That one game series you adored when you were a kid

>that one game series you adored when you were a kid
>is now complete irredeemable shit
What's her name?

Literally all games

I was going to call you a faggot but your pic related had fair points that can be made to video games in general.

Video games are shit now.


Command and Conquer

Team Fortress 2

This. Glad to see there is universal agreement now.

Enjoy your 2017 scams!

Remember when Pokemon had a soul?
>inb4 /vp/ autistic screeching.


Ever notice how more and more people are agreeing with this image every day.

We're finally waking up to the Nu-Pokemon scam, bros. /vp/ fucking BTFO.


Fallout and Halo for sure.

JUSTed beyond the point of no return by other companies, with the original companies trying to do other shit and becoming trainwrecks while they were at it.

Why has everything released this year been such a fucking dumpster fire, bros? Is this what redditors mean when they say this was a good year in gaming?

>complete silence from Nu-Pokemon shills
So much for trying to shill a hollow corpse of a once-beloved series.

So much this
>b-but [insert FotM buzzgame here]
Seriously considering moving to 8ch because of shit like this.

Shhh, be careful, you might trigger /vp/ cucks and Nu-Pokemon shills.

You're absolutely right otherwise, and most of this board agrees.

I'm glad that so many people on Sup Forums are seeing the light about how Nu-Pokemon is dying, and so is Shitendo in general.

Pokebarneyfag is the hero that Sup Forums needs, but not the one it deserves.

Damn straight.
>no replies to any of our posts
Shit man /vp/ getting rekt today.

It's amazing to think that after ten years there literally has not been a single good game released, and whenever a brainless sheep tries to convince us otherwise they just come up with a bunch of meme games and FotM shit.

It's ridiculous.




b-but muh bland open world with dumbed down mechanics

Crash Bandicoot

That same open world meem that took the Zelda and Mario series from us.

Fuck everything. Worst timeline.

Fuck those soulless N.Sane remakes too.

Be careful, you just triggered the nugamers.

Bump for nugamer tears.

>some nostalgic faggot sat down and made a graph calling Pokemon "nu-Pokemon"
2/10 for making me reply

>b-but muh le dork soles maymay
Crash fanbase has gone to shit because of the N.Cashgrab trilogy.

I like chicken nuggets

Hotline Miami is a good game

We're talking about nu gamers, user.


It's correct though. The only people who shat on it were Alolasspained instant gratification Generation Z bootlicker shitlets.

Back to with you.

I could not agree with you more about Pokemon OP, valid points across the board.

For me, it's gotta be Zelda. Every main entry since/including GameCube has been utter shit. It's not nostalgia, the older games were just vastly better. Compare Majora's Mask to watered down babyshit like Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword, it's fucking sad how hard they dropped the ball. The latest game isn't any better. Deep as a puddle and as wide as the ocean. Shitty story, shitty dungeons, no fucking soul.

>This thread

Speaking of Open World and Dark Souls, something I've been wanting to comment on for a while

Dear Dark Souls faggots:

No, the level design is not good because all the hallways connect to each other. This isn't even new or unique. MOST games do this by default. They make a map, everything connects in a sensible way. The only game I've EVER known to not do this is Dark Souls 2, and I don't even know how they fucked up that badly.

Someone who pays attention.

a game with actual level design is mindblowing to braindead nugamers who have only played open world and procedeurally generated garbage that has no real level design.

Yeah, fuck people that enjoy things
Us 90s kids, amirite?

This isn't true at all, and you're literally making shit up. People don't praise Dark Souls' level design because it's just connected, but it's connected in a believable way with shortcuts that aren't blindingly obvious. Most games do NOT have such well designed worlds.

>How to spot the butthurt millennial 101.

>People don't praise Dark Souls' level design because it's just connected
Yes, yes they do.
>but it's connected in a believable way with shortcuts that aren't blindingly obvious.
Literally how is that different from having a connected map, exactly?

I'm 22, just not a deluded dipshit

This. It's why they love the 2017 year of drivel.

Fucking rekt.

Based non-autist strikes back.

This is the only good thread on Sup Forums. Fucking based.

