GOTM Preview edition

What's your July GOTM?

Nothing I care about came out. Most of the month I've just been playing Tokyo Xanadu, which came out right at the end of last month.

why can not the west make good game?

because sjw pc faggots and the gender movement.

>Aven Colony
>splatoon 2
wow its fucking nothing, just kill me


Final Fantasy XII, for lack of better choices. Also, BOTW and Nier not sharing March is a fucking travesty.

Last time I tried not to give Zelda exclusive to March Nintendo fags spammed the thread

>Akiba's beat

I think we all know what the best game of July is....


sell me on Akiba's Beat, include a screenshot you took

pyre confirmed for SJW ridden trash, dont bother with it
splatoon 2 is just a rerelease of same game with some added content,
dont know what aven colony is, but you have shit taste in vidya

>sonyfag detected

sony has good games but you don't have to put all your exclusives in GOTM just because they are playstation only lmao. So many better games have cme oout, especially if you like weeb shit

The shitposting has died down a lot, it's probably safe now. This list should be representative of Sup Forums's tastes, and shitposters aren't that.

Name them


let us know yours user, ps4 had a crazy early 2017 thats why you see so many console warrior posts about it

What he said. As much as I hate using remakes for these things, the only other decent thing in July is Blowout Blast, which is also a carryover from another year.

Fuck the spammers. They'll complain for a bit, but it'll die down quickly.

Wow. That's cool.

>Console warrior Sony fag gets called a Sony fag

July will probably be Dragon Quest XI

>Look up the may vidya list
Holy shit, either FE which is ""kind"" of ok or leave it blank desu

i think p5 is pretty untouchable if you like jrpgs but january had RE7, feb had hollow knight (AND horizion zero dawn, if you still want to put a sony game), depening on which release date you count nier is either the winner for feb or a contender for march. I honestly don't know what that april game, but april was shit so w/e. this last month had stormblood

mistyped, april game is p5. no idea what the may game is. though I just remember FE:E came out in may so maybe that.

Shit game trying to pander to nu-horror kiddies and youtubers
>hollow knight
Stop this meme
>horizon zero dawn
Shit game
Better than Nioh and BotW
MMORPGs are trash
Shit game

>call other people fanboys
>b-but why are they persecuting me

give me a template

none of what you just said meant anything, you can do the exact same thing to any games

>gravity rush 2 and yakuza zero
weeb trash
anime dark souls, trash game
stupid kiddie game that appeals to people who have never played an actual interesting sandbox
weeb garbage
>whatever the fuck may is
stop this meme
>tekken 7
fighting games are trash

Shit shitpost. 1/10

Except people agree with me
REVII was a blatant cash grab to get normies
Hollow Knight is some indie game that the dev is clearly shilling everywhere
Horizon Zero Dawn was lauded on Sup Forums as being shit
Nier was a great game
MMORPGs are for the lowest of the low
Fire Emblem stopped being good years ago

But HZD, Edith Finch, and Night in the woods were all good games. you like anything?

People "agree" with him too though.

july is obviously splatoon 2

This is a pretty accurate depiction of the game.

May was Fire Emblem Echoes or Injustice 2. July is clearly splatoon 2 even though it hasn't come out yet, severe lack of games this month.


Good list, mediocre games don't need to be coupled with good ones just because

>games that haven't come out yet

They're so guaranteed that there is no reason not to fill them out while you're at it

except I could just say the opposite of what you said and people would agree with me
REVII was good
hollow knight is good
horizon zero dawn is good
neir was uninspired shit
MMORPG's are fun
nu fireemblem is good

I have seen all of these opinions on Sup Forums and IRL. Just because people agree with you doesn't mean you are right.

yep, i was just making the point that the dumb
>game a
>game b
thing is stupid