
>Igarashi hires Dico, and Monibit teams
>Inti-Creates are now nowhere to be seen
>All promotional material remove Inti-Creates logo, and only feature Artplay
>Interview with Dico shows they're doing everything from programming, to level design, and planning
>Wikipedia editor now claims he's a 505 Games employee (the publisher), posted: "Edit made by 505 Staff. Inti Creates is no longer involved with the project. They are developing the prequel minigames. Lastly, DICO is programming the game, but design and direction is all coming from Artplay"

Conclusion: Inti-Creates has been fired, and this happened way back when Iga hired Dico and Monobit. If this is true, then we'll get official word from it soon.

Other urls found in this thread:,67297/


What a trainwreck, and i backed it too.

>Inti-Creates has been fired

Is there any kickstarter game that doesn't suffer through shit like this?

I don't know. I'm really looking forwards to this game too, but it's likely to never get released.
If it does it won't be anywhere near the level people think it should be.

As long as I get the game I paid for, I'll wait as long as I need to.

Does any game get made without suffering through shit? No, they all do with plenty going through worse but with kickstarter you become more aware of it.

For what it's worth, IGA is a fucking wizard when it comes to budgeting and project management, if his past games are any indication. I'm sure he's still got a rabbit in the hat somewhere.

The problem with many of them is that they get the funding BEFORE serious work is started on the game. They have no engine, they haven't programmed anything. So they run into all sorts of issues.

This is all anonymous sources, but supposedly it seems like Inti-Creates has no idea how to use Unreal Engine, and that's kinda a big deal. Igarashi seems to have thought that at least Mighty Number 9 would give them some experience with it. Nope.

Now the facts that don't rely on anonymous sources:

1. Inti primarily works on 2D hand held games, and not 3D ones, and have little experience in Unreal.
2. The documentary for MN9 showed them building levels in a drag/drop program for Unreal, and designing them in Excell
3. MN9 was very poorly programmed. Prone to crashes, slowdowns, and it's very ineffficient.
4. Moby games shows the programmers had no experience with 3D games, and few had any experience (note: moby games are not complete credit listings)
5. Igarashi had to hire Dico, and Monobit, part way through development, which is a very unusual move. He cited he needed people who understood how to work Unreal engine.
6. Inti has been removed from all promotional material for the game.

Combine the facts + Anonymous sources, and we get a pretty complete picture.

>The problem with many of them is that they get the funding BEFORE serious work is started on the game.
Isn't that how most games work? Only time you wouldn't is an investors pitch with a demo, but sometimes those aren't even much or what they planned to build a final product out of. Many pitches are purely concept art/3D model with a past portfolio or the devs are approached to make a game.

The real problem kickstarters run into is lack of oversight, lying about costs and inexperienced devs

He did have the luxury of re-using sprites and engines from previous games, and working with highly talented team. Supposedly Order of Ecclessia cost 500K, which is absurdly small budget. Normally the handhelds had a 1 million dollar budget. Bloodstained is Unreal Engine, and fully 3D, which is new territory for him.

A difference between Inafune and Iga is that Iga seems to have realized Inti's limits, and hired new teams. Or perhaps, Iga just had more money to hrie the new teams, and Inafune lacked that.

Based Iga
It was the biggest concern I had with the project

I don't mind waiting if he'll still deliver

It would not surprise me at all if the delay and developer change was because Inti-Creates did not have shit to show after the year+ they have been working on it, or what they showed was unsatisfactory/on par with MN9.

Can't wait for this game.

shamer dispray

>It was the biggest concern I had with the project

Inti are okay, but not great devs. They have never made a timeless ground breaking game. They make decent cheap little handheld games that are kinda fun. I make sure to buy everything they put on Steam, even if I don't play them much. But they seem to have utterly bungled Mighty Number 9 and Bloodstained. I'm starting to think that Inafune got too much of the blame for MN9's issues.

IGA knows what he's doing, he's god tier in terms of project and budget management. Hopefully this means we'll get a game that's better than what we were shown

The trend that seems to be emerging is that Inti Creates is okay with smaller, less intense projects (like the Gamecenter CX games), but they should not be trusted for any big, flagship projects.

>(like the Gamecenter CX games),

That was Indie Zero.

Shows what I know.


>shitcanned inti creates
So there IS still light at the end of the tunnel.

How does firing Inti make it a trainwreck? All Inti would do is drag the project down, they were fired to prevent another MN9.

