
Gonna see even more ninja builds now

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Are we finally getting the moth?

That's second dlc right? I wanted to wait for all 3 and play them in one go but damn, now my willpower is weakening.

Is that some kind of dragon-horse?

Odachi users, fall in.

>a ninjato
I hope we get it, even if it's a reskinned katana.

Odachi+Battleaxe+Heavy Armour!

Kirin I guess

I like how the dlc weapons drop in the main game, not having to play through hours of the game just to get the weapon you want is good game design.

What's the best way to deal with Raven Tengu?

That's basically my build
Full Unrivalled Warrior+ Usami Nagamitsu+Gozutenno's axe with extend rage skill. Use rage and switch to Odachi. So damn good

And if you haven't played recently, do it. Umbracite basically gets rid of the RNG for stats on weapons.

>Sarutobi Sasuke
Now that's a renowed ninja you don't see all the time, they always go for Hanzo in most media, even on this Hanzo debuted first.

Dodge towards their right for pretty much all of their attacks

I should really pick it up.
DLC comes out in five days.

Five days? Oh shit and I have next week off. Maybe we'll finally bury that Maria for good this time

Might as well ask here,
how the fuck do I create a +1 divine weapon?
Sometimes it works by soulmatching two lvl 0's sometimes it doesn't.

Maria isn't gonna be that easy.
Kelly was pretty piss despite being powerful as a mage. Enough to resurrect Yamata-no-Orochi and Maria was way more a threat combat-wise.
Maybe we'll kill her with Sanada being the penultimate boss but I doubt it.

+1's normally happen by spending a shit ton of Divine Shards.
But otherwise it's kinda random.

You need a +1 weapon to use as the material, then you can use another +1 to get it to +2 and so on. Keep in mind that if something is for example +7, you can use that as a material to upgrade your weapon to +1, that material only needs to either match or be higher than the weapon you want to upgrade

i bought this game+dlc but was in situation where i couldnt play it right away

havent touched it since like beating first level

good time to go back in or should i wait until last dlc drops
i dont want to nolife just for 1 game, so i just want to play til completion then move on

You can also gamble glory at the hidden teahouse under the sacred treasures bit.

Then I'd wait till the last DLC drops to be honest.

Kanabo when?

>still no giant straw hat
Fuck this shit.

>William is 47 years old when Dragon of the North takes place
>It's set in 1613
>he historically died in 1620

Time's running out for Bill, lads

Ronin hat?

He is literally immortal in the game though, the only way to do him in is to destroy Saoirse as well.


I want Sakon's giant straw hat, ronin is too small.


>implying Willy can die
He'll just fake his death and the game ends with a shot of a street in modern day Japan, zooming in on an Irish pub with "EST. 1622" and fade to black just as the bartenders face is about to come into shot.

nioh epilogue

yeah thats what im originally gonna do


Just please let them shoot rockets

Both of these are perfect.

>new difficulty level
>if vanilla endgame builds are any measure than even WotD endgame builds with 210 +20 weapons are going to be trash in WoEnlightenment
>DLC3 will almost certainly include another difficulty level again

I'm really liking this game but holy shit. I'm not grinding out more decent builds again in DLC2 and again in DLC. I was hype for this new DLC but not so much now, trying to make decent gear just feels like a waste. I'm just going to put this on ice until all the DLC is out and pick it back up then.

>mfw they're adding HARDER difficulties
What's it gonna be folks? red umbrellas every five steps?

Speaking of which, does that new difficulty added with the first DLC also drastically increase the amount of Amrita you gain from enemies?

The same as WotD but there's two of everything

If you had your Selkie waifu about ten minutes of grinding would net your around 500K Amrita for the first mission alone.

Yes, Way of the Demon missions give a shitton of amrita and samurai bucks.

roaming bosses, maybe randomised enemies in levels, roaming randomised red phantom bosses.change old bossfights by adding new enemies and phases. There's a few things they could do with it that is not just massive boosting HP and damage output. I don't fucking trust them though. That cancerous mission where you fight dual ravens followed by 4 cannon skeletons placed around the perimeter of a tiny map +onryoki. Fuck that.

That looks cool as fuck. I just hope this new DLC is more interesting. The first one felt too samey to the main game and there wasn't enough new enemies.

>Roaming Marias

Summary of the scans.

I was hoping for some kind of actual fist weapon but I guess tonfas are cool too.

oh boy
as if there wasn't enough kusa-shitters around; now there's even more dex/ninjufaggots

who /sword/ here

>Return of the gourd/ two in the shadows/ restless spirits on an even tougher difficulty

Kusa fags were easy to punish though.

>Sasuke's Tonfa will also have an exclusive gimmick of launching explosives.

I really hope they don't add a new difficulty and just add in beefed up missions. I don't think I can take going through the Trials/Boss Duos again on another harder difficulty.

we bayo now

FUCK YES. I need to buy this game pronto.

As long as weapon upgrades get a boost it might be fine. If there are no new weapons with better effects it will just be a matter of soul matching up your gear to whatever the new levels are, probably 260 +30. Even without doing that if you have an optimised build now I feel like you'll still be able to kunai/living crit/lumber chop/tornado or whatever the fuck and get work done on this new difficulty. Some builds are just disgustingly OP right now.

