How to fix Giant Bomb:
>Move Vinny and Abby to the west coast
>Send Ben to New York
>Trap Alex, Dan and Ben in the studio and set it on fire
>Livestream it
How to fix Giant Bomb:
vinny doing control room shit when abby should be there is cancer
You're missing a solution to Jason's incompetence.
By the time he switched to the right feed during the livestream there'd be nothing to see but charred remains.
It's impossible to fix, all of them are too complacent and their bootlicking brown nose of a community only enables their laziness, there was even a preemptive ben internet defense force even on his first video and it's even more. Ever since the new hires, I found that I have been skipping more and more quicklooks and eventually I just unsub and move on...
no, just fire him, hes worthless, and contributes nothing to podcast, doesnt say ANYTHING , also failing to do basic control room stuff all the time
even on live streams failing to switch over
how about you stop watching these attention whore reddit tier faggots
>problem solved
GB really is the worst its been in a while.
Jeff is fine, Vinny is fine.
>Jason is incompetent and whiny
>Bens vocal roast and melting face are fucking terrible
>Dan is fucking dan
>Alex is a void of charisma
I don't even know why I'm still paying money for this shit.
Agree with all of it except Dan.
I used to hate Dan too, but his stupid opinions are entertaining, and I enjoy the banter he causes.
i just cant stand him
kek if they fire him they would not have any video content for half a year and they need to to find a new person, we all know how slow and lazy these fuckers work so whatever decision they make it's going to take forever
he is the fucking worst, he's more boring than wall paint
>open any quicklook with him
>there is always a ton of comments about how ben is "great" and "funny"
why the fuck is the GB community such cucks? who the fuck would consider ben interesting let alone funny?
Abandon ship and find something new. They'll only start looking inward and making changes (firing Ben) when people start leaving in droves.
>why the fuck is the GB community such cucks? who the fuck would consider ben interesting let alone funny?
People who pay to watch fat nerds play video games because they have no actual friends. It's like RLM but for gamers.
Endurance Run Persona 5 with Ben and Alex. Would you watch it?
>get fired from gamespot for not knowing game journalists are glorified blogging advertisers
>start podcast with obese friend and skinny brad
>get purchased and funded by jew
>jew shits on company with millennial trash sites
>jew shits on you harder by moving you to a brick dungeon
>jew shits on you even harder by hiring mentally ill leftist trash
>obese friend dies
>brad gets fat
>site goes to shit
>site gets infested with leftist trash
>jew takes a monster shit on you by selling you back to gamespot
I can't wait until they make a movie out of Gerstmann's life and name it Just.
>fuck dan
>haha i love abby btw
Why are you cucks still frequenting Giant Bomb? Ryan was the only humor and fun there and he's gone. Jeff is chronically depressed and only came to life when Ryan was around. Brad was only interesting when Ryan kept the atmosphere casual and not SJW fascistic.
They peaked at the Sausalito office and went down hill ever since Tested and the rest of those millennial bait shit satellite sites joined in.
Fuck off retard, stop using that word to like it means 'likes what I don't'
I've never seen someone be so wrong, so much.
Nice buzzwords, retard
Aww, did someone hurt your feefees by making fun of your fetish?
Jeff is great
Vinny is great
Dan is a 35 year old boy
Jason seems nice but he's the world's most boring man
Abby is a token hire. Adds nothing to the mix
Ben is a fucking void of humour, and tries REALLY HARD to emulate Jeff
Alex should kill himself or just fuck off already
Rorie is a fucking faggot
Bring Vinny back West, team him with Brad and Jeff and send everyone else East
Nobody watches ANY East content because Alex pollutes it
>abby is a token hire
>adds nothing to the mix
Um, no sweetie, who would be making jokes about rotten vaginas if they didn't have a female comedian on the staff?
Whoah guys, calm down, it's only been a month since E3, they're all really tired of those couch talks and watching conferences.
Give them a break.
What am I looking at and why is it giving me the uncontrollable urge to strangle democrat manlets to death?
