How old is too old to be still playing video games Sup Forums?
How old is too old to be still playing video games Sup Forums?
whenever you want
I want to quit video games but I have nothing else to do since my computer science degree turned out to be worthless and no one will hire me
My grandpa played video games, what is your excuse?
12-21 are spot-on.
how much of an insecure fag do you have to be to write all this shit about something you're supposedly above
Most people don't achieve anything in life so why the hell is video games not a reasonable alternative?
Frogposting should be a bannable offense
t. triggered drumpfcuck
go back to your vidyagames while you wait for trump to give you a gf by decree
kill yourself frogfucker
if that one grandma can play dragon quest at 90 then so can I
Here I am, 28 and still playing games and making some casual money off of it. Guess its fine since I am still studying. That list only really applies for anglos, though. In my country it used to be common to start university by the age of 21, so you didn't become a wagecuck prior to 24/25.
27, and still enjoy games. my biggest problem is too many hobbies and not enough free time.
>My best gaming years were 10-16
>17-20 I have done nothing but NEET around the house and be the local maintenance man
>play games with my 59 year old father on weekends
>most poplar guy in the family
I defy you, frog man!
If you'd see an old man enjoying video games and think "what a fucking loser" you should get off the video games board
I'm 30, play video games all the time in my down time, got my M.D. (in the U.S. mind you, none of that pussy Euro or Caribbean easy as fuck M.D.'s they give away to everyone) a few months ago, will be starting intern year soon.
So what if I was probably bottom 20% of my medical class because I was playing vidya when I could've been studying more. Still top 1% compared to everyone else.
the chart is on point. At least when it comes to the demographic of this site.
There's like a ~40 year old at my work that tells me all his GTA V stories.
Then he goes on about online glitches that makes him rich.
Is this gonna be the height chart posting of Sup Forums?
28 idgaf lmao
oh and with phd so suck my left nut
>frogposters calling others leeches to society
Thanks for the chuckle OP, feel free to make more retarded charts like this. You really opened my eyes.
>Still top 1% compared to everyone else
You keep thinking that, aspirin tosser.
I'm 22 and just started my first wagecuck job in a government agency. Haven't played vidya since starting, but that's also because I'm attempting to move apartments. If i don't play vidya, I'll kill myself.
I'm 28 live alone in my apartment with full time work and play video how fucked am I
Only insecure faggots gives a fuck about what society considers ok or not. If i enjoy something there is no way i will stop for anyone.
There's no such thing as being too old to do anything.
The only problem is when your hobbies get in the way of the other stuff you have to do.
31 and have been playing video games all my life. Have five workmates the same age and we play online together all the time. Fuck not playing video games. Shits fun.
that's what pamperchu thinks as well
I'm only 25 and I used to feel like I was too old all the time. What I did instead was spend a little more of my time doing productive things, and the feeling went away. Right now I'm dedicating some time to coding/web design and reading through a list of books I've been meaning to get to. Personally I needed some sense of productivity because it felt childish to treat myself to video games without having done anything worthwhile. I'm not saying it's the case for everyone, or anyone else at all. But it's an idea.