Was he wrong to do what he did?

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I mean his sisters were the retards who ran into the forest and died.
And the elaborate nature of his bullshit, like sawing himself open with pig guts, or allowing himself to get hit with a weapon several times when he was in his stalker getup, was pretty fucking over the top.

It's fine because it's basing itself as a horror movie where "over the top" is fine.
But judging him as an actual character, he was a retard.

>that scene where he's hallucinating in the cave

>V I D E O G A M E S

Mike the best character.

>be friend with normies
>sister died

no fuck them

>be a dumb chad
>get isolated
>get best bro doggy
>get jacket
>get shotgun(?)
>become the best by miles

>dont fuckin move a muscle



Mike parts felt like Silent Hill at times.


>spooks the Chad that actually killed his sisters by placing some scary manikins
>forces his best friend who was conked out drunk into a SAW murder game that ends in either suicide or shooting his gf


lel did something happen ?

why are they being salty now

Don't know but it sure as shit isn't vidya.

Graphics are so real that37
thinks it's not a video game.

Yeah he went overboard but they did cause his sisters' deaths.
Still I don't think it's justified.

Punching a terrified girl in the face and constantly doing crazy shit when people's lives are on the line is a retarded thing to do.

guess which 4 years old thing top the Jap chart and in turn winning month to month globally again

SEETHING since last night

damn, so this is the power of the ps4, 4daplayurz.

>being this salty

The thing is, his pranks never really harmed or killed anyone, while as you play with the other characters you can actually have the chance to kill the other cast

They really nailed the modeling & graphics in this game, the voice actors like almost identical as the characters they play as

Getting your nose broken and your face bruised as well as permanent neurological damage from being unconscious more than 5 minutes from head trauma is pretty bad, user.

Especially when it's a 6+ foot muscular dudebro doing it to a scrawny girl.

well Sup Forums ?

Video Games have gotten so realistic that Sup Forums is actually mistaking it for TV lol

A movie disguised as a game , Dragon's Lair was a real game , this was a movie. Good fun but as an interactive movie. The follow up for PSVR was a real game.

I loved that the jock actually had a pair of balls instead of being a scared coward

when his gf was kidnapped he literally went to the depths of a fucking mine to rescue her, I guess the pussy game was too strong

>Hallucination scene
>The part where the pig head comes out of the guts

wasn't the sequel announced? Any news? Is it still wendigos?

i was more spooked by the whole ghost hallway / dollhouse part but yeah his freak out was up there

>all of those deleted posts

Josh just wanted to party like pornstars.

Well, she was best girl after all.

Kinda sucks that you can save all of these assholes but the guy that did nothing wrong has to "die" even in the good playthrough.

Was surprising how fucked up it got during that part.

>couldn't save anyone

my car jumped in my lap during this part on my first play through...

em was the only survivor

>em was the only survivor
I'm so sorry user

i wasnt very pleased

You have to choose between a cute girl or an alien?

Best ending on my first try. Thought I had fucked up in multiple parts. The requirements to save the black guy were ridiculous though.

>my car jumped in my lap
>my car

My mind instantly made a mental image before I could correct the typo in my head



>my dad owns a mountain bro


Matt+Emily both equal shit
I let Matt die as soon as I could, and I waited until Mike pulled a gun on Emily and then killed her, even though I knew she wasn't contagious, just because I wanted to kill her myself

>haha lets trash it and paint DIE all over the walls and break a bunch of shit haha!

Worst dude.

>Playing as black Chad
>Trying to get Asian bitch killed as much as possible
>Fail QTE's
>Still lives
>Play Asian bitch
>Fail QTE's

I was so glad when she finally fucking died

>hating matt
>the guy who just chilled in a mine for 80% of the game and said fuck that wendigo shit
shit taste user

Sam was in the bath for three quarters of the game.

Based game. Just finished it last night.
Going for the plat next.

I think it worked well, since he was a self-righteous rich kid, not evil but very self-obsessed under the surface. An unusual characterization and an especially excellent one for a videogame.

Do you know any women? They stay in le bath for bizarre amounts of time to "relax" when really they just kill time and run the tapwater over their snatch. Rich people hot tub avec bubbles? No wonder she never left. Even Josh knew what was up, he came into the fucking bathroom and watched her for half he game. He probably beat his cock while he was there.

pretty gud

She wasn't in there fore 3/4 of the game, everything else was happening at the same time she was in the bathtub.

This however would be the reality if we weren't talking about a game. A movie game for that matter.

Nah, they just played a dumb prank on one of his sisters, it's her fault that she ran out into the fucking woods in the middle of the night on a snowy mountain and got her sister killed because she was trying to save her.