All of the arguments in the picture look like they're from some assblasted retard with rose-tinted glasses
>dude cucks degeneracy and SJW LMAO
You cherry-picked a bunch of shit for each side. For example, there are plenty of retarded looking Pokemon from each generation. Have you forgotten that Poliwrath is just an angry Poliwhirl? Or that Muk is just a big Grimer with a wider face? There are also well-designed ones from each generation, too.

because most other "open world" games with connected maps just have a big plot of land with a bunch of shit on top of it, not a bunch of levels designed individually and then still connected in a way that makes sense and lends itself well to gameplay

You mad butthurt millennial nugamer?

Enjoying that UbiMario and Zeldarim, cuck?

Can he ever recover?

>18 posters
>pokebarneyfag samefagging this hard

>m-muh Pokebarney!!
Nah it's just that all games are shit now.

After the N.Cashgrab scam it's better the main series stays dead.

>20 posters

So it's a regularly designed game that doesn't fall for the open world meme? That's not amazing, it's just harking back to older days.

>Fan Community
>implying it wasn't the absolute worst during gen 1 + 2
are you fucking crazy
the pokemania of the late 90s made it insufferable to even talk about playing pokemon with your friends


>being this buttmad

It's better than that cancer that the likes of Mario and Zelda have fallen for at least.

>each poster has made about 2 posts
Whoa, somebody call the police.

What are some games where I can samefag so hard most of a thread is my posts?

Why don't you go ahead and name me a couple of other games that have a similarly well-designed world then? Because I can't think of any, so I'd like to try them if they do exist.

People call it dark souls like. So it was funny.

> That one game series that was marketed to you as a child
> Instead of marketing to you throughout your adulthood it continued to market it to children and now you think it's irredeemable shit because it always meant more to you than you meant to it

For me, it's gotta be Pokemon games

Just go back to playing the game where you get raped by your geriatric father.

What cancer? Specifically what are you referring to and how is it cancerous or in any way related to the issue?

Final Fantasy XII
The entire Wizardry Series
Kingdom Hearts
Most Mario Games
Almost all Zelda games
>Inb4 shifting goalposts.

A series who's company got bought out by EA.
>jerking yourself off about how buttmad you are about games
>call others buttmad

Final Fantasy 12 I haven't played so I'll give you benefit of the doubt. Brandish and Wizardry do have well designed worlds, but it is objectively much easier to make interconnected levels in two dimensions than three. Kingdom hearts is nowhere near as well designed. Not a single Mario game has an open world like Dark Souls does, you're out of your mind. And every Zelda game is exactly the "big plot of land with stuff on top of it" i was talking about. Even the dungeons are basically just a series of rooms connected in a straight line. I'm going to assume maybe you just didn't understand the task at hand when i said "similarly well-designed world", because almost none of the games you mentioned have similar worlds.

Protip: presenting a weak argument and then saying "inb4 moving goalposts" for when the person inevitably rebuts your weak argument doesn't make your examples valid


Zelda actually does meet your criteria, but you're dismissing it for "reasons" that aren't actually true, and completely ignoring dungeon design with in the games and only speaking of overworld.

Explain why they aren't valid or are weak? The other person I'm talking to didn't really do a good job other than "That's totally not what I'm talking about dude". They fit the criteria of having connected halls that aren't unrealistic and even include shortcuts. In fact, Skyward Sword in specific does this incredibly well.

>Even the dungeons are basically just a series of rooms connected in a straight line

you just exposed yourself right here nufag

>What cancer?
The Ubisoft level design-free open world pill. And it became a huge success for Nintendo.


This. Nugamers love feeling oppressed because of the feminist 1984 they grew up in.

we're reaching buzzword levels that shouldn't be possible

None. I had good taste. Also just because I had a game didn't mean I thought it was good. Played through many bad games because it was all I had.

>The Ubisoft level design-free open world pill. And it became a huge success for Nintendo.
This I'll agree with, btu I saw this coming when A Link Between Worlds came out

It's true. Every 3D zelda game's dungeon is just a bunch of rooms connected in incredibly plain ways, straight forward or back.

Fire emblem

So is dark souls you dumbass.
>B-b-buh my 200 foot long hallway "shortcuts"
Literally nothing.

literally the first three dungeons in ocarina of time prove you completely wrong. they're vertical as fuck and have you climbing in all directions.

stop being retarded

Not even /vp/ can defend this dead horse franchise after 17 years of shit-tier games and cashgrab remakes. GSC were the last good games. Everything from gen 3 on is nuPokemon.

>made by ""people"" still in their edgy been phase

Is this implying teenagers aren't humans?

you know they aren't user

this is why i stick to the classics.