I will leave this here

I will leave this here.


Good thread OP

video games thread?

Is that the entire Switch library?

>bloating the list by adding """games""" like Uncharted, GOW and other garbage
Come on senpai


Why would I be butthurt about world of goo and neogeo whatever?


What the fuck is that thing?

I don't know, you tell me

Your average Splatoon player



the only game you'll ever need

Ant Bully was kino

>also on PC
>pretentious game ever
>who cares
>not pokemon
>who cares
>another remastered
>who cares
>weebshit also on PC
>graphics looks like ps2 game
>dlc of a movie
>who cares
>you may need to wait for years for this game to be translated
>not pokemon
>another not pokemon
>gay boys band also multiplatform
>TLoU reskin
>weebshit also on PC and PS3
>racing game
>bad framerate for muh cinematic experience
>only good exclusive
>weebshit also on PS3
>who cares
>lmao gundam
>weebshit with big boobs bait
>who cares
>also on PS3
>lmao gundam
>not dark souls
>sjw shit
>racing game
>horror movie
>not minecraft
>action movie
>zombie movie

I haven't seen it. What's it about? A guy that bullies ants? Or an ant that is a bully?

>the only game you'll ever need
...until you get bored after the first playthrough.

A kid who used to treat ants like shit gets shrunken down to their size and becomes one of them

A kid gets shrinked by ant magic and has learn how to live the way of an ant.

holy shit is that real?

That sounds great.

>holy shit is that real?
I hope you're sarcastically questioning whether or not it's possible to get bored of Bloodborne and not literally asking whether a black man turning into a fighter jet is real.

>someone took the time to type this all out

>u mad?-tier responses
At least put some modicum of effort into your shitposting.

>a few multiplats
>generic weeb shit
Only a few actual good games on that list, user.

Ps4 is a good system with nice Japanese games that compliment my PC very nicely. I'm quite satisfied with my purchase.


I unironically consider non ps4 owners subhuman

I have a PS4 but I consider Sonybros subhumans

>Sony bronies gets filtered now
Good job mods, now maybe you should actually fix the fucking problem.

What'sTumble seed about?
Never heard of it

>SJW shit
Nice arguments user

>mods are redditors who delete video game threads and ignore youtuber garbage and twitter threads
>they also ban you for criticizing nintendo
really flushes my toilet

The PS4 didn't launch with one game

Best showcase of HDRumble. It's a fun little roguelike twinstick game where you roll the seed along a paddle by titlting it up a mountain. Goal is to make it to the top. YOu get upgrades that only last per run. It was a fun little purchase at first, but now i'm waiting for the update before I touch it again.

OFf the top of my head it's missing Isaac, Blaster Master: Zero, and Disgaea 5 - some major staples of Early switch owners.

You're right - none of it's launch games were as exciting as BOTW.

I love this image because it makes the PS4 look just as worth it as the switch. Left to right descending order...
>DanganRonpa v3 is on vita too
>RDR2 is on xbox one
>death stranding is probably not until 2019 or 2020
>DQXI is on 3ds and soon switch
>Gravity Rush is a psv port
>Miku is on PSVita too
>we all know Crash is a timed exclusive
>KH 1.5 , 2.5, and 2.8 are ports you can buy elsewhere
>literal who on PS3
>Nier is on PC
>literal who on PC
>DQHeroesII is on Switch and PC
>FFXV is on Xbox
>Berseria is on XBOX and PC
>P5 is on PS3
>Isn't odin sphere on psvita?
I give up but you get the point PS4 has like 7 games you can't get elsewhere and it's been like 3 years.

>Isn't odin sphere on psvita?

To be more precise, it's a PS3/PS4/Vita remaster of a PS2 game.

Like Uncharted 4, right?

> PS4 has like 7 games you can't get elsewhere

It actually has 397.

>tfw you realize almost everything is also on PC or Vita
I'm glad i didn't fall for it.