Why does he hate Nintendo?

Why does he hate Nintendo?

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because he's married to himself

I don't hate Nintendo but I have no fun with their games and characters anymore.


No fucking way. That's his old lady? Jesus give me strength.

I don't think he hates Nintendo, that company just has a rabid fanbase that simply cannot avoid clickbait articles.

Because he's not a manchild

because he is fat also he as no soul

Because he can't make money off of reviewing their games.

He literally said that it's okay to pirate every single one of Nintendo's games, and let's be honest, people that hate Nintendo are far more rabid than the actual fanbase. Sup Forums is the perfect example of this.

Nintendo is the only one not to conform to the LGBT community and SJWs. No they just outright censor any kind of sexuality, regardless of sex.

Also that whole Creator's Program thing

Because they don't give him free games and limit his ad revenue

... Everyone hates Nintendo, OP.

Fire emblem has LGBT though

i don't know who that is but he sure looks like fat and retarded

>Because he can't make money off of reviewing their games.
All his videos are add free. He makes his money through patreon. He does not recieve money from youtube.

I hate the company, but still enjoy their games. I got disillusioned with Nintendo being the Disney of gaming long ago. They're greedy Jews like any mega corporation and I shouldn't have thought otherwise.

because he stood on a wii fit board and it snapped in half.


but everybody wants to fuck Link. They also made link a trap.

then explain why he bitches about it then

It's not the in your face kind of diversity though.

Fat whiny bitch detected

who is this and why should I care?

Because Nintendo aggressively claims all videos with Nintendo imagery on youtube, even when the videos fall clearly under fair use.

Granted, most youtubers who complain about it don't fall under fair use even if they think they do. But if I made legit review videos and Nintendo illegally claimed copyright ownership over my material, I'd be annoyed with them too.

in the censored english version?

It's the one thing that the cuck is right about. Shitendo is a shell of its former self and it should go third party on mobile to maybe survive.

his legit opinion is that twink gerudo link was offensive to trannies because they simplify being a woman to to having feminine features and wearing a top

i wish i was kidding

Because nintendo puts adds on his videos to make money off of him while he promised his patreons that his show will be add free.

We found out about it first from the Japanese releases.

>He literally said that it's okay to pirate every single one of Nintendo's games

Yeah, so? He has a point y'know. Greedy assholes companies deserve to pay for being kikes. I've pirated from Nintendo plenty of times.

>people that hate Nintendo are far more rabid than the actual fanbase. Sup Forums is the perfect example of this.
Gematsu would be the perfect example of this, Sup Forums is trolls trolling trolls.

>I got disillusioned with Nintendo being the Disney of gaming long ago.
>They're greedy Jews like any mega corporation

That sound EXACT like Disney

is it next level cuckoldry to have to take care of someone else's child?


uh user ANY company can claim copyright if they want and if they own it rightfully.

>treating piracy as anything other than a way to get free shit

the TAKE THAT mentality is a fucking meme

kids should be loved, it's not their fault if their real parents are failures

Nintendo won't let him monetize their games on YouTube.

>the fallout 4 video where he admits he's a literal cuck
>BOTW is a 7 and MW3 is a 9.5
>anytime anyone criticizes his style of "argument" he just says "its just a character chill bro XD"
why does anyone pay attention to him?

>greedy asshole kikes

how does this make them any different from any other video game company?

yuri/yaoi is not gay fuck off

But they don't own the material rightfully when it falls under fair use. That's the point.


I probably should've added 'when I was a kid' somewhere in it. I use Disney because of course it's the most 'magical' thing in the world. But in reality they're FAR worst than the big N.

No, Sup Forums is a bunch of unfunny faggots constantly forcing the same tired old memes day in and day out, making idiotic posts in every single thread, hating on anything and everything with no rhyme or reason, and generally acting like autistic spergs so they can see that little red dot appear in the middle of the clovers in their tabs. This place is literally no better than Reddit, Twitter, or Facebook. (You)s are the Sup Forums equivalent of likes/upvotes.

Nintendo will never, ever reward or vouch for you because you defended them. Put your infantile efforts into perspective.

More importantly Nintendo actually is pretty anti-consumerist and the Switch their most retardedly engineered hardware unit since the Virtual Boy plus they haven't made good games in over a decade.

Refer to the first part of the post of you think you're upset after reading that last part.

That sound like you have reading comprehension problems.

He doesn't monetize his own videos.

>MW3 is a 9.5

I fucking hate this review NOT because he gave it a high score but WHY he gave it a high score. Yeah the campaign is great but the multiplayer was absolute dogshit and he completely ignored that aspect because he doesn't play COD multiplayer. He reviewed a game without acknowledging all aspects of a game.

say what you will about Jim he was 100% right about Nintendo fanboys and they always totally prove his point.

