So what is the best Worms game?

So what is the best Worms game?

Worms Armageddon or Worms World Party


armageddon or 2

The first one in 1994

Every Worms game after had a stupid art style




This nigga is right


Are there any new worms games recently?
I only ever had 4: mayhem when i was younger and i enjoyed it quite a bit, tried playing it again recently but the AI somehow got fucked and now they can't move around.

Here is something controversial.

Worms 3D actually had amazing multiplayer.


Armageddon hands down


Literally all the new Worms games are shit. The only good ones that ever came out were 1, 2, Armageddon and to some extent WWP.

Worms: W.M.D is the most recent one. It's actually really good since it follows the older games more closely. Only thing that sucks are the vehicles since they are really strong, but I'm pretty sure you can turn them off.

WMD uses the same physics as Armageddon. If you don't want to play Armageddon or WWP for some reason, it's the next best thing. You can disable vehicles but voice packs are way inferior to W:A. Not sure if you can make your own, but it's likely.

I was wondering about WMD. It looked like Armageddon, and being able to grab it for couch multiplayer would be really great.

Thanks boys
I tried playing armageddon with a friend about a year ago. we only played for like 45 minutes 'cause all the weapons felt really weak and lackluster, are they better in WMD?

They behave similarly but their audiovisual feedback is more "modern", and explosions have more of a bass-punch in them. Watch some gameplay off YT and see if it makes a difference for you.

You should use the HD audio mod. For a nice Boom.

any significant differences between the two?

Did you even try playing with the game mode settings? You could set different weapon damage, ammo, turn delay, etc.
You might had to unlock this feature by playing single player missions and/or challenges though. I don't quite remember.

world party, played the shit of it with my brother and sister and friends. maybe the reason kids are autistic nowadays is the lack of hotseat

It's fun and it got rid of a lot of the gimmicks from the other recent Worms games. They added Forts relatively recently too which was a nice addition.

WMD if we're talking of modern ones

battleground desu

I don't know how Team 17 keeps making the same game but worse every time. I played a few rounds of clan wars or whatever with a few friends and the physics for everything were horrible and the game was eye searingly ugly. I don't know if I'm just retarded but I couldn't seem to even change the weapon loadouts of the game without creating a new lobby entirely.

Why does everyone play Armageddon when world party is the same game but with more content?

Worms 3D

World Party. It's like Armageddon++. This is undisputed. Second best game is Armageddon.

i have the most fond memories renting that game. is it really the black sheep of the works franchise?


100's more people play Armageddon online
Armageddon has more updates
Armegeddon has more maps

WWp is shit

Armageddon didn't have the same amount of customizability as 2, did it?

WWP hasnt been updated in like 12 years.

Armageddon has, and actually has a community

anyone who is recommending WWP clearly has never played both games

No, but there were third party programs that'd enable the same level of customization if not more so than 2, but the latest version (that's on steam, too) doesn't support those unfortunately.

About the only thing you can customize is the physics with rubber worm, and each player must have it installed for it to work in online play.

yup, 2 was the best

Worms world party remastered came onto steam 2 years ago, the point is why didn't they add updates to it instead of armageddon, it has more content.

Open Warfare 2 was surprisingly good, despite being a handheld Worms game and all that.

Armageddon is still the king if you want to play with others, while 2 is better for making stupid and fun weapon sets.

bc team 17 are lazy faggots.
the community are the ones who update W:A
tey aren goign to throw away 20 years of work

Holy shit, there are more Worms games after WWP?

What rock have you been living under?

It's a good rock.

WWP has the the wormpot and that's about it



Original Mayhem if you know how to edit text documents.

>WMD uses the same physics as Armageddon

Really? Because sure it doesn't feel like Armageddon at all.

Menus are still trash. The vehicles suck. The crafting sucks. Random level generator is on par with Worms 1 generator. It's unoptimized. Nobody plays it. Armageddon is still better.

Real history is:

Worms Armageddon released on PC

Worms World Party released on Dreamcast as the only Worms game in consoles with online. Plus it had some tweaks and extra content.

Worms World Party released on PC to give PC players the little extra content that was Dreamcast exclusive at the time, plus Windows XP compatibility out of the box.

Worms Armageddon wasn't immediately compatible with Windows XP and Team17 officially dropped support. A community member, Deadcode, modded it to be compatible.

The groundwork Deadcode (later continued by CyberShadow) allowed for a lot of community-oriented fixes and tweaks. These made netplay more flexible and facilitated custom games modes/rulesets not originally endorsed by Team17 that the community played ("roper", "shopper", "roperace", "fort", etc). For example, importing .PNG files as playable maps, expanding map size limits, enabling rope knocking, etc.

