35GB """""patch"""""

>35GB """""patch"""""

why is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:


What's the matter? I mean, you're not a poorfag so you have a normal 200Mbps download speed, right?

They're giving away all the DLC's for free.

Also, replacing,repackaging, and rewriting files so that the game is exactly 66.6 gigs in size on disk. it's also ver. 6.66.

>Also, replacing,repackaging, and rewriting files so that the game is exactly 66.6 gigs in size on disk

Does that mean the game will get smaller? I doubt it, it used to be over 80GB.

Amerifats crying about big downloads will never stop being hilarious.

That's commitment, though 9 hours to download that shit sucks.

What did they patch?


>Complaining about getting free shit
The fuck is the matter with you?

>free shit
keyword being shit

it's shit

I don't want my house to be filled with shit, free or not

my hard drive should be free of shit as well

whats the point of keeping games installed when you've already beaten them?
doom is like 12 hours game that you beat and maybe replay a year later, no mod tools and snap map/mp are mediocre

>Have LAN party
>Excited to play new game with friends
>Everything installed the day before
>Suddenly 30GB patch
>~10Mbit/s = 8 hour download
>Can't play until patch is fully downloaded

>Have other LAN Party
>Internet dies
>Someone didn't have game installed on his machine
>Can't install anything in offline mode
>Only games that work are ancient cracked copies of JK2 and Starcraft

Steam doesn't let you play any game while it's being updated. Pausing the update does nothing.

I don't even own NuDoom. Had this problem with multiple other games.


Made up a story with dragons and wizards next time.

Americucks complain about free patches with actual content because they're too cucked to protest for an antitrust between ISPs.
Land of the free lmao.

lmao 150Mb/s DL here.

works for me!

I don't need any DLCs, the update should've been optional. I have a 350mbps internet connection and huge SSDs, it's just that I didn't really want a 30gb update since the single player was working just fine.

As someone with slow ass internet that always bought physical, I pirate a lot more than I used to. Why bother buying it if I have to download two thirds of the game anyway? It usually ends up more convenient anyways.

Just disable automatic updates if you don't want them you retard.

It replaced files of the existing game this is why its that big
overall the game is 56gb now

quit being autistic

>live in a town where they still haven't upgraded the net speed
>stuck at 8mb/s maximum but average around 5mb/s and below depending on the weather
>should be getting over 100mb/s if people in charge of the town ever gave a fuck

not everyone live in the city, i live 30km near the capital and it ain't enough.
i still leave my computer on at night while sleeping just like good old 56k days with Emule

>DLC's are free
season pass fags must be on suicide watch right now

Halo 5 was 50+gb

>56k days

kill me

>take 4 hours to download video
>it's some troll shit and not what you wanted

better yet

>want to play online or browse the web
>forbidden by mom, because she is waiting for a phone call

>9 hours to download
What are you, American?


>lan party
This shit has got to be some big inside joke because no right minded person would pack thier rig over to some faggots house just to hook all these heat-producing boxes up to the same network in the same room as a bunch of sweaty stinky ass nerds just to play counterstrike.

>Live within easy driving distance of Google HQ in Silicon Valley
>No one supports Fiber Optic in my area
>In fact the only supplier is Comcast
>And it's shit

Wut r u in South Korea or something?
I get 3mbs tops with top tier fiber optic where I live

>it takes 11 GB less space than before the update


I live in Dallas, and I'm still stuck with shitty internet. It's a monopoly here.

>23:00 leave full game downloading on a 12 Mb connection
>23:01 go to sleep
>07:00 wake up
>07:45 go to work
>11:00 download finished
>16:00 go to home
>16:15 play the game

also, it's nice to have no data caps

>pay for fibre
>never see a download speed above 2mb/s
never get sky broadband

Why the fuck are you paying for that, user?

show me the contents of your HDD, I wanna see this non shit free of shit stuff.


>no john, you are the demons

Why do my filters keep resetting and disappearing, I have to keep entering them again and again

Why are you such a pussy?

its giving you all the multiplayer DLC idiot

Filters are for little redditor babbies who cant handle seeing an anime pic, an hero.

yes its almost like we should ban them or something

>Can't install anything in offline mode

Truly the most Jewish Jews.

>YFW you didn't pay a single cent for DLC and getting it free today

>can't even configure a filter

Lol wat i get 500 mbps and I live in central eu


wait all the MP DLC is being released for free? Splatoon 2 RIP

look at this pleb

I have 500 mb in fucking argentina



>not having fiber speed in 2017
cmon son

>calls someone else pleb
>lives in argentina

>tfw 500 kb/s download speed
>live in europe
>same internet for 12 years
>doom took a day and a half to download (not this patch, the base game)
end my suffering

>never see a download speed above 2mb/s
>literally posts a screencap of 15mb/s

>doesn't know the difference between megabytes and megabits

>9 hours

Try 32, if you live in a small town where the only choice for ISPs is shit and even worse shit.

