Why does Sup Forums hate Kingdom Hearts again?

Since when has Disney and Final Fantasy not been cool?

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Sup Forums hates everything. the only people who respond to these threads before they get off the ground are people who explicitly look to comment on things they dislike.

Then, someone has to ask an actual decently informed question about the game and get answers from people who enjoyed or at least played through the games and are knowledgeable enough to answer. By the time the thread is in full swing, people aren't even talking about the series as a whole for the most part, just specific instances and how they compare to other instances; platforming in the different games or the combat system, for example.

But all threads that have legs need a good hook and this thread title does a decent job.

It's just a bunch of underage faggots thinking they're being cool by hating something popular, and people thinking they're too "mature" for Disney.

This. You can only take some threads seriously +200 posts in after everyone is finished shitting on the game.

I personally hated KH because every game except 1 and 2 are trash.
Right up until I saw the Toy Story trailer for 3 I was ready to dismiss it too as another entry that wouldn't do anything but further convolute the plot, but it actually looks fun.

I'm cautiously optimistic at the moment.

I want to FUCK Sora.

I hate the idea of Kingdom Hearts but I enjoy playing the games. That goes beyond the "concept" of the series as well, I hate the fanbase, I hate the characters and story. But the gameplay is solid in 1 and 2 so what can you do?

I dont hate it, i've never been into both universes.

I wasnt a disney kid except that time when Talespin and later Gargoyles happened and never got into the FF bandwagon.

Sora is a genderless anime creature with action man genitals and no digestive system.

Because the combat, the thing everyone heralds as the one actually good thing about the series, is filled with holes and gets worse all the time. Kingdom Hearts 2 was a fun little romp. It had shallow magic, blocking/reflega is braindead, and individual attacks are pretty meaningless in the grand scheme, whereas in a decent action game you have to consider where hitboxes will come out and how fast. You don't have to jump into position or aim since the lock-on will cause you to home into position with such boring ease, which is weird because the game gives you double jumps and gliding and whatnot. But Kingdom Hearts 2 was flashy and mildly crunchy so its all bearable if you play on proud critical (the series' equivalent of easy). Along comes newer games that introduce grandiose attacks that turn your character into a synchronized swimmer. Use your Bullshit Ultimax Epsilon command and you get to watch for ten seconds as your character flips around and spews ten dozen different particle effects while being immune to damage. Get rid of this shit! I don't want to lose control of my character at any point god dammit! That Toy Story trailer was full of this garbage.

To say nothing of the elementary school tier writing.

That's why epople dislike the series.

>Since when has Disney and Final Fantasy not been cool?
when i left high school. grow-up fag

The thread is clipping along at the predicted rate and with the predicted comments.

Sup Forums suddenly loves to call everyone underage and shit, also KH just got a new trailer so it's prime time to hate on it

to be fair, the sort of insta-win epilepsy button first started in KH2 with limit commands. if you're looking for a more straightforward action game, KH1 is the one to go to.

Pull my fur.

>Left High School
>Still actively talks about vidya

I think the failure of the SEGA Dreamcast was a tragic misstep in gaming.

It had a great library of games and was ahead of its time with many of its software and hardware features. Some of the most memorable music in videogames also comes from this little gem of a console.
A great regret SEGA couldn't push the thing any further.

Lel no KH1 has Limits that also are dumb, flashy, and make you completely invincible. It's just that it's gone from a pandemic to an epidemic.

I remember when Kingdom Hearts first came out, my 12 year-old self though "Disney? That's for kids, I'm a grown up! Who wants to play that?" so I ignored the series and continued to not care about it.

After watched the recent trailer, my thoughts were "Hey I liked Toy Story as a kid, this looks stupid in the right kind of way. I can get behind this."

So I figure I'm going to pick up that HD collection and play through this shit now. I don't know if it's actually good or bad but I like the idea of some dumb nostalgia trip.
Should I play every single game before 3 or just 1 and 2?

For the same reason people hate MLP and furryshit. It's one level of cringe and autism too much, even for people who love stuff like manga, anime and JRPGs.

That's weird. Definitely not the experience I had. I used magic outside Reflect like all the time, though it is admittedly too strong for its own good. And how is blocking broken? It's more like a party than a block, really. If you mess up on timing you'll likely die. I don't mind reaction commands at all. Most of them you get as a reward from either blocking correctly or dealing enough damage and don't even play a cutscene, instead forcing Sora into a 3 second attack animation. I'll take free damage when I can because almost everything kills me in one shot.

play all of them

The only limit in kh1 that gave full invincibility was Strike Raid. I don't think any of them were really flashy except for Trinity. I mean, your options were to stab a lot, throw your weapon a lot, swing it a lot, or swing while jumping and fire a small volley of lasers.

The disney stuff is fine.

Because the setting and plot is dumb

1fm is good. Com is love it or hate it. 2fm is amazing. BBS is fun but in a dumb way. 358/2 Days and Coded are either ok or ass depending on who you ask but they're DS exclusive. DDD is BBS 2.0.