Any way to contact 505 games? I'd like to ask them to confirm or deny the story.

It's the assumption that any need to shake up the dev team DURING DEVELOPMENT is always a problem.

>How does firing Inti make it a trainwreck? All Inti would do is drag the project down, they were fired to prevent another MN9.

Firing a dev part way through production and having to hire new ones is a disaster. You only do that if the project is going VERY badly. It's extremely inefficient use of time and resources. You pick your team, you make your game. That's how it's supposed to be done.

>firing inti-creates-shit

maybe the game has a chance now. Maybe.

>Bloodstained is fully 3D, which is new territory for him.
no dont retarded he made
lament of innocence
curse of darkness
some beat em up for ps2 wich i dont remember the name
cv judgment
cv rondo of blood remake which is 2.5(3d) like blood stained

This happens a lot, you just don't hear about it.

Curse of Darkness was an IGA joint?

>>Interview with Dico shows they're doing everything from programming, to level design, and planning

Here's the interview by the way:

I love the Zero games, though. Zero 3 is one of my favorites and Gunvolt was decent. It's a shame that they can be this incompetent.

Unreal Engine 4 is new territory for him (and Japan in general), yet they chose that engine as far back as the Kickstarter pitch explicitly for its ease of use and quick turnaround time.

Producer/writer. He was sole writer on most of the games he was producer for, only exception is Order of Ecclessia.

Not sure who the director is. Wiki says its Takeshi Takeda, but moby says he was "programming director", whatever that is.,67297/

yep he always wanted to make a game with ralph hes always been a fan of cv3

>yet they chose that engine as far back as the Kickstarter pitch explicitly for its ease of use and quick turnaround time.

Yet the exact opposite happened. They got conned by the "free engine meme". Ben Judd is the one that recommended Inti-Creates btw. He probably chose Unreal Engine.

God damn. If MN9 and Bloodstained were 3DS focused 2D games, they would have been great and probably would have taken like a year to make.

The issue is that pixels were out of the question for a project this big. We're in an era where 3D dev work is less expensive than 2D spritework.

ok just dont spout bs about the 3d games

also doesnt the engine has lots of documentation

>If MN9 and Bloodstained were 3DS focused 2D games, they would have been great and probably would have taken like a year to make.
Uh, no. Nothing would've saved MN9 and nailing down how to make a 3D Castlevania that feels like SOTN would've taken too long.

>We're in an era where 3D dev work is less expensive than 2D spritework.

This is totally wrong. Low resolution 2D has always been super cheap and fast. 4 months you can bang out a decent little 2D game. Inti puts out little games like this ALL the time.

The problem with this game is that it's aiming to be an HD console game. Iga should have aimed instead for smaller handheld based projects FIRST and then made the jump to consoles later.

Does anyone have a way to share the demo? My googlefu is weak.

>also doesnt the engine has lots of documentation

Is it in Japanese?

Good sprite work always looks better than good 3d work in a 2d game. They should have just bit the bullet and spent some of that money they got for free on it. Generally everyone would have been happier and the development would probably have been smoother.

There's the 2016 E3 Demo, and you can get that through The Pirate Bay. That's where I got my copy.

In August there's a new demo being released.

>Uh, no. Nothing would've saved MN9

Inti Creates right after released Gunvolt, Blaster Master Zero, Mighty Gunvolt Burst, which are way better than Mn9. It shows that their element is 2D.

Mighty Gunvolt Burst is generally held up as "Mighty No. 9 if it were good," especially since Beck himself is a playable character.

To be blunt. Mighty Gunvolt Burst is pretty much everything I ever wanted out of Mighty No. 9.
I love the game. A shame that Mighty No. 9 had to end up such garbage. It's really sad.

literally is there anything that inti creates can't fuck up

>To be blunt. Mighty Gunvolt Burst is pretty much everything I ever wanted out of Mighty No. 9.

It's kinda fugly.

Combine Mighty Gunvolt Burst gameplay with Azure Striker Gunvolt graphics, and it'd be 10/10. I think everyone would have been happy with that. But that would have meant 3DS only, and Inafune-san wanted an empire.


this is a good thing but faggots here will do anything to hate on it anyway. I still dislike the art style though hope it plays better than that demo we got which seemed fine desu

I want to marry Miriam

>I still dislike the art style though

That's Inti-Creates. They only have artists that can do anime kawaii shit.