this would truly be a great game if posed at least any sort of challenge. It's just so easy and shallow in many ways that it can't keep me engaged for long.
Here it goes
I thought it was decently challenging.
Meanwhile I'm having a lot of hell on Waterblight Ganon
Ya it really is like no mans sky in a lot of ways.
Can't really find myself wanting to play it
I don't really find the combat all that enjoyable
Does it get better? I really did just start out (2-3hours in maybe)
Idk man master mode kicked my fucking ass in the great plateau. Even now with decent weapons and armor I'm dying
I heard it just makes enemies have more health, I don't know if I really want that.
It's the same problem I had with TW3 but the story kept me playing that game, and there isn't really something like that in BOTW so far. Also, why so few side quests?
I'm maybe 15 hours in and the initial wow effect has worn off. Sure, I'm looking forward to seeing new parts of the map but that's pretty much it.
I kind of know what you mean. It might be easy to die or take damage, but there is absolutely no penalty for making any kind of mistake. Between quicksaves and functionally infinite food that can be eaten instantly, it kind of takes the fun out of fighting.
Lynels are a blast to fight, and the world mini-bosses like moldugas, taluses, and hinoxes are pretty great too.
That's about it for engaging combat though. It's mostly just all about the exploration.
It's a bit of a joke. Since there's no red enemy variants, you won't be able to outpace an enemy's healing at the rate weapons break without having something well over 15 damage, but as soon as you start finding dragonbone and knight gear or get used to raiding the floating platforms for their end-game weapons, the difficulty falls flat on its face again.
More health, regenerating health, and better AI tactics.
Which explains the 10/10 ratings: This was reviewed by the same people who thought shadow of mordor was too hard.
If you're not enjoying it now you won't enjoy it more later. It's not like (good) action games where they continuously introduce new enemies that provide a fresh level of challenge, BotW's difficulty/variety plateaus very early and then falls straight off a cliff.
Master Mode adds challenge, but in all the wrong ways. "Bullet" sponge enemies all over the fucking place, while your weapons still break in 4 hits.
Master mode would have been worth it if they just limited food and armor to one page with no stacks and ingredients can't heal.
I never really had any wow effect
That sucks I guess
I was mostly hoping for cool looking loot and dope attack moves but the most offputting thing has to be durability on weapons and shields
make food go bad and you would make a game way more challenging.
>travel far to a remote area
>cool formation of rocks in the water
>magnet the chest underwater in the center and open it
>"11 knights halberd"
Give me 1000 rupies
I dont need a fucking 11 halberd
Pretty sure you don't learn any attack moves. The modifiers you do unlock are just really overpowered passives that boost your current moveset, but if you're looking for Senior Sombrero Salsero Link, you're not gonna get that at all.
The three weapon types define how you fight, each one with a lot of little variations for how they work like having blunt and cutting damage, flammable, metal, etc on top of how their different charge attacks work.
I agree. Bottom line, it's just way too easy to heal in this game. There's no punishment for making any kind of mistake as long as you can survive at least one hit.
And even if you die, you just get punted back to a checkpoint from thirty seconds ago.
Openworld kind of sucks balls.
I was also bummed with how fast you ditch the wooden clubs/shields. It was fun to avoid flames and shit, made the combat original.
You sucks balls.
>And even if you die, you just get punted back to a checkpoint from thirty seconds ago.
If you don't have any fairies, which are a dime a dozen. Also if you don't have the self-res cooldown, which is fairly short.
Dragonbone variants of weapons are pretty much the end-game version of wooden-style weapons and in Master Mode, they're a bit of a welcome sight with how frequently they're available.
Ain't no late-game wooden shields, though.
loot is TW3 tier also, but hey, at least it breaks so you need shit.
yeah but you eventually run out of food. Difficulty is more than just dying all the time
Game gets a lot more enjoyable when you drops almost every side quest.
Most of them give you like 100-300 rupees and that´s it.
but then you get a 30 hours game
but I get what you're saying, quality over quantity.
The game can't really be challenging because the combat is too simple.
I'd be more sympathetic to this if it wasn't easy to have massive stacks of grilled meat and couldn't savescum your way through fighting things.
Older Zelda games seemed more careful about giving you ways to heal yourself on command. I just think the Skyrim/Dragon's Dogma way is a bad fit.
lets not say things we can't take back now
Zelda always wanted to be more about the approach over technical ability when it came to combat so I think it fits well.
I mean, I'm just plucking some names out of the air. Being able to pause and immediately eat fifteen fucking cheese wheels to top off your health is pretty characteristic for these games.
say what you will, but skyrim kept me more interested than botw. If anything it shows how sidequest are crucial to open world design
The sidequests in Skyrim fucking suck. The only redeeming thing about the game is the moddability. A bulk of the sidequests in BOTW are simple fetch quests, but the integrate into the gameplay much better than all the cut and paste dungeons that Skyrim offers
skyrim has a bunch of good side quests and some guild quest lines aren't bad. The thing that bother me the most is the water downed rpg mechanics and the generic dungeons.
Skyrim is a bad standard to hold, but at least they had a carrot to help you accidentally waste ten hours of your life.
I think BotW should have not done any side quests, or they should have been more about finding cool things on the overworld. The sidequest about the faggot that wanted to eat royal cakes were good because you had to be mindful of where you could find the books in the castle for it. Was there a kitchen or library, etc. The quests about mindlessly or carelessly collecting stupid shit were bad.
>skyrim has a bunch of good side quests and some guild quest lines aren't bad
I guess I just fucking suck at games because I cannot even beat waterblight
Are you dying to it or just ending up staring at him at a loss as to what to do? I don't even remember taking damage to waterblight.
Are you okay?
I keep dying. I have only 3 hearts and he two hits me every time. I haven't gotten gud at dodging so I guess that is that
Oh, I guess you can't really makes many mistakes with three hearts.
I dunno. I remember faceraping him with arrows because he wasn't that aggressive.
If you somehow accidentally trip over and kill thunderblight, I will be mad at you.
I don't want to derail the thread but skyrim did have some fun sidequests
Markarth political questline was good, almost all deadra quest were above average, solitude murders were solid, the tree quest in whiterun was cool, the thieves guild was better than the main plotline, and assassins weren't bad either. And there are many more.
not really
Can't really comment. I somehow got two hundred hours into Skyrim becoming the principal of hogwarts before just wandering the tundra killing things in caves. Never even made it to the mountain to talk to old dudes.
>I have no argument
Why did you even bother replying
who knows?
>It's just so easy and shallow in many ways that it can't keep me engaged for long
The same could be said of every 3D Zelda title.