Tfw no update in 8 months

>tfw no update in 8 months
Did (((they))) finally kill his career for good?

Other urls found in this thread:


his career was over after starcade

>Try to latch onto yet another bandwagon
>Gets thrown off and left in the dust
Fat faggot got what he deserved.

Probably a combination of that and his insistence on burning all that money on props, special effects, and filming sets for a show about making fun of dumb shit on youtube.

what meme is this?

This guy was never funny and you can't possibly be any older than 20 if you like him. Sup Forums despised him and his spastic ADD humor until he got kicked off of GG, at which point people were hit with a "you don't know what you got til it's gone" situation.

Wow, he's spending the money he earned to try to create larger productions of entertainment for us....WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT RIGHT?!

That's just objectively untrue. Jon was pretty well liked, less than ego at the time, but still liked on Sup Forums. Sup Forums just hated how he didn't upload shit when he was on GG. He still doesn't, but whatever.

>youtube ethnonationalist agitator celebs

Guy probably thought we were days or weeks away from unprecedented national unrest or some shit.

fuck off john youre not funny and never will be I hope you die of cancer

I'm not saying that he's a piece of shit. I'm saying that it's probably a bad idea to invest that much money into something that doesn't matter. Seriously, I've watched movies with lower production values than his show post-Starcade. There's no way that's profitable.

le epic Jew parentheses

>Did (((they))) finally kill his career for good?
Darling... he did it to himself.

he killed it himself. He's an idiot, his fans were on his side. How do you have a job on the internet and not know that the internet life-span of topics is literally like a week? All he had to do was keep making stuff and ignore it, people on the internet forget things really fast.

(((they))) had nothing to do with it. he's either lazy or just ran out of ideas.

This isn't even the longest hiatus he's been on before. Chill.

SJWs I presume, John is quite red pilled but misguided and not a good talker (he can write but not argue on the fly), he tried his hat on discussing with other youtubers, failed miserably when going against a left wing youtuber and had to release a few apologies videos

nigga please, he's just chilling in the extra he's earned from all of this shit

>>This isn't even the longest hiatus he's been on before
What was the longest?

extra money*

Why does he need to create larger productions like that? It's fucking Youtube, and most people enjoyed him just fine when he was just a dude with a bird sitting in front of a camera in his home. Once he switched to being on a soundstage with props, it started feeling less sincere and more sterile.

He needs to go back to game related content. His last video the Disney Bootlegs was 13 months ago.

uhh ????

Old JonTron was better. Bow it feels less like a passion project and more like a product.

during the after he left game grumps but before he started "Season 2"

between Hercules and the one before hercules, I forget what it was.

He killed his own career by going full alt-right retard without actually understanding how to argue his point.

It's pretty easy to go on there and just point out the economic and social nightmare of absorbing such large swathes of another country's populace no questions asked, but Jon didn't even attempt to do any research beyond Sup Forums's talking points. Destiny was always going to win on neutral grounds because he had the "moral high ground." You can't just regurgitate Sup Forums and Steven Crowder and expect that bullshit to fly.

>culture is based on racetron

I thought he was just a bandwagoning contrarian idiot until he said the above

pick one

Nope, that's just his usual update schedule. Can't believe people are subscribed to him, honestly. He's always been inconsistent.


how does this dude even have any money left

Can someone explain what happened? Got no clue but interested

Rich parents

he's just waiting for Disney to release the Han Solo movie so he can jew it up for cash

>obviously spent a week on Sup Forums
>has immigrant parents
>isn't white
This is a legitimate example of a cuckold wagging his tail for acceptance from stormfags. Imagine insulting your parents just to fit in

I miss John.

>reading comprehension
Pick one

Not to mention when he went and made a giant ass of himself live, he gained more subscribers than he lost.

He went full red pill and then suddenly all content from him stopped. I mean red pill in an emotional sense though, nothing he said was wrong but he did a horrible fucking job communicating his thoughts.