Didn't Dan tell her to fill her water on the Sunshine feature and she said "Where's water?"
Has she literally ever played a videogame?
Some of the E3 Giant Bomb's guests this year, booked by Jeff, Alex and Brad.
Has there been a single Quick Look recently that can match up to a Quick Look from the golden era? (2008-2010)?
The worst part of that was listening to how they all speak. Hearing the arrogance and contempt they have for everyone that isn't in their little cult. I can't imagine living like that.
I didn't mind Ben at first but the way he talks in sarcasm and irony 100% of the time is getting a little annoying.
bring back the powerbombcast
its clear that jeff cant go a week without rambling about jeff jarrett or some other retarded shit. i guess dan rubbed off too hard on him.
I quit watching these fags a long while ago.
Who is abby? Did they finally cave in and hired a FEMALE. Trannies don't count.
>Kill everyone on that couch.
Isn't Jeff a massive SJW and Hillaryshill?
they all are.
Tested/GB Whisky era was really fun, too, in hindsight. I even followed Tested after they left and partnered with mythbusters. It's crazy to think of what Giantbomb would have been if they'd done the same thing with the Jonah Hill partner offer. would it be better or worse than right now? I can't imaging it being much worse.
>Will Smith getting audibly pissed off at Ben during the Star Trek Bridge Crew Quick Look
>Ben going full asspergers and yelling at Will Smith in an attempt to be funny
They literally only hired her because she's a young woman. She doesn't play games, she has no chemistry with any of them, and is exactly what you'd expect from a "female" hire
>Ben during the 2DS XL opening
>Sooo... Where's the 3D? (repeat 30 more times, It will be funny eventually)
Oh my god, what the fuck, how can a person be that unfunny. How can a man beat Alex in being a charisma vacuum?
Came here to post this. He only has the sarcasm / irony mode, it's extremely annoying.
>let... me... talk... like... THIS... about... this... GAME... someone mentiooooned!
Reminder that this abomination is Ben's "partner"
>its an abby does some stupid impression that pokes its head out every 5 minutes during a beastcast episode
so are they trying to make her seem interesting with the improv stuff since she doesnt play games?
Have you seen Ben?
He's a fucking ugly cunt. Thank FUCK he shaved off that pedo stache. Still, someone with his genetics and obvious disabilities are beyond redemption
>Jonah Hill partner offer
Remember that time they bought into Allison Rapp saying that Nintendo fired her because "MUH GAMERGATE HARASSMEMT!!!" when they actually fired her for being a literal prostitute who made porno of herself in Nintendo cosplay?
Agreed 100% with you. If Abby has to be on the fire, too, so be it.
>Durr he's just pretending to be retarded
Also would like to know this.
No, I'm just sick of retards like you throwing about the word 'cuck' like tumblrcunts throw around any number of shit word that you'd probably make fun of them.
If you enjoy cucking so much that you have to use the word every other post, that's on your sad life, stop sharing it on this shit hole.
I can't tell if that's a man or a woman on the left. People who worship the democrat party are obsessed with dressing like retards, wearing idiotic glasses, dying their hair unnatural colors and in the case of women, often cutting it in masculine styles.
Seriously, is that some 3rd wave feminist trash on the left or some oven fodder numale?
>Drew left the sunk boat and is now being paid to travel the world
Lucky bastard.
Get Vinny, Jeff G., Jeff B., and Dan in the same room. Perfect cast.
>I used to hate Dan too, but
You can stop right there. Danfans are getting more creative with their shit excuses to justify his unfunny ass.
Misinformed retard spotted
Don't even know who you're referring to when you talk about the Jew, but GB wasn't sold to Gamespot. It belongs to CBS, which also happens to own Gamespot. It doesn't mean they're at all connected. Certainly doesn't mean one owns the other.
Abby is more tolerable than Dan
Brad needs to be trapped in the East Coast inferno as well.
Was Alex always this much of a virtue signaller? I feel like he's got worse since Patrick left.
>Was Alex always this much of a virtue signaller?
Yes he was. He seems to be one of the only guys who still seems to enjoy games funnily enough though.