>Not American
>There are shitty download speeds in small areas here too

Shocking, I know.

>have an advertised 200mb/s internet connection from comcast
>speed test has literally never been over 20 once
>actual download speeds rarely over 3

>Land of the free lmao.

You know that only politicians still say that, right? All but the most spectacularly retarded Americans stopped actually believing that a long time ago.

>so that the game is exactly 66.6 gigs in size on disk
that would be sweet and actually reduce it's install size, kek

>mfw all those salty fuckers with slow-ass internet

>All but the most spectacularly retarded Americans stopped actually believing that a long time ago

literally every single American outside a power position?

Unless I somehow only stumble upon smarter than average people, I have to disagree. One of the favorite past times for Americans these days is complaining about how they're getting fucking by the system. Yeah I've met some red necks who think America's the greatest place on Earth because they can shoot guns, but those sorts will always be around somewhere.

who the fuck cares, that takes like 10 Min. to download.

If you have shit internet, delete the game or stop auto-updates.

daily reminder that the USA is the only nation on the planet with free speech

I should go back to piracy. I used to do it out of necessity, but since I've got money now, I buy somewhat more than I used to (not a complete buyfag though). Only problem with pirating PC games is that they're released broken these days, and patches for pirated versions are slow to come.

Call the cops, tell them they're faggots and you're bombing their gay asses, watch how nonfree your speech suddenly is.

>you're bombing their gay asses,
That's a threat, dumb nigger.

you know what I'm talking about, faggot

for the size of this patch I could download the entire nu-prey game... twice

But you're just saying it, it's just speech, I thought you have free speech?

Oh, wait, speech is regulated everywhere. Get fucked.

>he thinks threatening people is free speech

look at this dumb nigger

because they have a crazy good optimization that requires very large resources packages ?

lan parties are truly amazing. My condolences to you for never experiencing one.
>having 10 friends over, all hooking up their xboxs and playing Halo 2
Truly were the best of times

I haven't had a true land experience in easily 5+ years. Its dead user, even in a land environment its almost always league of legends

these articles always sound scary and then you read them and it's people talking about how they literally wanna gas all the jews/muslims/gays/blacks

i'm not too worried about the speech of people who preach hate to that level


>it's people talking about how they literally wanna gas all the jews/muslims/gays/blacks
I don't see the problem with this. it's the internet, you can say anything other than a personal or specific direct threat. You're a fucking retard to defend that this

I have 100Mbps, but no matter how good my connection is, Steam's servers are shit. Stuff rarely goes above 1MBps.

>"who cares if the game is 200gb? just buy a few hdds"
>"who cares if the game is unoptimized? just buy a better rig"
>"who cares if the game was released incomplete? just buy the dlcs"

>pay for 100 mb download
>average download speed is 15 mb

Sup Forums lads, explain this to a tech retard please

>free speech is defined to be precisely the level of regulated speech we have

>mandatory 35 GB patch
>it's all multiplayer trash nobody cares about

And? What makes that statement any more or less valid than others. I don't agree or support them, but who are we to decide what can and can't be said on the internet.


Let me guess, you pay for 100mbit/s but get ~12MByte/s?

Because 1 Byte = 8 bits.

It's a limit on speech you cum guzzling retard. It's something you're not allowed to say.

>not actually 66.6

so you don't know what free speech is. OK.

Like I said: It's precisely the level of regulation on speech that's currently the legal status of the US.

Because anything else would hurt your feelings.


Woke up to this, thought Steam was broken and started downloading the game all over again.

The game did get smaller

no, you just don't know what free speech is, why it's important, or why we have it and you don't

it is the ability to express any thought, feeling, or opinion. It's about freedom of the press, the pursuit of happiness, etc. Threatening somebody with violence or shouting "bomb" or "fire" doesn't fall into that category. It doesn't mean, and never has meant, being able to say any words without legal repercussions.

>being on facebook and saying you want to kill muslims
covered under freedom of speech
>bomb threats at a school or police department
not covered under freedom of speech
>saying you're going to kill muslims at X place at Y time
the cops will be there

Ah, so we don't have the full package because the line between "threat of criminal behaviour" is slightly moved in how specific it has to be before it's criminal in itself.


>live in a city of a quarter million
>in one of the most advanced countries in the world
>this is the fucking best I can get

I fucking hate this shithole of a country. Why invest in infrastructure like some better fucking cables when you can spent billions of Euros on fucking economical rapefugees instead, huh Merkel?

I feel this on a personal level user.

>tfw limited by powerlan

Sounds like you need to move.

Where do you live?


>Steam's servers are shit
Mine always is at least 10MBps.
Usually caps around 15. Valve has good servers.