Now that the BotW honeymoon period is over can we finally accept that MM is still the best 3d Zelda...

Now that the BotW honeymoon period is over can we finally accept that MM is still the best 3d Zelda? Will the second DLC season be the push BotW needs?

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BoTW > MM > WW > OoT > TP >>>>> SS
I don't like a very linear Zelda but MM gets a pass because if how cool it is

BotW > TP > SS > WW > OoT > MM

MM > OoT > WW > BotW > TP > SS

OoT > MM > BotW > WW > SS > TP

t. bought each game on release date with my own salaried money

What the fuck

If I wasn't SO SURE you were trolling, I'd be mad.

I'm not trolling, this is genuinely how I'd rate them based on my enjoyment with them.

MM > OoT > BotW > TP > WW > SS

I can't consider a Zelda game that literally reduces the world down to gated off unrelated biomes in each of the cardinal directions best anything.

Literal shit taste

BOTW is the worst 3d zelda.
not because it's bad, gods no, it's a great game.
it's just shitty as a zelda game.

>it's a great game.
honestly, it's a 7/10 game too user

c'mon, it really is 8/10.
then things start scaling stupidly and it's down to a 6/10.
then you acquire competence and it goes back to an 8/10 again.

There are only two great and one good 3D Zeldas.

The great ones:

The good one:

okay so let's agree on a 7.5/10

Does Mario Kart 8 Deluxe count as a 3d Zelda game?

BOTW is pretty good. It could be improved in some areas.

While I think being able to pick up a shit ton of weapons is cool, I think the durability system could be tweaked. Maybe make weapons be a bit more durable and upgradable like equipment. This isn't a huge issue for me, but I think it would be better.

Majoras Mask is still on top simply because of one thing. Side quests. If BotW had more sidequest like MM had, this game would be amazing.
Also some more enemies would be nice. I'm a bit surprised they didn't at least have a dodongo

works for me.

Can anyone explain why when given the zpra armor Nintendo didn't allow link to swim like the way he did in Majora's mask?

Also why is paragliding not nearly as fun as it should be?

How the fuck did you enjoy SS more than ANY of those games below it?

TP I get, BOTW I get, but what the fuck.

Yall are cute.

But yeah BOTW is a 7/10 at the very least. I think Nintendo did a lot of great things and maybe some poor choices. I hope they try to do future Zelda games like this. It's going to hurt if they never do climbing like this again. I hope it becomes a stable in the 3d games. I'd love a grappling hook so you can swing across gaps

BotW > WW > MM > OoT > TP > SS

WW over MM simply because of the sense of adventure. MM is a better game in many respects, but WW just felt like the most adventurous, Bildungsroman style classic adventure story of the whole series, and I love that about it.

Plus I just love earthsea style ocean/island settings.

For me it's really hard to honestly rate BotW compared to the other Zelda games, since it deviates so hard from the normal formula. If I compare it using the usual metrics (How good were the dungeons and boss battles? Were the items fun to use for more than just one token task in one dungeon? etc.) I'd say it was a shit Zelda game, but it'll probably be among my favorite games to come out in the year.

Loved the game, but I was bothered how water wasn't really a huge part of it. I would have loved to be able to swim underwater. I think gliding is fun though, I think anything more would make the game a bit too easy...

BotW is the best game of all time, so no

the biggest issue for me is that BOTW has zero depth, not in it's world, not in it's presentation, and not in the gameplay. Everything is shiny and polished on the surface, but once you get pass that initial wow phase, the game poses no challenge for you to play.

>Everything is shiny and polished on the surface, but once you get pass that initial wow phase, the game poses no challenge for you to play.
So like literally every other Zelda game then.

wasnt botw super shitty cause it was way too easy? didnt even have a difficulty slider? I refunded that game when I heard they were going to be making the first game in history that would charge you for a difficulty setting.
Nintendo is going backwards.

yes, but other zelda's weren't open ended games, so it didn't bother me as much.

because then they would have to code in that swimstyle, and why would they do that when they could instead put more manpower into making more map content?
>I hope it becomes a staple in the 3D games
gods no. BoTW was a good chance for the series to do something new, but keeping climbing would mean that the entire game would have to be built around the mechanic again. There's only so many times Nintendo can make a giant world you can explore freely that's actually fun to wander around in. I'd rather see more structured games in the series rather than see nintendo just falling into the same trap that bethesda did and just shit out a giant boring world full of nothing once or twice a console gen.