A car is fine too

did anyone else find his redemption scene a bit touching after the the hallucination scene?

Just the way he timidly asks Mike not to hit him again and he seemed generally remorseful and broken

no it's Emily's fault to set up a prank to mock her for having the gall to have a crush on mike.

I feel like the black guy and the girl that gets dragged away by the wendigo are the ones that people got killed the most. They are EXTREMELY easy to let die if you make the slightest mistake.

>People actually fell for the wendigo pretending to be someone else crying
Literally the oldest trick in the book

>pulls his "prank" on his best bro who was asleep during the sister prank and the girl who was actively trying to stop it
>leaves the people actually responsible to go fuck like rabbits in cabins
That's honestly probably the biggest indicator that he was crazy.

Everyone knew what it was. People just opened the door to see a funny death.

> implying the wendigo even existed

Wendigos can't cry!!

>see trap
>i bet this is a trap
>open it
>i fucking new it!
>load game

finished the game a few hours ago. the frame rate was atrocious and actually hampered the experience imo, but still a cool game, otherwise. thought there'd be more time spent in the house, though, and I didn't like the 'don't move!' shit. i literally put down the controller, but Sam still dies at the end for whatever fucking reason.

>>load game
fucking pleb

my buddy stopped playing the game when le Rami Malek got sawed in half

I don't know how to tell him he shouldn't start over

>frame rate was atrocious
You own a base model PS4? LOL, are you a nigger? The game has no drops whatsoever on Pro with the boost on. It's no excuse, obviously, but lol at you for believing in the standard model meme.

Reminds me of the guy i know who restarted NFS:Most Wanted tutorial like 6-7 times when the tires of the car blew out in the tutorial.
I told him on the first few "attempts" that it's supposed to happen but he didn't believe me.

>Sam still dies at the end for whatever fucking reason.
Because you fucked up, bitch nigger. It ain;t the game's fault you're a scrub. The vibration is probably sliding the controller across your basement floor.

Not him but you do realise the PS4 has been out for years and many of us owned one long before the Pro was even rumoured? I'm not buying the same console all over again just because developers can't optimise for the hardware.

I mean, yeah, I considered save scumming because I wanted the character to keep going but I ignored the impulse. It's the one flaw of design in a game like this. If you favor certain characters you can destroy the entire illusion and flow of the story by scumming. Really glad I didn't.

HOWEVER I could hear Rami through the voicechanger, I just figured he was paid to play another role or maybe even le evil twin. I'm not even familiar with him or his work so to pinpoint his voice so easily means I can't be the only one. They should have dialed up the voicechanger or had him speak in a fake accent or something.

no, because the frame rate is unlocked. So it sometimes goes to 40+, but then back to literal 20, making for a very inconsistent, flakey experience.
nah, I just think the gyro fucked up. Obvs doesn't happen to everyone, but it was annoying such a pivotal moment relied on motion controls, and there was no second tries like most deaths in the game (e.g. miss QTE and Emily falls in grinder, but you get second QTE to save her.)

you dumb fuck
I sold my Destiny PS4 for 400 dollars about two months before the Pro came out. You could have done the same thing if you knew how to bedazzle retards on craigslist.

essentially I paid nothing.

The only frame drops occur in self contained areas, named, the sequences outside. Meaning the frames stay roughly consistent in each area. Still a better experience than base, outdoor is atrocious.

>Thought about getting a Pro to replace my PS4
>The differences are minuscule at best

its one thing to load a game just to see a death scene from an obvious trap its another to stop playing entirely.

What's with all the plebs who do not understand how to sell shit? It was joke easy to sell my system to some local goober with 2 ten dollars games included. I paid nothing, you are a mark and an idiot if you couldn't figure out how to upgrade for free.

it has a number of features I like over the base model, but since I paid nothing, double hard drive space alone was worth it. Recording features are better. New model controller allows for wired play through USB. I also plan on getting the PSVR if the price can ever become even partially reasonable. There are a few specific games I'd like to play on it and the PSVR is much better with the Pro.

I only went after it because I thought it was so obvious it couldn't be true.

Until Dawn was cinematic games done right imo. Supermassive shits all over Telltale.

Just found out they are the ones making "Hidden Agenda" if only I had some friends to play it with.

You can play it single player IIRC but yeah it looks way more fun with friends.

buying a console to begin with, fucking kid

you mean biggest Gary Stu


Why did his prank focus on Chris so much, the ONE PERSON who had absolutely zero involvement in the prank on Hannah? It seems like his real objective was just to get him and Ashley to bang, and revenge on everyone else was secondary. Hell, Mike was the one who directly humiliated Hannah, and yet Josh didn't even do anything to him.