What is a game that is so creative, so beautifully crafted, so perfectly made...

What is a game that is so creative, so beautifully crafted, so perfectly made, that instead of feeling that typical consumer-esque pleasure that one gets from playing a game every once in a while, it resonates with your soul, and you can't help but cry, not because it's sad, but just because it's beauty is so intense?

Has this yet to occur within the videogame medium?

Is this the closest we've ever gotten to it?

NieR: Automata was crazy good but I'd wholeheartedly recommend Okami just as much.

Okami came close as well but it didn't give me the those tears that other mediums have given me.

I dunno man, I definitely did cry when Issun makes the people you've met during your journey believe in the gods again.

Some other games that touched me deeply were Shadow of the Colossus, Journey, Steins;Gate (+Zero), SOMA and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. I really hope Yoko Taro gets an even higher budget for his next big project, I've heard he wanted to do Witcher 3 type story DLC but Square Enix told him to fuck off, which is why some story elements can only be found in side material.

Aesthetically speaking, this game has some of my favorite weapons in any game. Type 40 weapons look fucking slick.

It's not really THAT good.

I am interested in getting this game. PC or PS4?

Okami's Sun Rises was one of a few moments that actually managed to really move me. Certainly up there alongside both Niers.

PC version does have issues, but some say that it works on their machine. You could try it on PC and refund it if you encounter any issues.

Well, obviously PC if you don't have a toaster, but I heard that the port is kind of shit and you have to fix with mods. Convenience wise, I'd say go for PS4 or Pro, it aims for 60 either way.

PS4 (Pro) if your PC isn't too powerful.
If you get it on PC, just install the Fix Automata Resolution mod and you're good to go.

>this thing is a gift from 21O to 9S
>9S is probably the best character to use with large swords
Upgraded this beauty and never removed it for the entire route C.


Automata is good but the story was too janky for me to give it higher than 7/10, the music is god tier though

Bloodborne's story (whatever is there) is janky too, arguably more janky.

thx bros

Main game? Sure. It has its spots.

The Old Hunter's outclassed everything released that year tho.

Soundtrack is one of the GOAT

Story, feels, immersion, voice acting, etc.-wise Witcher 3 still better.

Combat was good but not all that exceptional.

Nice to see a fellow homosexual!

But that's just a buster sword knock off, with materia slots and all.

>Witcher 3

The metal gear series, to an extent. After going through the good boy route on both games on hardcore mode, and milking what it has to offer, I think I've added the metro games to my list. The Bioshock series has always been really comfy. Isn't soma a shitty survival horror, or does it go deep?

Witcher's 3 overall story is fucking disgrace that is greatly hampered by Ciri being an insufferable mary sue cunt just like she was in books. It has a few good side stories, but Automata absolutely destroys it on a grand scale of things and actually has a powerful positive message behind it which is incredibly rare for video games.

The Metro series actually is kino, good to see someone else recognize it.

I'm on my second playthrough, playing as 9ass. So far this game has exceeded my expectations. I thought it was just a meme pushed by waifufags, but it's actually quite good. May be my 2017 goty, but that's mostly because games released this year have been pretty mediocre. It does have its flaws though, with both the story and gameplay, but I can't stop playing it. A solid 8/10 so far.

TW3 is a TV show pretending to be a game

Stories having a positive message isnt rare in videogames, if anything its rare for game stories to have any message at all.

Any other shooters/games that are similar story wise? Keep in mind I'm console fag until i save up enough money.

I think it looks sleeker and more lean than the buster sword. And the lightning effect is a nice effect. Advent Children buster sword is up there for me though.

I'm afraid its one of a kind. The closest you can get is Stalker, but only the first one.

> pathetic anime waifu shit


Hearts of stone is good, way better than the main story.

>perfect game
>character development and 50% of playtime wasted on 9S

not him but Witcher has waifs

Damn. I did hear there's another metro game coming out soonish though, hopefully it shapes up to the other two. I feel kind of jaded to the modern video game scene though, so I'm really hoping they don't fuck it up.

The 4O weapons were the best looking, but I hate the electricity effect after fully upgrading them. I have to listen to that shit loudly buzzing on my character constantly when I'm not even in combat.

4A are good devs, you can look forward to Exodus being a damn fine game.

I feel you on being jaded. The only other game I'm looking forward to is Frozen Synapse 2. I'm in the beta and fell in love already.

It was a great experience but the gameplay isn't very good, so it definitely isn't any kind of milestone as a video game


So, I got spoiled and now I know that you play as 9S and A2 and that you must delete your save at the end.

Will I still find Automata as good as people make it out be?

I find it really funny that we have the exact same taste in games

no it's utter shit now

The game is ok, if you want to play it don't let people overhype it for you and leave this thread before you get spoiled again.

To be fair, NieR 1 hits harder than NieR: Automata.

You have to, but that doesn't mean you'll lose your save. Just make a back up.

I beat it and it became my favorite game ever with that exact same knowledge. Borrow it from a library to try, it should only take a week or two to beat.

>I've heard he wanted to do Witcher 3 type story DLC but Square Enix told him to fuck off, which is why some story elements can only be found in side material.