He hates Konami more

Nintendo doesn't deserve all the praise it gets but Jim is also a massive cuck. Someone here linked a video once and I don't get how anyone actually watches him.

there is much worse
he gave dead rising 4 an 8
and Sup Forums still thinks this guy is credible

Anyone who posts wojaks should be lined up and shot

because he's BORN DIFFERENT

That's why Nintendo does it for him

>blaming nintendo for making money instead of blaming youtube for ALLOWING them to make money in the first place

proof of jim being disingenuous solely because he has an axe to grind with nintendo. Also I call bullshit on his BOTW review because he had his token girl (male) friend play the hard parts

Reminder no matter how much you shitpost Nintendo will not go bankrupt

Yeah... But now I feel like I have a motive. Like there's a reason for me to steal with repercussion. Sorta like Robin Hood, but not really. I steal from the rich only to selfishly benefit myself and others like me.

Actually I'm nothing like Robin Hood, I'm just a thief who hates Nintendo as a company.


Seriously, why should we care about this fucker?

yup, i feel the same way about his botw review. i love the game but i can see why some people don't like it as much, but his reasons were retarded, like how he hates the durability system simply for being a durability system, and he does no analysis of the combat, shrines, or anything
is the humble bundle worth it for someone whose never played a dead rising game before

Because they won't give him add money


What the fuck? That game did not deserve anything more than a 7

I think he gave fallout 4 a 9 too

Don't worry Jimmy everything is ok now. You can tell me where the evil nintendo man touched you, he can't do bad things to you anymore I promise.

konami is old hat now though. we expect them to fuck up so anytime they do something it is no longer a surprise or shock.

Because he likes games

He doesn't monetize his own videos. He doesn't make money off of youtube.

>Seriously, why should we care about this fucker?


You just answered your own question, user.

>thinking he is LE EPIC THIEF from stealing bit and numbers

you were never going to buy it anyway. you aren't a lost sale from nintendo.

Why do people listen to a guy who has a podium covered in toys? Specifically, fucking Boglins that smelled like complete shit from the decaying rubber.

He's a contrarian fat fuck who will say anything for clicks. If he died tomorrow the world would be a better place.

>like how he hates the durability system simply for being a durability system
So you saying that Jim is worse then Joe? Because Joe at least said why he disliked the durability system, stuff broke to easily.

Yeah, they own Pokemon™ and manchildren keep them nice and warm no matter what they do.

All content creators hate Nintendo because their policies are bullshit on youtube and twitch

Ow the edge

There's been an abnormally high amount of threads with the sole purpose of shitting on Nintendo lately, I swear there are seriously like a dozen of these same threads every single hour.

>He's a contrarian fat fuck who will say anything for clicks.

In other words, one of us. Now you know why he's so popular around here.

>Having feminine features and wearing a top is not enough to be a tranny!
>You need to be mentally ill as well!


Just the usual crop of Wojaktards flinging shit at something in hopes that it fails. Business as usual. They can't help themselves.

Leddit is having a massive tantrum over the app not being up to their standards, it's spilling over.

Because he was sodomized as a child

Because they don't let him make more money

you were never going to buy it anyway.

Bought every Nintendo product from the Gamecube upward until the Wii U. Stopped giving a shit about Nintendo when the Switch dropped, but started resenting them during the Wii U era as well. I've pirated games from them before, as well as bought direct from Nintendo stuff.

I'm not spending a dime on the Nintendo Switch. I'd rather wait until all the games are on my PC in a few years.

the app is absolute draconian bullshit though. All because nintendo had to be bleeding hearts for the chillns.

I feel like it started after this year's E3. I don't remember nearly the same amount of those types of threads before. Wojaks have definitely seen a dramatic overuse.

>I'd rather wait until all the games are on my iPhone in a few years.

Fixed that for you, my friend. No need to thank me. Just don't make that mistake again.

And? Sup Forums shits om everyone. Don't think Nintendo is exempt from it.

What app?

>bought Wii U stuff
>didn't buy Switch


>underpowered, childish, underpowered, gimmicks, refusing to make new ip, underpowered, no mature games, underpowered, overpriced, underpowered.
Nintendo deserve death

the voice chat meme system

H-he didn't give BotW 10/10! B-based...!


Considering how many threads even featuring anything remotely Nintendo related get flooded with shitposts, it's gotten way out of hand.
And don't even act like like any other company has gotten this same treatment as of late, especially on Sup Forums.


I genuinely wish newfags would stop saying this.


GameXplain comment section is that way good sir.

So don't review those games?

Oh gee what a problem!

The Amazing Atheist of video games

>change his identity to appease the new public
>mostly only focuses on clickbaity shit to get over
>vain as fuck and love to hear themselves talk
>no shame whatsoever