He's killing his own career by not uploading any new content. No one's fault but his own

He became redpilled

Elections happened and gave people two shitty options
He chose the less shitty one, however most people disagree with him
He starts watching youtubers like crowder, moneylux and sargon.
Starts making some right wing tweets
Sargon makes a open live stream to discuss politics with other youtubers
John joins up
Internet hates him
He doesnt budge and has fun with it
Keeps making Sup Forums Tier tweets
Keeps showing up on sargon and other youtubers streams
Eventually tries to argue with left wing solo instead of hiding under the skirt of other right wing youtubers
Fails miserable to put his points across and gets called a nazi
Releases a video explaiming his points better
Goes into hiatus

He's probably just taking this long to release his next video because he's renting a life-size animatronic T-Rex for a 6 second joke and a private island for the scene where he makes the funny face.

No it's a Sup Forums meme meaning jews

In South America and Spain we have a similar case with a dude called "muzska89". It's been a year and a half since his last update.

I do too man. His early stuff is his best and I wish he'd make stuff in that same style again.

>He deserves his career ruined, for having a different opinion

Sure reeks of gaf here

My sources say that he's been busy learning animatronics and building his own t-rex instead of renting one. It'll apparently replace the parrot in the videos, which unfortunately died from heart attack. The private island is already bought and paid. There's plans to build a jontron themed themepark there and all the future content will be filmed on that island. Mostly because it's easy to advertise the park that way while still making videos.

It's not from Sup Forums at all you fucking sheltered retard.

Someone post the twitch vods. This nigger is deluded

>advocates for the expulsion and destruction of non-whites in America

He was just a bad talker bro.

>all these dumbasses that think his career is dead

Are you faggots actually liberal or something? Only an idiotic liberal would think something like that warrants a career death. And even if you arent what is wrong with you? The dude lives in new york and doesnt like niggers, big fucking deal if you lived near them youd understand. By all means go wander detroit or nyc right now. I dare you.

>sand nigger thinks he's white and alt-right

this is too funny, shows how easily lead some people are by Sup Forums

He literally said some retarded shit about genepool that gave me second hand embarrassment. He drunk too much koolaid without assessing the shit he was reading.

1. his upload schedule is shit
2. This does not have a place of discussion here on Sup Forums.

All of that shit makes it worse tho.

He wasn't wrong, he just didn't know how to say it without coming off as a retard

Hide report and sage E celeb threads

Imagine being this retarded.

>this is too funny, shows how easily lead some people are by Sup Forums
If only people got their news from real networks, like CNN

t. Nasally voiced faggot from the twitch stream

Jon isn't very good at articulating his thoughts in a live setting, anybody who's watched Game Grumps knows this

I think he's 100% right tho

That being said I don't really care about his political opinions either way, I just want more content from him because I enjoy his style of comedy thoroughly

Not sure what you're referring to, but seriously have you ever heard counter points for any of the arguments was "trying" to make? We're told just to not talk about that shit, Jon realized that but didn't fully research shit before chimping out that he figured out the Jewish conspiracy.

Make a dumb looking faggot of yourself, you pay the price. Look at Shia Lebouf or however you spell it.

whoa, a bunch of disorganized schitzo-racist types are more reliable than dozens upon dozens of people with Journalism degrees and if they fuck up they actually face repercussions unlike Sup Forums

whatd'ya mean by that, Cletus?

>it's a guy hired by Disney tries dipping his toes into the alt-right despite being a minority himself and ends up blowing up on his face


Obviously he's better at scripting and performing the script.

Going on Destiny's stream was a mistake. Destiny has a very particular way of debating which anyone who knows how to debate can crush easily.

Watch his debate vs. Mr. Metokur and he's almost in tears by the end of it.

Jon isn't good at debate or articulate in live conversation. It's not his forte.

>whatd'ya mean by that, Cletus?
Doesn't mean shit when they're lying to you, does it? They're pushing an agenda, not telling anyone the news.

check his twitter dipshit

Holy fuck CTR really works overtime.

you'd throw a party if it was the other way around fgt

Even before his racist rambles he was basically dead.

>tweets that he isn't dead and is working on stuff
>tweet dated june 25th
He's not coming back.