There's always some asshole trying to play beyond their means and the entire project suffers for it.

Xenogears/Saga (worst offender)
Almost every Taro project (Drakengard 1 least offensive)

List goes on.

Fucking hell devs whatever happened to just doing one (1) good thing and not banking on endless add-on's and sequels?

Nier 1 definitely left a stronger impression on me than Automata, but I'd say Automata shines the most in its sidequests than the main story. Nier 1 is the more rounded experience imo.

Unironically Undertale.
Also the end of MGS3.

I can't play games like Bayonetta or DMC to save my life
is Automata similar?

No, its a lot simpler.

No. Its button mash as hell complete with "Tap R to Awesome"

Story was the focus this time around, dont expect anything too crazy

No it isn't

>Stories having a positive message isnt rare in videogames
TRYING to have a positive message, you mean. Which usually devolves to something that sounds either absolutely out of place or straight pretentious. None of them went as far as Automata with ending E.

>you must delete your save
you're not forced to delete your save file.

Nier loses already because its true ending is not in the game.

MGS2 did everything Automata was trying to do without being awkward as hell about it. Hell even MGS1 did if you look close enough.

Besides that, Automata has the nice message and 4th wall play, but how it actually handled its characters is some of the most head-ache inducing shit I've seen in a while.

I had that feeling for the first 20-30 hours, but the game became such a half-assed mess in the second half I was only happy to play something else after

Nier 1's true ending is shit so its actually not a loss. The game did everything it needed to do at Ending B.

Breath of the Wild

I actually own the game already. Haven't finished it because of P5, mainly; will def try to finish it this weekend, though. I only hope that it's on par with Nier and Drakengard's final boss.

I feel the same way

What are you on about?
It's a mind-numbing slog with half assed mechanics and a dull, unengaging combat system. The environments are boring and the enemies are generic. Never mind the shitty tumbl-tier story. Read a book some time you faggots.

>MGS2 did everything Automata was trying to do
Hey remember that part of MGS2 when you break the pre-determined narrative together with other players to counter the main themes developers tried to instil upon you?

Gotta love how a SHMUP any high school kid would be able to code over a weekend is suddenly the greatest video game innovation of the century just because of "muh themes"

That was the weakest short story anyway.

Ironically, Automata did everything MGSV was trying to do without being unfinished and shit


And a book is just a set of sheets of paper.
So what?
What matters is how it's used.

I used to feel that way playing WoW but it was for pretty much every factor except the story.

Sonic was never good either.

Thats what I meant about it being awkward. What they did was cute but if they wanted a happy ending so badly then why not write one where the characters in question actually deserve it?

As it stands Ending E only has meaning for the Pods. Its pointless for the Androids as their story was already finished in Ending C/D

Meanwhile MGS2 handles its meta aspects much more seamlessly without cotnradicting itself or being too heavy-handed. Raiden tossing away the dogtag was a subtle nod that said much

It really didnt, but MGSV is shit though

But all those things besides gameplay are more true about Nier then Automata. Which its true about Automata as well just not as prominent.

>actually deserve it
You mean like 2B and 9S who has such a strong affection to each other it transcended even death in the end?

Oh, that forced drama thats literally on par with Madoka? With a pathetic co-dependant relationship only Neets could take seriously? No. A2 was too good to be so tied to those lousy, overwrought characters.

9S was only good when he finally fucked off and died. 2B had potential but it got nuked because she was forced to be the "MC".

Oh, we have an expert here!

You weren't spoilered
Just don't expect anything more than a pretty enjoyable game with simple but fun combat, a decent 2deep4u story, shit graphics and a really good OST
Have fun

The 2 Nier games and MGS 2 and 3 are the only games to do this to me.

You can do better, sweetie.

9S and 2B were actually off to a good start with their budding camraderie but as soon as it tried to fast forward that with OMG I HAVE LOVED YOU FOR LIKE EVER AND EVER IT HURTS SO MUCH the whole thing just became stupid.

It wasnt even a bad idea wither, but there are an infinite number of ways it couldve been handled better. For starters let us actually get a feel of 2Bs real thoughts. If you let your just going to hide most of your POV characters thoughts because its a spoiler then why even bother making that character a POV? Someone didnt think that through.

>a pair of 3 years old children living in extremely hostile world develop close relationships to each other
Call the presses.
>i didn't notice a shitload of implications about real 2B's thoughts thrown around for the entire route A
Your fault.


Pff, dont pretend there was so much subtle points for 2B as a character, there wasnt. If anything other characters just reflected what her relationship with 9S actually was (Amnesia, Wandering Couple, etc)

Dont bring up that 3 year old bullshit because the game never made a poiny of that. If youre going to use lore fluff to back up shoddy storytelling then dont respond lmao.

>there was so much subtle points for 2B as a character
There's A LOT of moments on first two routes that give subtle implications about her true feelings and world view.
>because the game never made a poiny of that
For half of the game you see them spending their time together while being thrown alone into a world full of dangers.
On top of that you can see how awkward and inexperienced both of them are about everything that doesn't concern combat.
Sorry that you're too retarded to understand this, user.