So, in short, the only definitely good games are 1 and 2 but you'll need to play them all to understand the plot. Or you can watch a YouTube video or something, it doesn't matter.

Sup Forums hates every game at this point
not taking you faggots seriously since i saw that guy on here who desperatly shitposts in god hand threads you guys have the absolute shittaste in terms of videogames

i know Sup Forums is not one person but at times it seems like it

I've been replaying the first game since I bought that 1.5 + 2.5 HD collection. I was really enjoying it until I went back to Hollow Bastion and there were invisible enemies that could kill me in like 3 hits. I tried the "use Stop and combo them to death" tactic, but once I stopped them I could only get 1 hit in before they unfroze because my keyblade would just bounce off of them. After getting killed by these assholes 3 times in a row, I just decided I had enough of KH and deleted it from my hard drive.

I'm pretty sure Sonic Blade made you invincible so long as you were mashing the button.

Let's not kid ourselves by comparing God Hand to Kingdom Hearts, please.

Since Disney malfacted/SJWed every streamline media including Marvel and Star wars.

not comparing them iam just saying that if someone can hate a game like god hand or kingdom hearts they probably just dont like videogames to begin with

>being this much of a casual


Well two of the games have been turned into 3 hours films in the remaster. Coded and something else. I think they couldn't figure out how to port the GBA game.
Fine by me if I just get a summary for two of the games, it seems like enough to go through as is.

I guess I'll see how I'm feeling after I finish 1 but I'll try and play them all.

Branding everyone who has something negative to say about such an embarrassing franchise as cynical is simply unfair. There are genuine reasons to dislike Kingdom Hearts.

he was trying to damage control and lower expectations for the event.

this is a tactic companies use to maximize "hype" or enjoyment, like taking something away from someone or telling them not to expect much, then giving them what they want.

they did it with the FF7 remake stuff too. remember when they announced it coming to PS4 but it was just the PC port and people were pissed, then 6 months later announced actual remake and people went nuts? Yeah well they planned that in advance to maximize hype.

>Why does Sup Forums hate Kingdom Hearts again?

Uh... what? Sup Forums has a boner for this game, as well as any other Japanese game.

alright but that doesnt stop me from blocking out people who dislike the stuff i like

just yesterday i blocked someone for calling ff7 shit

there for me is simply a point where you are just shittalking for the sake of it

its fine if you are not the target demographic for the game but calling the people who like it and the game itself shit for me makes you a bad person

also disliking kingdom hearts means you are most likely a cynical person who hates fun so i wont really like you as a friend anyways

It does give full invincibility in vanilla, yes. I only ever played FM, though, and there the i-frames only kick in one the first frame.

>Posts a gigantic fucking paragraph expecting anyone to read fucking any of it

They ported the remake of chain instead of the original

this, it's partially voluntary response bias and partially that Sup Forums is just a place for people to be assholes with no consequences

I last played 1.5 Remix and was able to smite the shit out of Sephiroth with it, so...

>"a paragraph"
Where did you learn English?

Why does Kingdom Hearts get shit for having a convoluted plot?

Practically everything is explained if you play the games in release order, its your fault if you decide to skip a game because you think its not a real Kingdom Hearts game.

First ATTACK fuck me i go autismo over frame data in fighting games so often it leaks into other games

The story is more convoluted then Metal Gear, and I am a huge Metal Gear fan.

Honestly, Dream Drop Distance made the entire thing 10x worse and harder to understand.

Complex is not the same thing as convoluted. Silly. Telling a shonen trash tier story in a roundabout way (with dozens of plotholes/retcons) where each character has five clones for no reason other than to drag out the series will make it convoluted. To compare it to Metal Gear is dis-earnest because one could play any Metal Gear game aside from 4 as their first and understand what's going on and why they should care and who's who. Metal Gear also has bad writing, of course.

>Posting something that needlessly makes it more complex-seeming than it is to support your bias opinion

what happened to the 1.5/2.5 remix? I can't find a copy of it. Did Square just print shit all copies?

Wow, just like the games! A perfect match!

>Uses fucking Metal Gear of all things as an example and say that it's perfectly understandable if you play through the games in order
>But apparently it's not the case with Kingdom Hearts because lol cuz i said so

We liked it when we where 11, now we have grown up and no longer play games targeted for children.

He compared it because the other guy mentioned it first.

what games do adults play


Games not made for children. Grow up, you weirdo.


Games are inherently for children

name the last 5 games you completed

Metal Gear has the curtsy of sitting the player down and earnestly talking them through exposition. Snake asks questions and he gets answers. Sora just sorta bumbles. He operates autonomously. Things are vague and feel pointless, like really everything you do on those Disney planets feels pointless. You're supposed to be locking them to prevent ~darkness~ from raping it and getting power, but the only people who matter at all are the OC edgelords who, for 90% of the game, scoff and teleport. And of course in cutscenes Sora acts like a complete stooge and lets people walk all over him. It's frustrating. But it's also stupid. There's so much filler, man.
Please, you do not need to defend this shit.