Who else enjoys games? Dan doesn't count because he's braindead.
I don't know what's worse with their Mario Sunshine streams, them playing, them talking about the game, or the chat talking about the game
Their betting system is not even that good
Life is pain
Jeff mentioned it a long time ago when talking about moving to the gs offices. Basically the same company that bought tested offered a similar celebrity treatment featuring Jonah Hill.
>Watching East content when there's Alex and Dan involved
You deserve the pain you get
Honestly? Put Dan and Drew back to west. It was the golden age of Giant Bomb.
Abby is pleasant, there's nothing really offensive about her nor is there anything that spectacular. She's like the less-attractive female version of Drew, which is sort of what they hired her for.
What they need to do is hire Bakalar, he's better than most of the current GB crew and he's wasted doing whatever shit he does for Cnet.
I will never understand the issue with Dan.
>there are people who think post ryans wedding giant bomb is good
Me neither. This is just like that time in Rocky 4 when the Russians hated Rocky because he was American. But in the end they ended up liking them which is what will happen eventually with Dan.
Ryan was shit, enough time has been passed so we don't have to be nice about it anymore.
The beginning of the end for GB was when Patrick joined, then it died when Ryan died, then the final nail in the coffin was when Vinny left the main office for NY. Anything past that isn't even worth talking about.
Dan is like a real-life sitcom character the problem is you get sick and tired of him not knowing fucking jack shit about anything outside of wrestling, fast food and some video games. Like he's ensconced in nerd shit his entire life but barely knows anything beyond what a 60-year-old woman would and so he has to ask about it, and that's just nerd shit....most things in life are a puzzle to him so everything becomes question time with Dan.
No seriously what's your issue? The group NEEDS a Dan, he's a different voice but isn't shitty like pat,austin,Ben, abby.
Without Dan it'd be way more boring. But now Jeff has, or had, someone to shit on and who pushed for more content.
The Vinny/Dan fireball thing is great.
But Ryan/Jeff and Ryan/Vinny made up some of the best quicklooks.
So your whole thing is the idea of someone not knowing something and asking questions triggers you?
Nice fagwords, fag
When someone does it every five seconds, yes.
Dan doesn't add anything except asking if something is like that scene from an 80's movie, or something he saw from wrestling. It's funny once but it's always the same thing with him.
you forgot taco bell
dude these guys fucking suck at video games, stop paying attention to them so they just fade away into obscurity
>sunday is the first day of the week
Was he right?
Who was that one tranny they had on the Bombcast? She was ok and Dan seemed like he wanted to fuck it.
>Alex is gone for a couple of the beastcasts
>suddenly everyone is looser and having a fantastic time
>Best episodes of the podcast yet
The easts's ONLY problem is Alex.
Sunday is the last day of the week, it's the second (and final) day of the WEEK-END.
Wait Dan is permanently East?
this desu. Alex is insufferable 70% of the time and boring the rest.
Yes. He never stays in one place too long, 4 years in east and he will move on to some other workplace. GameInformer was his dream job yet he was there only a few years.
Look at that fucking ipswith-mongo. Fuck.
I wonder if he could hide his mouthbreather jaw if he grew a big beard.
Yeah but now he's married and moved in to New York. Seems like he might be there for the long haul.
>Anything involving Dan
>Golden age
>Things would be less insufferable without Dan around here to save us. T-t-t-trust me
Classic Danfag line
Nah. Dan is bad enough that he ruins the podcast even when Alex isn't around.
I want to fuck Abby
i don't even know what this is but it makes me angry
how to fix giant bomb
West is DotA and MonHun central now, deal with it you old fuck
Despite what contrarians believe, Dan was actually the driving force between GB, the site was essentially dead before he came in to save it with Mario Party Party, Demo Derby and Metal Gear Scanlon. Now the site is dead again, no content or effort in anything, UPFs too are a snoozefest without him.
You have to listen to 24 hours of uninterrupted queefing pumped directly into your brain and then fight Vinny.
Why MonHun?