All these community oriented tweaks made Worms Armageddon MUCH more popular over the years. Worms World Party pretty much became obsolete. All this happened while T17 pushed their shitty Xbox Live oriented remakes (even going as far as calling one of them "Worms 2 Armaggeddon") while not supporting any of the community made game modes (they never got rope physics right after WA).

At some point they endorsed Deadcode/CyberShadow updates by calling them "official" and using them as groundwork for their Steam release (which was pretty much only intended as a way to promote Worms Reloaded, it was a preorder exclusive at the time). They didn't however ever pay them for their work.

WWP was absolutely obsolete at this point.

Recently they decided to "Remaster" it on Steam as a quick cashgrab, the only notable feature being native controller support, but never came as close as W:A in terms of features and updates.

tldr, play W:A, don't support the WWP cashgrab. They should've funded CyberShadow's work instead. There's still stuff to do.

There's virtually no difference between Armageddon and WWP except stuff like missions or the weapon point system. You can replicate most of it in Armageddon, with mods or not. And Armageddon is at least 10 years ahead of World Party in terms of updates, and Remastered changes nothing.

OW2 has shit physics, too weak environmental damage and worms barely fly into the air after an explosion, otherwise it's pretty solid

meant for

>Worms 2 Armaggeddon
I was kinda looking forward to that one, but as soon as I got to play it it was some unholy shit. The physics in particular were fucked as any and all slopes felt like they were iced over, so even just climbing up one by jumping could get you to lose your turn.

It had its fair share of problems, yeah, but I had plenty of fun with it, even online. Was surprised that there was a small community for it up until the nintendo WFC servers were closed.

On PSP you can pretty well play Armageddon or even World Party instead of OW2.

>tldr, play W:A, don't support the WWP cashgrab. They should've funded CyberShadow's work instead. There's still stuff to do.

Just wanted to add:

There's no reason for Team17 to still treat W:A and WWP as separate games. Seems like they released WWPR to spite on the fact W:A is still played thanks to a couple of community members and no thanks to them.

If they wanted to do things right, they should've given the team support to add WWP content on W:A's Steam version instead of repeating the mistake of splitting the community between two versions of the same game.

I have, but the controls sucked and you had to stretch the screen to make it more playable.

Is it worth it getting the steam version of Worms Armageddon? Is it still alive?

It's the same servers non-Steam versions play in, so yes.
Maybe there isn't hundreds of people, but you're guaranteed to find SOME veterans for years to come.
All this the newest version (WMD?) will only last until the next yearly casualized Worms is released.

the fact that not one you retards haven't already mentioned worms 3 is sickening
>got tier fmv cartoons too

worms 2*

Spot on.

Games only you played

It's on a -80% sale pretty often and 3.7 is integrated into it. 4.0 never ever

I emulated this back when my Win98SE PC stopped running MSDOS Worms for some reason and didn't know how to fix it.

At some point I realized there was a SNES version I could emulate though,


It had pretty hard interesting missions, but the gameplay itself was kinda wonky.

it was the first attempt to translate worms into 3D. turns out the franchise sucks balls in 3D and works way better in 2D.

My first video game. Fairly impressive for a Game Boy game, looking back.

I liked Worms Forts a lot, but W:A is undoubtedly the best.

If you have someone to play it with. It's full of oldfags who do nothing but jerking to ropes.

>If they wanted to do things right, they should've given the team support to add WWP content on W:A's Steam version instead of repeating the mistake of splitting the community between two versions of the same game.
For the longest time ever, it was rumoured that WWP's content was going to be compatible with W:A, but no official statements yet

Still not learned how to use that ninja rope, pal?

I'm on the fence here being someone who played online and knew all the game rulesets and lyngo back in the 2000s but don't really remember much of it today, I see now when I play once every few months how unaccessible it may seem to complete newcomers.

There was a very cringe worthy elitist attitude to "non-ropers" or anyone who demanded a normal game to be hosted. Zero will to explain things to new people, just plain "fuck off n00b", so I can see why people like you are butthurt. On the other hand, I think people that enjoy Worms and have been turned off by the popular online game types just because someone was mean to you, or just because you didn't get it at your first try, really don't know what you're missing. It's the best and most fun that has come from this franchise ever.

Besides, it's that side of the community what pretty much has kept alive and healthy the game to this day (even if niche). You would need to set up a virtual machine to even be able to play it if it wasn't for them.

I still have my physical copy of this