That's a fair point. I'm unsure how to feel about it to be honest. I've always felt that "puzzles" in 3d zelda game were a bit weak. I thought the open ended physic based puzzles were a big step up in this game. They might not be super hard, but I feel like they make it more fun. It emulates the best temples from the N64 era games in my eyes. The best dungeons were always the ones that let you alter them in some way, so the puzzle isn't isolated to one room, the puzzle is actually the whole dungeon.

>first game in history that would charge you for a difficulty setting.
BotW is not OOT.

I really liked the story and had no problems whatsoever with the controls, I also liked the upgrade system.
For me, the good just heavily outweigh the bad in SS, I enjoy the other aspects too much for the imprisoned repeat fights and hand holding to make me not like the game.
Really the games are all pretty close together with my enjoyment, well except for MM, I've never really had that much of a good time with MM.

That's a good point. I think I just love the climbing haha.

Ww is trash, boy. Its an awful game. Dull, repetive, boring, easy, and unfun

That's why it's third on his list m8

best taste coming through

BoTW > LttP > MM > OoT > WW > SS > TP

Honestly what I think nintendo really should do is start up a new IP if they ever want to do more Botw style open worlds.

>The best dungeons were always the ones that let you alter them in some way, so the puzzle isn't isolated to one room, the puzzle is actually the whole dungeon.
I'd agree with you there, but the problem is that was basically the only trick BotW had for it's dungeons. Once you got the gist of whatever gimmick the divine beast was working with the dungeon was pretty much solved. The physics-based puzzles, while occasionally neat, were often way too simple, and any lateral thinking applied to them is usually from you missing the point of them and trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It's fun to have alternate answers to puzzles, but it's not a good thing if the puzzle is so simple that the only fun you can get from it is trying to find some way to break it's rules.

>MM is a good Zelda
I hope this is bait.

Guess how I know you're underage?

Swap TP and WW and remove all those unnecessary greaterthans and you have my list
TP is just OoT with a slightly darker theme and better dungeons, i don't know why people always put it so low. did 8.8 really do that to people's perception of the game?

Pretty good taste. I have some differences, but pretty good. Putting LttP up there isn't even fair haha. 2D zelda games stomp the 3D ones. I love Link Between Worlds too.

BotW > MM > TP = OoT > WW > SS
Anything else is wrong.

TP and WW both share the exact same flaws. I don't know why people rate one of them above the other.

Honestly, I think BOTW is the start of the 3rd era of Zelda games. Now there's 2D Zelda, 3D Zelda, and Open World Zelda.

>2d zeldas were good
>3d zeldas were meh
>first OW zelda is crap

3D was crap. At least OW Zelda isn't holding your hand.

there is nothing to hold your hand through. there is zero challenge in the game dude

Now we just need some kind of young link game with Midna.

it's fucking zelda. if you've ever had trouble with something that wasn't finding where you have to go you're probably retarded.

None of them are crap you contrarian fucks

BotW is a pretty good base to build upon, but the actual meat of the game is lacklustre compared to other 3D Zelda games. If it had a number of proper dungeons it would be the best Zelda game by far.

No other 3D Zelda games have anything close to Guardians and Lynels.
Or something like the extreme climates, they're punishing and not outright explained anywhere


I guess the Peahats in OoT are pretty scary to tussle with when you're fresh out of Kokiri Forest.

Because of the DLC I don't expect a sequel to BOTW in this decade, but once they do make one I really hope they use Majora's Mask as a blueprint. I don't necessarily want them to use the three day gimmick again but in terms of making a small, compact world bursting with detail and personality.

MM is the worst Zelda right next to skyward sword. Fuck timers and fuck the ocarina

>being this shit at games
Most things in MM only take like half a day, you could get all the way up to the dungeon entrance in the middle of Day 2 and reset for three whole days.

I still like BotW more. It and MM are the only ones I like as games, though.

Legit question here, not trying to start shit up or anything. How come you liked SS better than WW or TP?

Alttp > BotW > LbW > WW > LA > MM > LoZ > the rest

There's zero challenge in Wind Waker and Minish Cap and those games decided Link needed an obnoxious talking boat and obnoxious talking hat.

I've never understood why people complain about that. Plus you get a song that slows down time.