Youtube celebrity shit doesnt belong here reported and sage

Jon's videos have been on a downhill anyway. If his next video isn't good he may as well be dead.

>e celeb thread
>fat pewdiepie at that

I've heard thousands, but they all get handwaved by the latest meme or whatever. Please. Sort yourself out, your life being shit isn't da j00s

>Even before his racist rambles
The Jews got to you hard, didn't they?

Surely you must realize that 2017 Sup Forums is a place where people who weren't raised by youtubers are in a stark minority, right? It's not even worth complaining about anymore.

Likely something like Starcade again

>Great Danes and Chihuahuas are the same species of animal
>We recognize there's difference between breeds

>e-celeb thread up for 2h+
>e-celeb that's barely Sup Forums related anymore

t. 14 year old from Sup Forums

Or just your average pol poster

Could one of you faggots actually say something meaningful? How am I wrong? Am I just racist and that's supposed to be a good enough answer? Look at human history and the real world and tell me he was wrong

I am getting the latest news from CNN. I am getting nothing but anti semitic fearmongering from Sup Forums. Shows how much you know.

>I am getting nothing but anti semitic fearmongering from Sup Forums. Shows how much you know.
Holy fuck they really did get to you, user I'm so sorry. I don't think it's curable at this stage.

Dogs aren't racist to each other though

So there's that

pretty sure the reason for thread was vidya related drama, and lack of update from it

basically game journalists pros group blacklisted him and hes been quiet, same with that VR dev they all declared was a white supremacists but wasnt really, after actual journalists looked into it

Ah, the IQ test, which is wholly based on socioeconomic variables rather than genetics. It really makes me wonder just how immigrants score higher in the tests when in a developed country. It really boggles my mind.

The worst part is that his style and humor has always been reddit humor.

is there anything more pathetic than a passable but still ultimately non-white chud catering to the Sup Forums audience?

You're stupid OP, You should've already stopped following his channel since the start of GG.

>was constantly going in and out of hiatus for years
>Sup Forums shits on him nonstop for being a lazy hack
>on the off chance that he does post something Sup Forums shits on it, claiming that his talent is all used up
>suddenly gets le redditpilled

h-hha! t-the jews got you too! Come to le Sup Forums my fellow BASED MAGAPEDE so we can brainwash you since it's impossible for anyone other than us bASED magapedes to have any independent thought

>e-celeb retard gets what's coming to him

good, fuck these faggot youtubers

>Why did John try to make bigger and better entertainment for Youtube?
John's one of the artists in the precarious situation Youtube has made for people there.

Look who's big now. Vloggers not any better than Pewdiepie. They don't do anything, their videos aren't hard, they aren't meaningful. Trash content. Whatever is the hottest meme being promoted all over the site like it's gold.

Now look at who's not doing well. Animators, people doing high production work, people who need to write a script to make their content work, actual creative people. If it takes effort, Youtube will throw you in the trash bin. I always figured that's where Jon and Erin must have disagreed, and why they must have parted ways. Jon wanted to actually do something and Erin wanted to coast on the Youtube gravy train. Sadly, Erin was right - Youtube never turned around and coasting is really the path to greatest reward.

So Jon invested into his show to try to gain more natural viewership, in the hopes he might wow some people. Problem is, a small studio can't compete with big television studios, so he won't be at quite their level and he won't wow people. If he does reach that level, it's expensive and Youtube won't innately pay for it all.

So he needs to rely on advertisers and fan support to fight an uphill battle. But what did he do? A rant about race and genetics. I mean holy shit, his whole livlihood was hanging by a thread and then he starts whining about black people or Muslims or whatever like they aren't also a completely valid and normal demo that he should be respectful towards.

Youtube won't support quality. Youtube HATES quality. So if you can live by doing quality, it means you're in a precarious situation and you need to protect it, invest into it, and be ready to move on to something else if it fails.

the human's history ends with you racebaiting in an anime website

>It really makes me wonder just how immigrants score higher in the tests when in a developed country. It really boggles my mind.
They don't?