led by Alleria Windrunner.
>The treat of a revolutionary army on a foreign kingdom isn't treated as seriously by the Horde or the Alliance. It's mainly the players working for Kul Tiras on the continent.
>No real main enemy this time, more scattered story archs. Enemies include Kul Tiran loyalists, naga, old gods' forces, Zandalari, Bloodsail buccaneers as well as the Forsaken and Gilneas respectively.
>Main character enemies include Alleria Windrunner, Azshara, the Prophet Zul, Magni Bronzebeard and N'Zoth,
>Thrall returns to reclaim the Horde, disposing of Sylvanas. The Horde becomes fractured between Horde loyalists and the Forsaken (allied with Quel'Thalas, who leaves the Horde under threat of Forsaken invasion.)
>Gilneas is removed from the Alliance by Anduin Wrynn due to Genn Greymane's preemptive invasion of Lordaeron and Gilneas using Alliance forces. Alliance becomes fractured with many joining Gilneas' war voluntarily, including Calia Menethil.
>The Undermine is taken over by N'Zoth's forces and plays a big role down the road.
>Alleria Windrunner doesn't die, but instead is freed from N'zoth's grasp by Turalyon and joins the forces against the old gods once the Forsaken (and allies) and Gilneas (and volunteers) agree to a cease fire after the successful reconquest of Lordaeron.
>Sylvanas Windrunner disappears to Northrend, Lor'themar Theron takes control of the Forsaken forces as a vassal under Quel'Thalas.

Sounds like total bulshit but then aain I remember saying the exact same thing about WoD leaks which turned out to be true.

Metzen left the WoW team so Thrall is never coming back

nice fanfiction OP
>i- i won't be answering any questions

Current WoW is fanfiction too, though.

>Forsaken and Worgen told to fuck off

PLEASE be true. Worst fucking races in the game with terrible players.


>The players side with Jaina Proudmoore

no please no

forsaken is patrician taste

I'll take my post back actually, it's just Sylvanas I don't care for.

>Reconquest of Lorderon
>Taking away a capital city
Doubt it.

t. UD rogue #4157

>Warcraft: CIVIL WAR

To be fair it could be phasing like Theramoore.

more green jesus

nice fanfic bro, glad you came with this way after that kul tiras shit was found in the first place


>implying i wouldn't stick with the QT-forsaken and continue to uphold the true Alliance.

The Dark Lady abandoning the Forsaken is complete bullshit.

>>Thrall returns to reclaim the Horde, disposing of Sylvanas. The Horde becomes fractured between Horde loyalists and the Forsaken (allied with Quel'Thalas, who leaves the Horde under threat of Forsaken invasion.)

this doesn't even make any sense - not that Sylvanas being Warchief does, either, but so far she has done nothing and thrall has no particular beef with her

she's already abandoned her own people, why not abandon the people of lordaeron as well

Too good to be true. Blizzard would never risk doing something actually cool like in fighting again. are they finally introducing a third faction or are player characters simply no longer counted as being citizens of their respective sub factions now? What I mean to say is, will a forsaken PC still count as a "member" of the Horde in-game or will they be forced into joining this breakaway? How will this affect guilds?

>too good to be true

most of those suggestions are completely garbage, though

It's a fan fic it's not real.

WoW is pure cancer.

I don't give a fuck as long as I get to keep adventuring with my knaifu and feeding her souls

New zones;
>Kul Tiras
>Plunder Isle

Revamped/phased zones;
>Silverpine Forest
>Hillsbrad Foothills
>Tirisfal Glades
>Western Plaguelands

Sadly for you Blizzard already confirmed that artifact weapons are going away next expansion

The reason i dont believe you is that story is really good and coherent.
WoW writers never make good anc coherent stories.
And the story is too mature, civil war, fracturing alliances and a lot of sides isnt a story for their main group of players age 12 to 20.
I think the overall idea is alright, but there is no way we see that many complex themes at once.

Do people still play WoW after the shit show Legion?

this, holy fuck was legion the final nail in the coffin.

All that doesn't make any difference if the game is still a shadow of it's former self in terms of game mechanics.
Go for complexity or go home.

I'm not coming back to press 1 to build resource while keeping 2 and 3 up just to press 4 every once in a while. Fuck that noise.

>some evil faggot does something faggy, because reasons.
>Aliance and Horde get shitty and blame each other, because they are fucking retarded
>a new even faggyer breed of faggots emerge to act like every other faggot
>everything gets even easier
>Blizfag excufaggots all buy new sports cars

WoW ranking:

Vanilla > long time nothing > pre nerfed Cata > BC > MoP > Cata > WoD > WotLK

I really just want to know what aspull they will have to get rid of artifacts. Especially when one of them is literally just an old god.

your weapon is corrupted, leave it here so i can cleanse it


>fight the first enemy of the expansion
>it's some superduper Void Faggot
>it drains all the power out of your weapon
>now you need to make new weapons immune to being power drained

Also, Xal'atah is just a sapient knife, not an Old God

MoP > WotLK > BC > Legion > Vanilla > Cata > WoD

switch bc and legion and we are good


Are you gonna answer any questions, Leaker-kun?


>end of expac every major lore character bands their power together to stop the main baddie, a Void President named Donal'trumf
>the combined power actually warps time, setting the timeline back to Vanilla WoW
>Blizzcon: "We're happy to announce World of Warcraft 2! Level set back to 60, artifacts were lost in the transfer of time, and all gameplay changes made since Vanilla are still active! It'll be like playing for the first time!"

>"lol you mad, im a void lord and now u hav no wepon, baka"
>*quip from Khadgar*

Yes, surely Blizzard will have the guts / talent / interest in splitting Horde and Alliance into smaller factions!

It would be cool which is exactly why it won't happen. Next you'll claim they'll add various subraces

>post wotlk
>mwf no one listened to our boi Bolvar

>actual changes in the politics that will influence the gameplay
hell no, it will never happen

>alliance retakes Lordaeron
I fucking wish. This will never happen but god damn it would be awesome if it did.

>the game was better when half the class specs were unusable.

Hah. No.

Quest rewards were more fulfilling and professions were better and that sums up Vanilla and BC.

Well the ending of legion is illidan imprisoning sageras and watching over him as his jailer for the rest of eternity. My first guess would be illidan asks us for the power of our weapons because it'll be the only thing that can seal him away.

Name 1 (one) spec or class that was unusable.

Fire mage/survival hunter/feral druid I can go on if you like

they were viable in pvp and some in pve yes go on please

Every thread

Vanilla raiding scene you wouldn't be allow to use;

paladin ret/prot
mage arcane
druid balance/feral/bear
rogue sub/ass
warrior fury (inb4 viable! Yeah after having perfect end game gear)

And the list goes on. Also 'p-pvp!'

Play anything because it was not even balanced it was more fun though.

She's going to be used to keep Sargeras imprisoned like all the other artifacts.

Which is fucking retarded. They made us invest so much fucking time in these, they had better let us keep all our appearances for transmog at least.