Rest your weary souls in my FFXIV thread

Rest your weary souls in my FFXIV thread.

Go back to /vg/

First and FINAL warning.

>says "Rest your weary souls in my bosom"
>is practically flat chested

Why is yoship so afraid of giving females in this game ample breasts and ass?

Is he a gay?

>tfw beat ramuh EX synced with randoms after a week of attempts using multiple macros to coordinate the team

Poopsockers who rush it unsynced will never know this feel

>FINAL warning every day for a month

Oh no.

just don't respond

Too many polygons.


>if it's not overblown antigravity water balloons it's flat xd
Neck yourself weeb.

>join ffxiv with stormblood release because i want to play a mmo again
>play scholar
>get to 70
>farm the content
>look up my name on fflogs
>im a purplelet
is there even a reason why i should keep going or should i just off myself?

>tfw beat ramuh EX synced in DF after 2 abandons
just tell your team to pay attention to the markers m8

Nah orbs have to be managed by tanks and dps at the right times

I still don't get that ultimate. What is she even doing?

>Hugging her titties heals you
That's sexist

Gathering your passion/wants and using them to power an attempt to seduce you. The vrill feeds her her own power you stole so you can remain in control to resist the blisssss.

brainwashing and then consuming souls I expect.

Nigger you're a healer don't worry too much about your DPS.

She puts a charm spell on everyone to intoxicate them. Then she takes everyone's soul and hugs it. Without vril, this will damage you for 100% of your HP bar. With vril, this heals you for 100% of your HP.

Thanks bros.

free kupo nuts

Oppai is yuck. Tight butts are better.


I want to take in all the Ishgardian lolis who lost their homes and families and turn them into my lewd loli wives and dress them in Dragoon themed lingerie. Helmet included.

>DPS were in need a few times on Tuesday
>Never seen it again

What the hell happened?

are paladins any good

my gf has a thing for aymric and apparently they get a lookalike set?

>Still no upload of Neo Exdeaths theme

>are paladins any good
no they are in the shed since 4.05

are you looking at the fucking picture in the OP?

she's indistinguishable from a man

Gb2bed, Zhole.

get good and get there yourself