Game is cool as shit but the loading times are abhorrent. Just finished my first playthrough, but I'm not sure I have the patience to start a second one right now.

Nice goalpost faggot. Two people coming together under duress is fine and not unbeleivable at all, but youre bringing up "muh 3 year olds" like it means anything. I already mentioned how their camradeire was nice before they tried to force them to kiss like two barbie dolls.

2B compared to every other character is ultimately barely a character, and her details being subtle dosent make it a good or wise decision. They were better off committing fully to 9S's POV and giving 2B a more active role as a sidekick since thats ultimately what she is.

In the end, Automata is a case study if good characters that are horribly utilized. But thankfully theres other good aspects like the music

>but youre bringing up "muh 3 year olds" like it means anything
It actually does because you can see their complete lack of experience in dealing with vast majority of out of combat situations they encounter. Starting with enormous spaghetti drop when child machine asks that innocent question about making children and ending with total inability of 9S to deal with major psychological trauma after losing her.
>2B compared to every other character is ultimately barely a character
No need to confirm that you were playing this game with your ass, sunshine.

same, until I learned that Thrall is pretty much Metzen mary sued self insert and the blatant pushing for Horde being good boys and dindus

for me it was all of dark souls. 1,2,3. i don't get the shitflinging between 2 and 3 fans, all the games are fucking amazing. bloodborne is below them simply because im absolutely fascinated by gritty medieval settings

Have to begrudgingly agree with this pretentious post.

>dat world
>dat soundtrack
>dat story
>dat existential theme

Really made me think and feel real feels

Them being 3 years old is completely after the fact. You might as well say "nanomachines" to excuse how pitiful the whole thing is.

We'll agree to disagree about 2B, I still think she was wasted as a character, but I think what was even worse was making A2 a sounding board for 9S's bullshit. She barely had a reason to be around them but she was and her "arc" was so rushed it wasnt even funny. (Maybe too much time spent with the blando commandos)

But this is all way off point, I'll reiterate that everything about the Androids was more or less complete in Ending C/D. So regarding Ending E they are more like plot devices for the better characters (Pods)

>dark souls
>literally pulling shit out of your ass to explain stuff
good one

>that entire Tower ascend
>9S gets mad as fuck and launches ball boss higher and higher while Bipolar Nightmare plays
That was fucking perfect.

>Them being 3 years old is completely after the fact
It can't be after the fact simply because it's a major reason why both of them behave the way they do.
Taro himself started that "uneasy children without parents" is one of the major themes of Automata.
>everything about the Androids was more or less complete in Ending C/D
No, it wasn't. The theme of tools of humanity gaining their own self-awareness and goals in life is central for both Nier games, not just Automata. Ending E is a culmination of that theme where they quite literally destroy the narrative humans instilled upon them all those centuries ago. It's also a logical continuation of ending D where machine network understood a similar thing and pulled itself out from a conflict.

i like filling in the gaps, it's what i would expect in a video game setting that takes place among the ruins of long-lost civilizations & shit. adding to that, it has a sort of cryptic feel that gets me every time. from this point of view, bloodborne was better. i absolutely did not expect lovecraft-tier shit

Shit, really? I'm on route B just about to fight Adam and Eve. Where do you get it?


>i like filling in the gaps
The only soulsborne games where it's actually possible because a lot of stuff is implied is DeS and BB.
When it comes to Dark Souls games, you literally need to pull shit out of your own ass to do that. I understand that it was a conscious choice but when Ringed City removed the only throwback to Manus from item descriptions with a patch it was fucking outrageous because they truly want you to continue baseless speculations instead of cracking a puzzle.

>beautifully made

Automatafags I swear to God. Do you people just never, ever play Jap games? So when you bought the game for 2B's ass (like the vast majority of you did) and you werre hit by Taro's style of story telling for the first time it's the greatest game ever? Let's not even get into how dull the gameplay was, and that it managed to have far less enjoyable bosses than the first game. Automata utterly reeked of budget contraints.

Complete Data Analysis Freak and Data Analysis Freak 2.

That narrative break youre describing is particular to the pods because theyre thr ones who actually do it. All the Androids (9S, 2B) really acomplished was self-sabotage while running around headless, except maybe A2 who just wanted to die.

I would have loved to see them actually fulfill that same role, since that wouldve integrated them better into the story imo, but they didnt.

Most people who jerk off Automata are newfags.

I appreciate it being a half-functional game and at least better than DoD3, but it dosent reach the same heights as Nier 1 or Drakengard 1, and sometimes just feels like Taro doing what he thinks people think he does.

>is particular to the pods
Which only makes it stronger because Pods weren't made by humans but rather created as tools by androids.
If they can break their base programming and gain consciousness despite being a complete soulless tools in the beginning of the game, so can the androids and machines too.

Both 9S and 2B break their programming over the course of a game but they became victims of circumstances which led them to undeserving demise Pods decide to correct. They were more than worthy of getting another shot at life and without them Pods would never manage to awaken their self-consciousness.