>99 dex storm kunai

You're not wrong, I was more specifically talking about people that use throwing shit to trivialize everything; kusa is great for cheesing revs and applying status to bosses though.
Did they ever nerf the throwing damage?

Loved the main game, completed it hard but lost interest after dlc level 1. Was it bad or am i just tired

I think so, they also made them piss easy to dodge.

I used to be until Odachis came out

any build can be made strong like throwing, in fact throwing builds are probably the weakest OP builds. people complain about throwing builds meanwhile they are spamming one skill to obliterate entire levels as fast as they can run, or building around living weapon and being actually invincible.

How many DLC is planned for this game?

I thought they nerfed Living Weapon to not be infinite?

>He joined the Todo clan

They'll let any baby be a samurai these days

Asakura for life

Maybe you're just burned out. Take a break or try a different playstyle to vary things up. I heard the first DLC was somewhat rushed because they wanted to get the pvp thing out asap.

One more after this.
Where Hanzo dies historically


it doesn't charge as fast from using amrita stones. except it still charges plenty fast. and with the right gear it for a very long time and has absolutely insane damage output. so even if it does start to run out you are going so quickly through levels it replenishes completely.

Switch between Odachi and Spear as my main. Normal katana is my secondary.

>naginata never
Get these baby ass yari spears out of my face

>waiting for expanded edition
Why did I play the demos for this long of a wait, I just want to blow my wallet on this shit now

Shin-Roku basically refills its full gauge every time you kill an enemy and lasts a fucking long time.

That and it's a shitkickkng nature god Stag and I use it anyway because I like earth damage

I really hope we gonna people fight pre-Sekigahara-battle like Katsuie Shibata, Toshie/Kenji Maeda, Kenshin Uesugi, Takeda Shingen, Takenaka Hanbei, Yamagata Masakage, Gamō Ujisato, etc.

No point in switching off 1kat

People who died off screen by the time of DLC2 (1614):
Lee Naomasa (died 1602)
Honda Tadakatsu (died 1610)
Tachibana Ginchiyo (died 1602)
Kuroda Kanbei (died 1604)
Kobayakawa Hideaki (died 1602)
Did I miss anyone?

I'm pretty sure a lot of these are level 400 revenants dotted about. I know Katsuie Shibata definitely is, you fight him in azuchi castle

>Hanzo will die soon.
>He never got to tell his Husbando how he truly felt.

>when your Suzaku build gets nerfed and you stop playing
It was fun while it lasted, oji-chan

I typically only buy games when they are on sale/bundled, but I got Nioh+DLC full price. I don't feel any remorse.

Stag is awesome. I can't remember what the omnyo summon does, but I remember it being unique and helpful (instant knockdown or healing or something?)

>tfw we missed the whole war on Kyushu between Tachibana and Kuroda whilst we were chasing Kelly over Omi province
>tfw Tadakatsu, Ginchiyo and Naomasa are dead

>Gamō Ujisato
Yes, this please. This fucker has real-life Batman armor and I really want to wear it.


It won't provide a unique playstyle compared to Odachi or Axe. At this point, I think we can maybe expect something like a Ninjato or maybe even just a Rapier.

You gain unlimited poise and buffed defense. I think the downside is you can't parry? I use an Odachi so that's no issue for me anyway

She lives forever as my character skin!
She was legendary.

I wonder if Okatsu is still around, she never meet up with Will after he came back to Japan, not even on sub-missions.

I'm waiting for all the DLC to come out. How many are left?

dlc one was great, the new blue oni were actually challenging.

Does this game play more like a Souls game or Ninja Gaiden game?

I think Okatsu is one of the few characters who aren't based on anyone historical so team ninja shouldn't be restricted by anything like that at least.

I'm so shit at the combat in this game. I was hoping that darksouls would prepare me but the combat systems are completely different. I fucking suck

Can we take a moment to appreciate how fucking crazy some of these armors were?

The plan is probably just to let us make level 320 weapons in the end.

It's not worth it until they've finished with the DLC. Nioh moreso than almost any other game, has been getting some pretty crazy post release support. Even outside of DLC releases, they've been pushing new content and mechanics.

I came back for DLC1 and tried a new playthrough with Odachi but stopped about 2/3rds of the way through because I think I'd rather just replay the full experience later this year. Otherwise, I'll end up wasting time with multiple new files/playthroughs/builds and by the time the game is "finished" I'll be burnt the fuck out.

that armor is already in game, it's the swallowtail set.

We won't kill her until DLC3., but we'll probably fight her again.

Worn by the biggest moralfag in sengoku jidai

Kinda squarely inbetween. You can't really go curraahhzzy, but it's definitely way faster and more twitch-based than Souls.

One more, I think.

Hi Sup Forums.

I like to play as a Wizard in every video game.

Can you play as a Wizard in Nioh? What's the closest "wizard looking" gear you can get?

Oh shit, really? I've just finished hard on the main one. Gonna continue to the DLC. Thanks for the info anyways.

Get out of my sight, you dirty little fag.