No wonder the series has kept spiraling into further self-parody.

>Since when has Disney and Final Fantasy not been cool?

Is this some sort of trick question? They stopped being cool when they became pieces of shit who produce low-quality media around every corner.

I get that some people like eating shit. I, for one, like fucking a good dog every now and then. Doesn't mean I have to settle for a Boxer mix when there's a Husky in my neighbor's yard.

If you are playing kids games as an adult, you are prob a paedo. Do you hang about kids play parks?

Resident Evil 7
Dark Souls 3
The Witcher 3
The Evil Within.

If you can't understand the simpleness of Heartless and Nobodies then you're beyond hopeless.

>I only play mature games for mature gamers

Speedrunners have single handedly ruined the KH community

Westashits hate anything remotely japanese.

Aren't all of those kid's games, user? I know he marketing for most of them was mainly towards children or the very least teenagers.

Is that so.

>Nobodies have no soul, so they're like nobodies, but hey have bodies, get it?
>Heartless have a soul but no body, so they're soulless monsters, wait, no, wait, hold on--

>Heartless spawn when someone loses their heart
>Nobodies spawn when a strong person loses their heart and is merely a shell
>Really strong Nobodies, like Org XIII, can grow a heart and become their own person
It really isn't difficult. The Ansem Reports literally spell it out for you.

The KH community ruined the KH community, BloodBizkitz is literally /ourguy/.

>Knows what good gameplay looks like
>Doesn't want the KH community to have an inferior gameplay experience
>Willing to throw constructive criticism at a fresh hype train
>Refuses to eat shit just because of hype

Speedrunners helped show how well-done KH combat can really be and how squandered it's been over the years because of people's shit taste. Trashtalk them all you want you know both biscuits and Soraalam1 are in the right.

kill yourself bizkit

I know what they are, baby, I'm just mocking the naming scheme.

>Faggot bitchs about a move talking 2 frames too long
I watched 30 minutes of his autistic nitpicking and I was done

>PS2 game can let you grind on a rail with a stakeboard on the very first frame
>PS4 game can't do that without adjusting your character and adding unnecessary lag

Literally no excuse, also his complaints about moves having too much ending lag are legit and it's going to eventually fuck over people who play on the higher difficulties.

Nah, they're both really wrong and their biases are too obvious. Their autistic following can't handle any opposing opinions and their constant dicksucking is embarrassing

>Implying that shit matters for anyone else other than speedrunners

The only one i actually like i bizkit047. BB basicly just wants it to be 1:1 KH2FM even if he won't admit it.
The gameplay overall doesn't look perfect, but we never even played it and it's mostly a compilation of finsihers and cut combos and shit. If people just want KH2 they can always play that one, for all we know the gameplay itself will work really well in KH3, it all comes down to how well balanced the gameplay is for in it's own game.
The whole "this only affects speedrunners" stuff has to stop though, sure there're some big nitpicks here and there but the whole 1.5+2.5 situation was just retarded where people would actually say that they made fights broken and unfair on purpose. Speedrunners, or at least 047 at least help fixing shit though, i doubt without the videos the collections would've ever been fixed, maybe 0.2 wouldn't even got a patch without it.
I agree with a lot of stuff, but the grinding was just whatever. You can't tell me you noticed that shit until you actually watched his video, like most of the time people just form their opinions based on their videos at this point. Noone even talked about the grinding or flowmotion in the past few days up until that video.


>since when has Disney and FF not ben cool?
If you like either, Sup Forums will call you either an underaged, homosexual or both

If you like neither Sup Forums will still call you underaged, homosexual or both.

>you have to be an adult to handle violence and swearing!
Were you raised a puritan Christian or are you just retarded? Kids watch movies and play video games with sex and violence all the time.

>at least 047 at least help fixing shit though

Are Osaka team even watching these videos and taking notes? Does it take a famous Nipponese Speedrunner to nitpick at this point?

The only time I think they were aware is when they start changing Crit Mode to something similar to KH2FM

I'm fine with people only playing it for the story, or the nostalgia worlds and if they freak out when they see Toy Story and i'm fine with people only playing it for the gameplay, or all pf the things.
But when people go out of their way to defend broken ports or huge balance issues from the handheld games then it just goes too far. I'm not even saying that the handheld games are shit, i had fun with all of them the first 1-2 times around and they had huge potential, but at this point it's impossible to say a thing without being called a speedrunner, or osakafag or tokyofag or whatever it is these days.
For some reason it's impossible for most people to accept that you like the whole series, but like some games more than others.

In 2.5's case i'd say they definitely looked at the pastebin with all the 30/60fps problems and the save crashing etc.
Stuff like the sound issues will never be fixed though sadly. But everytime he updated the paste bin a few weeks later they patched that shit and the newest patch basicly addressed most of the things.
I mean they should know better themself, but it's still good to know that they actually fix shit and listen too feedback. Not in a FFXV way though where it changes half the game and just makes it worse in the process